21: Okay But This Chapter Turned Out Cuter Than I Thought It Would

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The next night, Ryan brought Angelo back down to the beach again. Of course, he knew the location would soon become a bit dull and boring, but he was at least smart enough to give the two of them something different to do each time they showed up there.

"What is it with you and the beach here?" Angelo inquired jokingly as they walked down to the beach.

"Well, I grew up around here," Ryan started. "My parents used to bring me here all the time when I was a little kid, and I always loved it. It just kinda stuck I guess. Although, I do like it better there at night. It's much more peaceful."

"Well, you sure as hell aren't wrong about that," Angelo chuckled. "So, what are we gonna do down there this time?"

"You'll see when we get there," Ryan replied.

"Again with that? Really?" Angelo groaned, making the older boy laugh.

As the pair approached the entrance to the beach, Angelo noticed two kites had been tied to the wooden fencing. "Is this what I'm supposed to see?" Angelo asked, looking at Ryan with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Yep," Ryan nodded.

"I've never flown a kite before," Angelo told him, speeding up his pace a bit.

"What?" Ryan asked. "You can't be serious about that. Everyone's flown a kite at least once as a kid."

"Not me," Angelo responded. "I mean, I always wanted to try it when I was younger, but, you know, my dad was always too busy with other, more important things to fly a kite with me. And, he thought that I should've been busy with other, more important things, too."

"Well, lucky for you, you're gonna get to fly one tonight," Ryan said, smiling at Angelo, who seemed to be getting more excited about flying a kite than he had expected.

Once the two of them reached the fence, Ryan untied Angelo's kite for him, handing it over to him. He then untied his own, and used his free hand to take Angelo's in his own, walking him down to the shoreline.

Luckily, there was already a bit of a breeze in the air that night. Ryan had picked a pretty good night for kite flying, if he did say so himself. He helped the younger boy get his kite ready for flying, then took care of his own.

As the breeze picked up, Angelo giddily watched his kite sway in the night sky. Ryan, on the other hand, was paying more attention to Angelo than his own kite in the air.

Angelo turned his head to look at Ryan after a few minutes, seeing that the older boy was still looking at him lovingly.

"Why do you always look at me like that?" Angelo inquired, chuckling a bit.

"Because I think you're a much better sight than any other sight we've gone to see," Ryan replied softly.

Angelo blushed upon hearing this, letting his hair fall into his face as he looked towards the sand beneath his feet, a small smile gracing his face. Ryan stepped closer to him them, gently picking his chin up with his fingers, looking him in the eye. He then moved his fingers to the hair in Angelo's face, brushing it back to where it belonged, before capturing the younger boy's lips in a kiss.

"Hey, could we do that thing where we, like, run with the kites and make them move quicker?" Angelo requested as they pulled away from each other.

"Sure," Ryan answered with a chuckle. "Whatever you want."

Angelo grinned, stepping back a bit, before taking off down the beach, his kite trailing behind him in the air. "Come on, come catch me!" Angelo giggled, quickly glancing behind him at the older boy.

"Oh, you're so on," Ryan snickered, beginning to chase after the younger boy, his kite still in his hand.

Ryan ran after Angelo, both of them laughing as the chase continued. After a little while, Angelo finally stopped at a large rock at the edge of the beach, catching his breath. It has been a while since he had been that physically active, after all. Ryan caught up to him there in no time, smirking as he walked up to the younger boy.

"I caught you," he said, stepping in front of Angelo, who was leaning against the rock.

"Yeah, yeah," Angelo responded, rolling his eyes.

Ryan leaned down, gently pushing Angelo against the rock as he kissed him. Angelo placed his free hand on Ryan's chest as they kissed, their lips seeming to fit perfectly together.

The two pulled away from each other after a few moments, the older of the pair helping Angelo up onto the rock so he was sitting on it. Ryan hauled himself onto it afterwards, sitting down next to Angelo, grasping his free hand gently. The younger boy laid his head on Ryan's shoulder, Ryan resting his head on top of Angelo's soon after.

"Who knew something so simple would excite you so much?" Ryan commented, watching both of their kites blow easily in the breeze.

"Well, I am a lover of the simple things," Angelo said softly, nuzzling up to Ryan even more.

"You seem tired," Ryan chuckled.

"Because I am," Angelo replied, giggling a bit.

"Oh, come on now, it's not even three o' clock yet," Ryan joked.

"I barely slept today, give me a break," Angelo whined.

Ryan laughed a bit yet again, tying his kite to a piece of fencing behind him, doing the same to Angelo's moments later.

"Hey, you didn't pull any cliché shit tonight," Angelo said to him, laughing a bit.

"I thought you deserved a break," Ryan responded, laughing along. "Come on, why don't we go back to the truck," he suggested quietly.

Angelo nodded in response, watching as Ryan hopped down from the rock. The older boy then helped him off of it, still holding his hand as they walked off the beach.

"I'm kinda surprised you didn't make me carry you back here," Ryan chuckled as they approached the truck.

"Oh, shut up," Angelo laughed, playfully smacking Ryan's arm.

"Make me," Ryan responded.

Angelo stopped walking then, bringing his arms up and resting them around Ryan's neck, pulling him in for a kiss, which did indeed make him shut up, for a few moments at least.

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