1. Undercover op.

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Now 2 weeks passes when Gibbs and his team can't catch one mole, who's selling informations. Everybody are tired and angry. They want to find him already!
-I think we need undercover op... Yeah,  I'm sure about it... Ellie said with stern voice, while looking at her coworkers. She was thinking about it for past few days, and now, she was completely sure, that without that they won't go any further with this case.
-Yeah I agree with B- Nick reply without even considering it.
-So, if we all agreed, we have to tell Director and Gibbs...- McGee added.
-Tell me about what?- asked Gibbs, entering the bullpen in the exact same moment with coffee in his hand.
-I think we need an undercover operation boss...- Tim explained, while looking at him, from his desk. There came silence for a moment. Everyone were waiting for what Gibbs would say.
-Yeah? And what about that McGee? You have a plan?- Gibbs asked, looking at his senior field agent.
-I have- Ellie answered and then started to explain everything to her boss. Nick and Tim were listening as well, even if they know all the plan already. After 5 minutes or so, plan was explained.
-I will tell Jack and director, stay here- Gibbs agreed, in his style and then walk out of their workplace, and upstairs to director's office, but before he went there, he stopped by Sloane's office, where he disappeared. The team was looking after him carefully with a little curiosity.
-You think that she will agree?!- asked Nick, uncertain about it.
-In my opinion she will agree sooner than the director -Ellie told them with a little smile.
-She has a point- McGee agreed, shooting knowing look at Bishop.
-If you say so...- Nick give up. Then they started talking about something other than the case, and they got into it so hard, that they didn't saw Jack coming down, to them.
-So, what's the plan?!- she asked them and they shut out of this conversation.
-The plan is...- and Ellie started to explain everything to Sloane.
-You're really agreeing on this?!- Nick asked her uncertain when "all the cards" were shown.
-Yeah, why not?!- she asked rhetorically and added- If this will end this case I'm in- she reply with a little smile, looking at everyone.
-And that's the attitude I understand- McGee smiled.
-Director agreed. Let's get with this thing- Gibbs came back to the bullpen and then the rush started. They had a a very little amout of time to prepare everything, so they got Abby to help. Since that, things got A LOT of faster...

Jack and Gibbs are still on the field, with no luck about this mole. They REALLY need to work fast... But they don't know one thing... Someone is watching and following them...
They just casually went to the store when Jack sensed another, presence. This NOT good one... But she brushed it of. 'What can happen?! We're well prepered, even if our cover will slip down...'- she thought to herself. They just bought the groceries and went back to "their" apartment. They filled cupboards and fridge and went for a walk. It was getting late, so sun will be down soon. And they took moment for only themselfs. Just walking side, by side and talking about everything. This was very nice tho..
Once they heard strange noise near them. Without thinking Gibbs hid Jack behind his back and yelled:
-Who's there?!- while looking at the woods. Moment later out of them went Mark Delaney. One of their "friends".
-Geez Mark!- Jack theatrically hold her heart.
-Sorry!- he apologized quickly and added- I didn't knew that you're so jumpy, Layla!?- he smirked.
-I'm not jumpy!- Jack argued- I'm just...- she cutted herself and looked at Gibbs- Tell him John, that I'm not jumpy!- she ordered, acting little bit like a little kid.
-Lay have nightmares from the last deployment, I hope you understand...- Gibbs explained and pulled Jack to his side. They looked like loving married couple, just like they should.
-Of course! How bad are they?!
-I can wake up in the middle of the night with taste of the desert on my tongue...- she sharply replied.
-I'm sorry for you...- he said and then all 3 of them started to walk again, deeply in nice conversation. But Gibbs and Jack didn't knew that someone is after them...

They got ready to "work" and left for it. But at "their" workplaces they found little, white notes. They were saying:
"I'm watching you. Stop looking for that traitor or you'll end up death! Right now it's just a warning! Don't mess with me Agent Jacqueline Sloane / Leroy J. Gibbs! Anonym."
Jack immediately took her phone and dialed Gibbs number. He answered right away.
(J- Jack, G-Gibbs)
J: John, honey...
G: What's going on?!
J: You goy THAT note too, right?- her voice was stern.
G: I did...- he sighed.
J: Meet me at the entrance to my workplace in 10 minutes!
G: Copy that Baby!- he said and hung up. They were speaking like that to hold up their cover as long as possible. 5 minutes after their call both of them got message:

"I'm not joking! Look around your shoulder more carefully... You don't know when and how danger will come. Agent Sloane / Gibbs."

-Holy Shit!- Jack cursed under breath and descended the stairs to the looby. She carefully looked around and ten walk outside. She waited 5 more minutes and Gibbs appeared in "their" car. Without waiting she jumped in and they drove off, very fast.
-These people know! We have to do something!- Jack snapped and then looked through window. Gibbs didn't reply and they fell in a little nervous silence.
-I guess our cover blow up...- Gibbs mumbled more to himself, than her, when they got up the stairs in the building.
-Tell me somethin' I don't know...- Jack sigh in disbelieve as they came back to "their" apartment.
-We need to be out of here ASAP! Don't know how much time we have, before this guys will find us!- Jack ordered and they started to pack as many needed things as possible to one backpack each. They'll have to try be invisible in the day light. Both of them packed in 15 minutes.
-Let's go!- Gibbs agreed and they went out, with short plan in their heads. Of course they talked about "ifs" with team before, but they didn't expected one of them to actually happen!
They have been changing places for like a hour, speaking only with looks. It really worked.
After some time they booked in some cheap hotel half hour to the Baltimore. Without thinking they booked a room for 2, under their undercover names.
-I'm not sure we're safe here...- Jack told him, as both of them stood next to railing on the balcony of the room. She had baseball cap on her and some "normal" clothes, as well as Gibbs. Sloane shot him a quick look.
-I know Jack...- he sighed and started to speak- We'll get out of here tomorrow, go somewhere further and then we will contact to McGee to tell him everything, alright?!- he looked at her.
-That sounds like plan, Cowboy!- she joked and nudge him playfully in arm. Gibbs couldn't hide his little smirk from her. She just brought joy to the room even in bad situations like this.
-It's pretty late. We should try some sleep- Jack suggested with knowing look and then went inside to prepare herself to bed. "Sliver fox" stayed a little more, looking at the peacefull view, and then do that as well. By hour, maybe two they were asleep. They new that next day will be long...

Just as sun started to rise they checked out of hotel and went into moving- hideing again and tried to avoid bus or gas stations to prevent unpleasant meeting. They didn't know with who they are fighting, and that wasn't very helpful.
-Who are these people, Gibbs?!- Jack asked him, when they stopped for a moment.
-I really don't know that, Jack...- he sighed and added- But we'll know when we'd contact with McGee and for that, we need safe place! So let's get going!- as he said, they did. They were moving all they and didn't find place to safe to call the team. They couldn't use their phones so they had to find a place to use their "burn" ones. But for that, they needed to be safe enough.
Somewhere around 8 pm they booked a room in a cheap hotel and loaded in, showered and got changed.
-It's not safe enough, here...- Jack told Gibbs, as she saw him playing with the burn phone, when she went out of bathroom. Jethro looked up at her and nodded. They talked a little bit and then set alarm clocks for 3 am and went to sleep beside one another.
-Good night Gibbs...- Jack yawned tired, while nesting in the cowers.
-Night Jack- he replied absently and soon after that they drifted to light, but peacefull sleep.

Again, as the sunrise started they checked out of their hotel and went into moving- hideing again and tried to avoid bus or gas stations to prevent unpleasant meeting. They didn't contact with the team yet, so nobody knows about their situation, and that is not helping.
Just as they stopped for few minutes, somewhere around 12 o'clock, Jack felt something...
-Cowboy...- she warned him.
-What?!- he looked at her concerned.
-Someone is coming.... Maybe large vehicle...- she told him and they hid as much as they could. Next minutes later they saw large car, which stopped very near to them. 3 people got out of it and they heard, one of them sayin':
-They have to be somewhere! This blonde and her husband... Find them!- he was probably the boss.
-Run!- Gibbs told Jack, both of them stood up, turn around and then run as fast as they could. Soon after they heard loud gun shoots. Cuz of that they tried to speed their run.
-They'll get to us sooner or later Cowboy! We can't run forever!- Jack told him, out of breath, after 30 minutes of just running. They slowed their peace and seconds later they stood in place, hiding behind large trees. Jack was breathing very hard and quick, Gibbs the same. They weren't that young after all...
-I think we lost them...- Gibbs told his partner, looking around to check.
-But not for long I suppose...- Jack added and they waited couple of minutes, and then started to walk again. After maybe 10 more minutes they felt another presence again.
-Stop or I'll shoot you!- some guy yelled, behind them.
-O crap!- Jack murmured, raised her hands in surrender and turned around to face him. Gibbs followed her with frown on his forehead, doing the same. They saw 2 people, aiming guns at them.
-We can manage!- Jack whispered and without thinking, pushed herself into fight.
-Fuck, Layla!- he cursed under breath, still pretending their cover and followed her. Next seconds later more people showed up and soon after both Gibbs and Jack were tied up and gagged, shooting furious looks to their kidnappers. These people pushed them into back of the van and drove off, taking them somewhere.
-'It can't be good!'- was saying Jacks gaze. Gibbs just shook his head and both of them looked somewhere else, diving deeply in thoughts.

Tim was pacing around the bullpen, Ellie was siting on her desk, legs crossed with laptop on her lap and Nick was swinging around on his chair.
-They should contact to us already! It's been 3 days!- McGee exclaimed very nervous. Perfectly at time director descended the stairs.
-Anything?!- he asked them. All three shock their heads and Vance sighed.
-If they're not calling, something HAD TO happen! Jack is always calling!- Ellie said nervously.
-But what!? What happened?!- Nick asked into air and second later added -This dude! The mole we're searching! He's to have backup!- now Torres was angry.
-Let's prey he didn't kidnapped them!- Leon said with quiet voice.
-I think he probably did...- Ellie said - I can't track their phones. Even the burn ones! These gus had to take them and pull battery out or turned them off....- she said sadly. Then came silience.
-We have to find something!- Ellie was desperate. She couldn't imagine if something happened to Jack or Gibbs...
-We'll try Eleanor...- Leon said and then started to climb the stairs to his office.
-I'm going to MTAC to talk to SecNav, maybe he'll find the solution...- Vance told them and did so. McGee on the other hand was changing on his phone already.
-Who do you call?!- Ellie asked him.
-Fornell. We need all help we can get!- Tim reply and then went away to talk to agent from FBI.

Both Gibbs and Jack were tide up to chairs in the middle of dark, dirty and very dusty room. They weren't saying anything, because the zooned out couple of minutes ago. Maybe it was because of tiredness or maybe this people gave them something while they were fighting. They looked a little beaten up but mostly fine.
After some minutes someone entered the room. This guy had a gun and some other weapons and on the top of that, he had a mask on. He went to Gibbs and woke him up with hard slap to the face.
-Wake up!- he yelled and when Gibbs did so he added -There you go Mr Wright... Or I should say, Mr Gibbs...- he laughed a little and then his face went blank- Tell me, what you and your buddies from NCIS know about my seling?!- he asked and Gibbs stayed silence.
-I'm asking! What. Do. You. Know?!- he hissed when after 4 or more questions Gibbs stayed silence. This time came with no answer as well, so Jethro got 2 hard slaps to the face and this dude cutted his right upper arm as a punishment.
-Or maybe I'll ask her??- this guy smirked and throw a punch on Jack stomach, so woman woke up with little groan.
-There you go Princess...- he joked and then started to ask the same questions. With the same answer. Or I should say, without any answer. He kept going, and more he asked, more furious he got. At the end of "session" Jack had few bruises, and 4 middle deep cuts on her thighs, and Gibbs had cuts on his torso and arms and few bruises here and there. Dude left them alone and soon after that they fell asleep again, because of egzostion.

Their captor came again and started to intorogate them again. As usual he started with Gibbs.
-What do you know?!- he asked for the 4 time, getting a little angry. Gibbs said none, not taking his gaze of Jack.
-I see...- he saw that, made chreepy smile and continued- So... Maybe another way...- kidnapper stood behind Jack and jerked her head back, by pulling her by her hair and looked at Gibbs.
-What you'll tell me for saving your beloved wife's live?!- be took out sharp knife and pressed it to Jack's througt. Gibbs looks her deeply in eye. He actually wasn't that surprised. They were in that undercover so hard, that they didn't bothered to have those wedding rings on their right hands.
-Let her go! She's nothing to do with this! She's innocent!- he told him calmly. This guy started to laugh. It was VERY evil one....
-Innocent!? Nice joke!- he snapped and added- I think Mrs. Wright will be in pain when I'll do that!- he said and stabbed her in the arm with knife. Jack just flinched, nothing more.
-She's strong...- dude commented, smiled like a freak and done that couple more times. When Gibbs opened his mouth to say something she shooke her head in 'no'. Fighting with himself he listened to her and did that. Dude asked his questions maybe hour longer and then just tortured them, because he was furious. That was very hard for Gibbs because this man was mostly torturing Jack, instead of him. 'He want minimum one of us broke the silence and start to talk...'- he told himself with boiling anger inside him. At the end of the 'season' he left them alone again. But before he did that, he poisoned them that they couldn't move, cutted their ropes, left bandages and all of that stuff in the corner and left, locking up the door behind him. 5 minutes passed and both Gibbs and Jack could move. He rushed to her and crouched down beside her.
-How u doin'?!- he asked her scared to death.
-Everything pains but I can handle that- she flashed very little smile. Gibbs helped her lay down on the floor and took care of her injuries first, then take care of himself. They weren't talking, but their gaze was locked to one another.
-We'll get out of here. I promise...- "sliver fox" promised and without thinking kissed the wedding band on her finger. Seeing her in huge pain like that was killing him but he didn't say it out loud. Even though Jack new that. For her he was like a open book... And she was the same for him...
-I believe and trust you... Cowboy...- Jack barely could speak, but she said it anyway. She was too stubborn to let the pain win.
-Don't speak... You should have some rest...- he kissed her forehead softly and sat beside her, still holding her hand.

McGee was out of ideas, and so was the rest of the team. They wanted in whole their might find their "parents" but they just couldn't... They didn't know how...
-I'll call Ziva... She and Tony should know...- Tim sighed and dialed his sister number.
(M- McGee, Z- Ziva)
M: Hey Ziva, you have a minute?!
Z: Yeah Tim, sure... What is it?
M: We have huge problem...
Z: About what kind of problem we're speaking?!
M: Gibbs and Jack... They went undercover and...
Z: And McGee?! What happened?!
M: Someone kidnapped them... We don't have any contact from them for 5 days now...
Z: O God...
M: Exactly.... Would you help?! We REALLY need EVERYBODY we can get...
Z: Of course I will! That's not even a question!- she said and then added- Tell me the details...
-So...- and McGee told her everything.
Z: Tim, We'll do what we can! Hang in there!- she told him when he ended and then hung up. Mrs Dinozzo went back to her family and whole watching her daughter playing outside, she explained everything to her husband.
-... That's why I have to find them!- she ended with tears in her eyes.
-Ok Baby...- Tony agreed.
-What?! Just "okay"?! I thought...
-I mean it! Gibbs and Jack needs you and I have to stay here, with Tali... I understand!- he hold her close to him and continued- Just go and find them!
-I love you!- she whispered and pair kissed. Then Ziva talked to Tali about everything, packed up her bags and got ready to go.
-I love you! I'll be back as soon as I find Grandpa and Grandma! I promise!- she hugged and kissed Tali, then Tony. After that she was gone again....
It took her 2 weeks to find a lead, which brought her to Bolivia. She prayed to God for then to be alive and as soon as she could, started searching for them there, time to time contacting with McGee and Tony. She hoped that she'll manage to find them alive....

Jack and Gibbs are still traped in Bolivia. Both of them are wounded, injuried and tired. They want this horror to be end already. Every "alone" moment they pray to God that their "kids" and Leon found them already. Jack is more injuried than Gibbs, but she's tough and she's still not speaking anything. At 'seasons' only sound which escapes her mouth are yells of pain and this hurts Gibbs more than any other injurie...
-Jack. You ok?!- Gibbs asked blonde, to kind of awake her, 'cuz she was doozing out a little.
-I feel like crap which was crushed and run over by a truck...- she comented with tiredness in her voice. Jethro sighed at her words.
-But we have to keep fighting! We can't tell them anything! They're keeping us alive only for informacions! We've to hold on and pray that team will find us sooner than later...- she added with force in her voice.
-You're right...- he agreed and then they heard gun shoots and sounds of hand to hand combat.
-What the hell?!- both of them mumbled to themselfs in disbelieve. After maybe 10 more minutes everything went silence and then door to their "cell" burst open with large "boom". They shoot looks at that direction and didn't believe at first. This person just walked in and crouched beside Jack to untide her wrists and anckles from ropes, which she impolitely cutted.
-Ziver?!- Gibbs asked, still in disbelieve.
-Hi Dad! Hey Jack!- she answered, stood up and came to him, to untide his ropes as well.
-How did you find us?!- Jack asked weakly.
-Let's say, that old Mossad habits and skills helped me...- she replayed nad stood up again, saying- You two alright?!
-Kind of...- Jack replied and tried to stand up, but her mussels were to sore and painful to do that. Gibbs stood up a little easier and came to her.
-Hold my hand...- he told her, giving her his right hand. She accepted it and with his help she stood up.
-Let me help...- he added and pulled her to his side, holding her waist with his left arm. She flashed him a weak smile and lean on him half of her weight.
-Let's get outa here!- Ziva told them and they started to go out. Maybe not very fast, 'cuz of their injuries, but not slow either.
-You did it all by yourself?!- Jack asked curious, as they passed more and more death or knocked out people.
-Yeah. I can say that if someone is messing with my family, it gets it's ass kicked!- she answered and then they were moving in silence, untill they got to her car, hope in and drove away.
-Call Tony- Ziva ordered to Gibb few minutes later, giving him her phone. Jethro sighed and took it. What was (for Jack) a little unexpected, he knew how to use it. (It was a iPhone ~ authors note) He picked right number and then dial it, putting it on a speaker. There was silience for a bit, disturbed with loading sound.
(Z- Ziva, Gibbs, T- Tony)
T: Hey Baby, how it went?! U found them?!- he asked, when he answered.
Z: Yeah Honey. They're a little beaten up and tired, but fine- she calmed him.
T: That's good. Thank God!
Z: How is our Tataleah doing?!- she changed subject for a moment.
T: She's ok. We just miss you, Baby...
Z: I'll give u Dad, 'cuz I'm driving! When I'll drive them safely to DC I would go back to you, ok?!
T: K. How are you doing Boss?!
Z: I'm fine Tony. Really. How's the team?!
T: Ellie is basically freaking out, same as Abby, Tim is worried and angry with himself, and Nick... He is just him... -he explained and someone other got the phone:
T: Hey Grandpa! When you'll be home?!- all three of them smiled on Talis' tiny voice.
Z: I donno little one...- Gibbs sighed.
T: Auntie Ellie and Auntie Abby are sad, that you're not with them...
Z: I know... But I'll get to them soon... But don't tell them that! Me and Grandma Jack want to surprise them!
T: I think I can do that!
Z: Promise?!
T: Promise.
Z: We gotta go, little one. Me and Grandpa will call you soon!- Jack interrupted.
T: K. Give Ima kisses from me and daddy, ok?!
Z: We'll. Kisses for you too Princess!- Jack ended conversation. They sat in silience for a bit, but then they started conversation about anything, they came up with, to kill time.
Hours later they pulled to airport and soon after that they were flying home. Gibbs without thinking held Jack's hand in his, thinking deeply about something, while Jack was talking with Ziva. Next few hours passed very quickly and then they drove to NCIS headquarters. Both, Jack and Gibbs wanted to see the team already.

-We're home...- Gibbs whispered to Jack with little smile, which he couldn't hide.
-We're...- she replied looking at him with little smile herself. They were holding hands since the plane, and it wasn't bothering them. Their hearts jumped a little, when elevator dinged as usuall. Ziva step out of it first, they after her.
-McGee!- Dinozzo called her brother. As she did so, all the bullpen looked at her, and THEM. Just second later Abby rushed to them and hugged both tightly with happy yell.
-You're crushing my ribs Abby...- Jack whispered without breath.
-Sorry! I'm just relieved your fine!- goth answered and pulled back. At that moment all 3 came to them.
-Gibbs! Jack!- said relieved Tim and hugged both, one at time. Ellie had tears in her eyes.
-I'm glad you're ok!- she told Jack, squished her hard.
-We're fine El. We're fine...- Sloane hugged younger agent hard and without thinking, kissed her temple, like loving mother would do. Then Ellie pulled back, flashed teary smile and hugged Gibbs, as Jack hugged Nick.
-I'm happy you're ok...: She told him, both of them smiled and he nodded.
-I'll be right back. I need to speak with Leon...- Jack flashed them smile, looked Gibbs in the eye for second and then climbed up the stairs, to director's office, where she disappeared. Gibbs hold Ellie a little more and then kisses her forehead with light smile. Before he pulled out she whispered:
-I was scared as hell Dad...- the last word was barely audible, but he heard it and smiled. Couple minutes of chitty chat later, Gibbs did the same, living their "kids" alone in the bullpen with Ziva.

Gibbs was shaven, showered and changed in the clean clothes. Now he was working on his boat, when he heard footsteps. He recognized them in second. But what is she doing here so late?!
-Still not sleeping, Cowboy?!- she asked calmly, while descending the stairs. He didn't reply and just shrugged his shoulders. Soon after that she was by his side again.
-I fell you need to talk. Spil it!- she ordered calmly, but he didn't say anything. Instead of pushing, she sat on one of the chairs he had down here and poured them Bourbon to two jars, two fingers each and without a word passed him one. After that they just sat together and drink bourbon in silence. Both of them were thinking about last few weeks, about everything what happened. Jack wasn't pushing him. She knew better than that, even if she was more than aware of that he's blaming himself of her injuries.
They sat in silence the rest of the night, and then went to sleep on the couch, somewhere around 3 am.

Jack spent past 2 weeks in Gibbs house. Outside of work, they weren't talking much but this silence was comfortable. As everything around them. But this didn't distracted Jack that much, that she didn't saw how much Gibbs is hurting.
Jack now was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and reading book with glasses on. She more sensed than heard that Gibbs left his "cage" and went to the kitchen, to get coffee. She smiled to herself. Minutes later she sensed his presence again, but when she put her book down, she was surprised that instead of getting back to basement, he sat in front of her on the coffee table, with mug in his hand.
-You wanna talk?!- she asked him calmly, and put her glasses down. Gibbs sighed in answer and took a sip from his mug.
-Jack I just...- he started -I just can't forgive myself from not protecting you... I promised you that you won't have to experience the hurt you did in Afganistan... I should have protect you! I... That should be me!- he rambled, faster than ever.
-Jethro...- she placed her hand on his- it's not your fault! None of this is! Stop blaming yourself!- she told him warmly- I know you are hurting right now, but we're safe and fine!! Everything is fine! This injuries will eventually be gone and everything will be the same again! I promise! Just stop blaming yourself! 'Cause you're hurting me as well!- she told him, holding his hand in hers and without thinking placed her other hand on his cheek, looking him deeply in the eye. His eyes were saying more than words and she smiled weakly at that.
-All that blame 'cuz of what?!- she asked quietly.
-Because... Because I care about you...- he reply, not breaking eye contact.
-And I care about you!- she added with true in her words. They sat like that in silence for couple of minutes and then Gibbs shifted a little.
-Cowboy...- Jack sighed softly, buy she couldn't say anything more, because insted of going away, to his basement, he looped his left arm around her, brought her closer to him and kissed her softly and lovingly. Both of them smiled through that kiss.
-I love you- they confessed at the same time, when they pulled back, without an air.
-Just stop blaming yourself for me, alright?!- she asked him a little later, when they were sitting on the couch, cuddled up, together, looking at the fire in the fireplace. When Gibbs looked at woman beside him, he met her eyes with his and both of them smiled.
-I can try that...- he agreed and kissed her softly.
After that they just sat in comfortable silence, happy to have one another beside them. This case taught them one thing the most:
"Don't wait too long to be happy!"
And that's what they will do.

This is my first fanfic in English, so don't judge! 👍😇
I hope you like it 😉
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!
Fantazylovestory 😸

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