19: Ghauro Is Such A Great Ship, Please Ship Ghauro

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That same night, while Ryan and Angelo were acting like idiots in a pool that wasn't even theirs, Vinny and Devin were both up later than usual. They were having a little virtual date, about to watch some movies together. The pair were using a software that allowed them to watch movies at the same time, with a facecam included.

The two of them had already watched a couple horror movies together, Vinny almost falling off of his bed a couple times, making Devin laugh on the other side of the screen. They probably would've continued their little horror movie marathon for the rest of the night, if it wasn't for Devin speaking up after their second movie ended.

"You know, I think we should watch a rom-com," Devin said with a chuckle.

"Seriously?" Vinny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah," Devin responded. "Rom-coms are practically essentials for movie dates. That is what this is, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah, of course it is," Vinny replied quickly.

"And besides, I think you could use a break from getting so scared," Devin teased him.

"I haven't been getting scared," Vinny protested, crossing his arms.

"Vin, you spilled your popcorn once during the first movie because you were jumping so much, and during this last one, you almost fell off your bed," Devin said, laughing.

"Whatever," Vinny grumbled.

"Hey, don't fret about it," Devin told him. "I, for one, though it was cute."

"Whatever," Vinny repeated, sighing a bit. "Did you have any movies in mind, Dev? For the oh so important date essential romance?"

"Hey, I said a romantic comedy, not necessarily a full-on romance movie," Devin argued. "Let's go with 500 Days Of Summer."

"I'm surprised you didn't go with The fucking Notebook," Vinny snickered.

"Please, I'm not gonna be that cliche," Devin chuckled.

"Good," Vinny replied. "That would be Ryan's job, anyway."

"So, are we gonna get this movie started, or what?" Devin asked.

"Fine," Vinny sighed. "But only because you asked."

"Thanks, Vin," Devin said with an airy laugh.


"You know, it would be nice to actually be there with you right now," Devin sighed. "Then we could cuddle and shit."

"You wanna cuddle with me?" Vinny questioned with a little grin.

"Yeah," Devin nodded. "I mean, I'm always up for some good snuggling, personally," he chuckled.

"Come on, the movie's almost over, isn't it?" Vinny asked. "I think you can make it through without my arms around you," he joked.

"Uh, who said that I would be in your arms?" Devin responded, laughing a bit. "You're smaller than me, I think it would be the other way around."

"Making fun of my height now, are we?" Vinny inquired jokingly.

"Of course," Devin laughed.

"Maybe for our next date, we should fight to the death," Vinny responded, laughing along.

"You see, the only problem with that is that we can't do it virtually," Devin replied. "And, it's not like either of us can fly across the country out of nowhere, either."

"Looks like we'll have to settle for things like this for now then, huh?" Vinny asked.

"Yep," Devin nodded.

"You know, now that I think about the fact that we're barely gonna get to see each other in real life, I suppose cuddling with you would be nice right about now," Vinny told him.

"Yeah, you can say that again," Devin said with a sigh. "You know what we should watch next?"

"What?" Vinny questioned.

"Mean Girls," Devin answered with a smirk.

"Ugh, really?" Vinny groaned.

"Yeah," Devin chuckled. "Come on, please?"

"I can't believe you're about to force me to watch Mean Girls with you," Vinny said, shaking his head slightly.

"No one's forcing you, you just don't wanna leave me alone," Devin smirked.

"Well, I mean, you aren't wrong," Vinny replied.

"So, I take it you're gonna watch it with me?" Devin smiled.

"Yeah, I am," Vinny exhaled. "As long as I can pick the next movie."

"Deal," Devin nodded.


Devin was the first to fall asleep. Vinny stayed awake for a little while after that, watching the other boy, even though it did seem a bit creepish. Devin looked so peaceful when he slept, still maintaining his beauty.

Vinny would have turned off the software, and then turned off his laptop, but he decided he didn't want Devin's feelings to be hurt if he woke up to an empty screen. So, he simply moved his laptop a bit, so that he could still be seen, and laid down, falling asleep within mere minutes.

Not only was Devin the first to fall asleep, but he was also the first one to wake up in the morning. He sat up a little bit as he awoke, but he didn't really need to move much, considering he had fallen asleep in the same position he had been watching movies in. He smiled as he gazed at his laptop screen, seeing that Vinny was still there. He was asleep, of course, but he never had left, even after Devin had fallen asleep. That was endearing to him.

Devin got out of bed, leaving a quick little note on his pillow for Vinny, in case he woke up while he was downstairs. He then headed down to the kitchen to get himself a bowl of cereal. He took a couple bites, then he felt his phone vibrate in the pocket of his shorts.

Vin 💖: making breakfast?

Devin rolled his eyes a bit, taking another spoonful of his cereal into his mouth before typing a response.

Dev 👑: yep, im guessing you woke up to my note?

Vin 💖: yeah

Vin 💖: i guess now would be a good time for a cute good morning text so

Vin 💖: good morning ☀️

Devin laughed lightly at Vinny's idea of a cute good morning message, typing out a reply.

Dev 👑: you know, it was nice to wake up and see you were still there

Vin 💖: yeah?

Dev 👑: yeah

Vin 💖: i wouldnt mind seeing you first thing when i woke up either

Dev 👑: really?

Vin 💖: really

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