25: Seriously Though, Why Can't I Come Up With A Satsifying Chapter Title

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Angelo had decided that he liked staying nights at Ryan's place. After all, sleeping next to Ryan was better than just about anything, in Angelo's opinion.

Tonight, Ryan's little idea for the two of them was to spend the night playing board games. Of course, they could find something far more exciting to do, but this was enough for both of them. They had each other's company, and that was all they could ask for, really.

"What're we playing first?" Angelo questioned.

"Doesn't matter to me, you pick," Ryan responded.

"I mean, it doesn't really matter to me, either," Angelo shrugged.

"Stop making this harder than it needs to be," Ryan chuckled. "We've been standing here trying to decide what to play for too long. Just, grab something random, I guess."

Angelo nodded, reaching onto one of the shelves, grabbing the first game his hand landed on. Clue.

"Okay, that works," Ryan said, looking at the game the younger boy had grabbed.

"Good, I like this one," Angelo giggled.

The pair headed out to the living room, sitting down on the floor, placing the box between the two of them. After setting up the game board, taking care of the cards, and choosing their game pieces, they each rolled the dice to see who would take the first turn of the game.

Of course, Ryan ended up with the highest number out of the two of them, a triumphant smirk on his face as he rolled to take his first turn. He moved his piece into one of the rooms that he could make it to, then proceeded to make his guess.

"Um... Let's see... How about, Mr. Green, in... The dining room, with the dagger," Ryan guessed, after looking over his cards.

"Oh my God, you asshole," Angelo said, taking a look at his cards. "I don't have any of those."

"You don't?" Ryan asked, his smirk returning to his face.

"No," Angelo grumbled. "Here, check the envelope. Unless you fucked up somehow, those three should be in there."

Ryan took the three cards out of the small envelope used in the game, his smirk growing even wider when he realized that all three of his guessed had indeed been in the envelope. He had won a game, already.

"Looks like I won, babe," he chuckled, showing the cards to Angelo.

"Fucking really?" Angelo whined. "That wasn't even fair. You won on your first turn, within, like, thirty seconds," he pouted.

"Oh well," Ryan shrugged, still chuckling.

"I hate you," Angelo laughed, throwing his game piece at Ryan, causing it to hit him in the nose.

"Oh, you wanna go there?" He challenged in a joking manner.

"I do," Angelo replied, picking up one of the unused game pieces and chucking it at the older boy.

"Alright, you're on," Ryan responded, a grin on his face as he tossed his own game piece at Angelo.

Angelo simply laughed as the game piece hit him, picking up another one to throw back at Ryan. He loved doing stupid shit like this with the older boy, after all.


Later into the night, Ryan and Angelo had decided that they were getting sick of board games. Angelo had already almost fallen asleep once or twice, so Ryan decided now might be a good time to just head upstairs. He picked up the younger boy, and carried him upstairs, leaving him on the bed once he got him up there, just as he did a few days before.

"Do you want to leave those jeans on to sleep?" Ryan asked him.

Angelo shook his head in response. "You can take them off," he added.

"Can't you do it?" Ryan asked with an amused grin.

"Too tired," Angelo groaned.

Ryan rolled his eyes slightly, walking back over to Angelo, who was still in the exact same position Ryan had left him in. He unbuttoned and unzipped Angelo's jeans, pulling them off and tossing them on the floor for the time being, then let the younger boy get comfortable in the bed.

"Aren't you gonna come cuddle with me?" Angelo questioned, lifting his head slightly from the pillow.

"Of course I am, just give me a second," Ryan chuckled. He removed his own clothes, throwing a pair of sweatpants on, without a shirt, just as he had only nights before.

Ryan climbed under the covers with Angelo afterwards, the younger boy wrapping his arms around him right away, laying his head on his chest. "I love you, Ry," he spoke softly.

"I love you, too, Ange," Ryan responded. "You're cute when you're sleepy, you know."

Angelo mumbled an incoherent noise in response, nuzzling his face into Ryan's bare chest, making him laugh slightly.

"Well, I mean, you're cute all the time, but you're even cuter when you can barely keep your eyes open," Ryan continued.

Again, he couldn't understand Angelo's reply. The younger boy just squeezed Ryan tighter, as he got closer to falling asleep as each and every second passed by. Ryan began to stroke Angelo's dark hair, watching as his eyelids kept falling shut, and opening back up.

"Mmm, I like it when you do that," Angelo said with a sleepy smile.

"Yeah?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," Angelo responded. "It's really... Relaxing. Keep doing it."

"Okay," Ryan said, laughing slightly. "I wasn't planning on stopping."

"Good," Angelo replied, burying his face in Ryan's chest once more, still barely able to keep his eyelids from closing.

"You can go to sleep if you want," Ryan told him quietly. "I don't mind at all."

"No... I think I can make it... Another hour or two," Angelo replied.

"You sure?" Ryan inquired.

After not getting any response at all, Ryan figured out that Angelo was already asleep. He laughed a bit as he heard the soft sound of Angelo beginning to snore on his chest, still slowly stroking the younger boy's hair. After all, seemed to have helped him fall asleep in the first place. Once Ryan was sure that Angelo was definitely asleep, he gave into sleep himself, allowing his eyelids to finally slip shut for the night.

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