27: Remember Those Cliché Lists Mentioned In Chapter 16? Well Here They Are

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Before Angelo knew it, he only had about one week left before he had to go back home. By now, Ryan was getting to the end of his little list of date ideas, so, he decided to make a new list.

Well, actually, the new list was Angelo's idea. Rather than putting together a new list of date ideas, they would be putting together a list of all the cliché things Ryan had done since he had met Angelo.

"Well, I would say the whole 'love at first sight' deal was definitely a cliché thing," Angelo giggled.

"Hey, I never called it love at first sight," Ryan chuckled. "I just told you I couldn't stop thinking about you and your cute little laugh after you walked into me."

"Which is practically the same thing," Angelo argued.

"Fine, you win," Ryan joked. "You can put our first meeting on the list."

"You know, if our first meeting was a cliché, it kinda foreshadowed how the rest of our time together would go, huh?" Angelo said, writing the words 'when we first met' on his piece of paper. Ryan quickly peeked over at what Angelo had written, copying it onto his own paper, almost as if he was cheating on a test.

Ryan and Angelo each has separate pieces of paper for their lists. They wanted to write them out, then exchange them, so they had a little something to help them preserve the summer's memories better.

"I guess it did," Ryan responded. "What was next?"

"Well, I mean, talking all night is a bit of a cliché, and so are coffee shop romances, but I'll cut you some slack there," Angelo replied.

"Gee, thanks," Ryan said, chuckling a bit. "So then, that little walk along the beach would be the next one, right?"

"Yep," Angelo nodded. "In fact, I think that might just be one of the most cliché things you've done with me."

"I wouldn't bet on it," Ryan smirked. "We've done better."

"You've sure got a point there," Angelo replied, laughing a bit.

"So, our first actual date kind of thing was the park," Ryan said.

"Aw, you thought of that as a date, did you?" Angelo teased him.

"Like you didn't?" Ryan responded.

"Well, I mean, I wasn't sure," Angelo shrugged.

"Essentially, all the things we've done have been dates," Ryan told him. "At least, I considered them to be."

"I did, too, after the first couple nights," Angelo replied, placing his free hand over Ryan's on the table.

"Anyway, the park, cliché or not?" Ryan asked.

"I mean, I wouldn't say so," Angelo answered. "But the next night, with the shopping cart and the ice cream, that was a bit of a cliché."

The pair continued listing all their little dates, bickering back and forth a bit as they did so. They wrote each cliché one down as they did so.

"How about when I took you into the city?" Ryan spoke up. "Would you think that was a cliché thing to do?"

"I don't think so, no," Angelo said, shaking his head. "That night was my favorite one, too," he added softly.

"Yeah?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," Angelo smiled. "It... It was special."

Ryan smiled back at the younger boy, putting the pen he held in his hand down on the countertop. He placed his hand on Angelo's cheek, bringing him in for a quick kiss, before picking his own back up, ready to continue with his list. "So, what was our next cliché, then?"

"The kiss in the rain," Angelo chuckled, shaking his head slightly.

"Ah, right, how could I forget?" Ryan responded, chuckling along with the younger boy. "I really just wanted to make you come outside so we could do that."

"Because you're a cliché motherfucker," Angelo laughed. "I think we can both agree that kissing in the rain is one of the most cliché things to do in a relationship ever. It has to go on this list."

The two continued to laugh as they continued making their lists for each other. Of course, they weren't really even close to having them finished.

"Splitting the milkshake was a major cliché, too," Angelo said, writing it down on his paper, watching Ryan do the same.

"How about sneaking into that pool together?" Ryan questioned. "That wasn't one, was it?"

"No," Angelo replied, shaking his head. "Believe it or not, that was almost original," he said jokingly. "Keyword: almost. But, that little picnic dinner thing on the beach later that week was for sure a cliché."

"The kite flying wasn't though, right?" Ryan asked.

"No, I wouldn't think so," Angelo replied.

"What would be next, then?" Ryan inquired.

"The whole dinner and a movie thing, of course," Angelo giggled. "You said it yourself the night we went on that date."

"I know," Ryan chuckled. "I just wanted to make sure we weren't missing anything. Wouldn't want there to be any gaps in our list, now would we?"

"I guess we wouldn't," Angelo responded, smirking slightly. "I wanna be able to remember how cliché you are even when I'm sitting at home by myself. But, I think we finally made it to the end."

"Honestly, I'm kinda surprised there aren't anymore," Ryan said, chuckling a bit.

"Believe me, so am I," Angelo responded, laughing along.

The two left their lists on Ryan's kitchen counter then, heading into the living room and sitting down on the couch. Angelo's head found its way to its usual place on Ryan's shoulder as they sat down together, the older of the two picking up the TV remote, lazily surfing through the channels.

"I can't believe I'm gonna have to leave you in a week," Angelo sighed sadly.

"Hey, don't think about that right now, okay?" Ryan frowned, rubbing Angelo's back gently. "We're still with each other right now, and that's what matters right now, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Angelo replied, nuzzling his head into the crook of Ryan's neck. "I'm gonna miss this kind of thing, you know."

"Yeah," Ryan responded softly. "I am, too. But, let's not focus on next week right now, huh? Why don't we focus on this week instead?"

"Yeah, I think I like that better," Angelo replied.

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