29: Okay But This Whole Fic Is Just Ryan And Angelo Being Cute Together Oops

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(A/N: ah this was supposed to be out yesterday but it slipped my mind I'm sorry!!1!)

"Thank you for doing all this for me, Ry," Angelo said softly as the pair sat down to eat.

"It wasn't a problem at all," Ryan replied with a slight laugh. "I had to do a little something special for our last little date night."

"Did you really have to remind me that this is our last night together?" Angelo chuckled bitterly.

"Sorry," Ryan responded, giving the younger boy a sympathetic smile. "We've still got tonight, though. And tomorrow."

"I know, I know," Angelo exhaled. "It'll go by quick, though. Too quick."

"Come on, don't start being negative," Ryan said. "Let's just enjoy the time we've still got."

"Yeah," Angelo breathed out, nodding. "That would probably be a good idea."


Of course, Ryan brought Angelo back to his place once they were finished eating. The pair stayed at the top of building for a bit before they left, though, Angelo not being able to keep his eyes off of the view of the city surrounding the two of them.

The two of them showered together again when they returned, helping to scrub each other down the way they had the first time. Ryan was the first to leave the bathroom afterwards, leaving his clothes behind, on the floor. Angelo, however, stayed there to dry himself off.

After wringing his hair dry using his towel, Angelo's gaze dropped to the floor, where Ryan's clothes from earlier laid in a pile. Although their dinner date seemed to be set up in a fancy way, both of them had been wearing more casual clothes. Smiling, Angelo bent down to grab the t-shirt that Ryan had been wearing, deciding to put it on and wear it to bed. A smile still graced his face as he pulled the shirt over his head, Ryan's scent enveloping him, taking over his nostrils as he took a deep breath. The shirt was just the slightest bit too big on him, but it was comfortable, and that made Angelo enjoy it even more.

Angelo made his way to the older boy's bedroom after throwing his boxers back on, leaving himself in only those and Ryan's shirt. Ryan was already laying on the bed, with a pair of sweatpants on, and lacking a shirt. He turned his head as he heard Angelo stepping into the room, a small smile appearing on his face once he realized what the younger boy was now wearing.

"You know, my clothes look pretty damn good on you," Ryan chuckled. "You look cute. As always, of course."

"Thanks," Angelo responded, blushing a bit, a small grin still on his face.

Angelo hopped into bed next to the older boy, laying his head down on Ryan's shoulder. Ryan smiled warmly, wrapping an arm round the younger boy, pulling his body even closer to his own.

"I don't think I could ask for a better boyfriend than you," Angelo spoke up softly, placing one of his hands on Ryan's chest. "You treat me too well, you know."

"Well, Ange, I think you deserve more than you give yourself credit for," Ryan replied.

"I don't wanna leave you tomorrow," Angelo whined, pressing his cheek against Ryan's arm.

"I know," Ryan exhaled, rubbing the younger boy's back soothingly. "I don't want you to leave, either."

"We'll still stay together, right?" Angelo asked nervously.

"We'll make it work," Ryan nodded. "I can't lose you yet."

"Good," Angelo replied with a sigh of relief.

Ryan chuckled a bit in response, turning his head, meeting Angelo's lips with his own. "I love you, you know," he said quietly, resting his forehead against the younger boy's.

"I love you, too," Angelo responded, giving Ryan another kiss.

Angelo laid his head back down on Ryan's chest, the older boy kissing his forehead as he did so. Ryan began to slowly run his hand through Angelo's hair, causing him to hum in approval, smiling against Ryan's bare skin.

"You know," Ryan began after a few moments of silence, "I think you've made a lot of progress since you came to stay here."

"What do you mean?" Angelo asked him.

"Well, you told me you were scared to let yourself have fun, you were afraid of the future," Ryan replied. "And look at you now," he smiled. "You didn't even wanna come out here at the beginning of the summer, and now you don't wanna leave because you let yourself have a good time."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Angelo said, smiling back.

"And, you've even been doing pretty well with just worrying about the present rather than the future," Ryan added. "At least, as far as I know."

"Hopefully it'll stay that way when I go back home," Angelo exhaled.

"Have some faith in yourself," Ryan chuckled. "I'm sure it will."

"This summer went by too fast, Ry," Angelo said with a sigh.

"It did," Ryan agreed. "But next summer will creep up on you before you know it, trust me. Who knows, maybe next summer, I can come visit you."

Ryan looked at the boy laying on his chest, still gently running his fingers through his hair. He could tell that Angelo was fighting to keep his eyes open, wanting to make sure he didn't miss out on any valuable time with Ryan. Although, it was getting a bit more difficult to stay awake with Ryan playing with his hair.

"Go to sleep, baby boy," he whispered into Angelo's ear. "I know you're tired."

Angelo smiled upon hearing Ryan's voice so close to him. He cuddled himself up to Ryan even more, his arm draping across Ryan's torso. It didn't take very long at all for him to give in to his sleepiness, especially with Ryan still stroking his hair.

Ryan, on the other hand, knew he would probably still be awake for a while. He was happy enough, though, to let Angelo sleep on his chest while he stayed up. After all, he was glad to see that Angelo was now at enough peace to be able to fall asleep before three in the morning.

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