18: Oooh, Sneaking Into A Pool, How Edgy™

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The days of summer were passing by faster than Angelo wanted them to be. It had just been another couple days, but still, he felt that time was moving just a bit too quickly. Before he knew it, he would be having to go home, too. But, again, that wasn't what he wanted to be thinking about right now. It was a bit too soon to worry about that.

Ryan was already outside of Kuza's apartment building by the time midnight struck, waiting for Angelo, who he had texted just moments previously, to come meet him out there. The younger boy stepped out just a minute later, smiling a bit when he saw Ryan.

"I've got the bathing suit you asked me to bring," he said, walking up to Ryan. "What am I gonna need that for?" Angelo asked curiously.

"You'll see," Ryan chuckled.

"Come on, you never tell me where we're going," Angelo whined.

"Hey, you said you were okay with surprises," Ryan said, jokingly putting his hands up. "And, I did tell you what we were doing last time."

"Whatever," Angelo replied, trying to hold back a smile as Ryan pulled him closer to him.

"Come on, let's get in the truck," Ryan said, his arm still around Angelo. "We don't wanna waste any time just waiting around, do we?"

"Of course not," Angelo responded. "Let's get moving."


By the time Ryan parked the truck, the two of them were on the other side of town. From what Angelo could tell, they were in front of a few houses that were on the larger side of things. One of them looked pretty familiar to Angelo, as well. After thinking for a moment, he recognized it as the home Chris' party was hosted in.

"You don't live here, do you?" Angelo inquired, eyeing all the homes.

"Oh, no, of course not," Ryan replied, laughing lightly. "But, Chris lives in this neighborhood, he splits the bills and shit with a couple housemates."

"Gotcha," Angelo nodded. "So, we're sneaking into Chris' pool?"

"Oh, no," Ryan shook his head. "Chris doesn't even have a pool. We're sneaking into his neighbors' pool."

"Are you sure we're gonna get away with that?" Angelo questioned, nervously biting his lip.

"Of course we are," Ryan scoffed. "Trust me, Ange, I've snuck in here with the other guys more than once before, and we made it out every time without getting caught by anyone."

"Whatever you say," Angelo exhaled.

"Listen, they're barely ever even home, they're always off on some sort of trip. The idiots don't even have any sort of security outside of the house, we'll be fine," Ryan assured him, hopping out of the truck. Angelo followed him, of course, the pair making their way to the driveway of the house Ryan had been talking about.

"The pool's right behind the house," Ryan told the younger boy, who simply nodded in reply.

The two of them made their way to the back areas of the house, revealing the rather large pool that laid behind it. The water was extremely clear, making it obvious that the home owners kept it well cleaned, regardless of how often they were gone.

"I'll be back in a second," Ryan said. "I'm gonna turn the pool lights on."

Angelo nodded, rolling his eyes a bit. That statement alone made it clear that Ryan had been here many times before. He already knew how and where to turn on the pool lights.

There was a side door to the garage, which didn't have a lock built in. The owners apparently weren't smart enough to put one on, either. Ryan slipped in there with ease, quickly finding the little remote used for outdoor lighting. Thanks to Chris, he knew his way around the place. He pushed a button, turning the small lights on the edge of the pool on, lighting up the water. He then returned to Angelo, a smirk spread across his face.

"Where do you expect me to change into this?" Angelo asked, holding up his swimsuit. "And before you suggest it, I'm not gonna sneak my way into the garage," he added with a chuckle.

"Right over there, by the garage," Ryan replied. "Nobody could see you from there. Not that anybody's awake right now, though."

"Alright, fine," Angelo responded. "But I better not catch you looking."

"I won't," Ryan replied, laughing a bit.

Ryan, having already had this planned beforehand, already had his swimsuit on. He stripped himself of his shirt, his back turned as Angelo changed. Angelo was quickly back by Ryan's side, his clothes tossed to the side of the pool, along with Ryan's shirt.

Ryan was the first to get in the pool, of course, having snuck in there before. He jumped in from the side, splashing Angelo a bit as he did so, making the younger boy giggle.

"Come on in, the pool's heated, the water's nice," Ryan told him.

"I'm working on it," Angelo chuckled.

Angelo, being the less daring of the two, used the ladder to get into the pool. Once he was fully in the water, he made his way over to Ryan.

"So, what now?" Angelo asked.

"I think I've got an idea," Ryan replied with a smirk. "Hold your breath, babe."

Angelo decided not to question it, holding his breath for the older boy. Ryan quickly took Angelo's face in his hands, dunking both of them below the surface of the water. He then brought Angelo's lips to his own, kissing him gently.

"Yet another thing we'll have to add to our cliché list when we get to it," Angelo commented as they came up for air, a short laugh leaving his lips.

"You know it," Ryan responded, laughing along with the younger boy.

Ryan pulled Angelo closer, kissing him yet again. As they pulled away from each other, though, Angelo splashed him with the water, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, you are so gonna get it," Ryan said with a laugh, splashing the younger boy back.

The pair continued to splash at each other, laughing as they did so. Ryan finally got close to Angelo once again, grabbing his arms as gently as he could, then brought him in for another kiss under the moonlight.

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