Chap. 11

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I turned over to Father and he gave me a thumbs up, signalling that the photoshoot was over. I groaned and stretched, tired of the poses I had to make during the shoot. I could immediately notice Chloe walking up to me, acting as if we were all best friends again, but she wasn't who I was looking at. No. Behind Chloe, a few feet away, was Marinette herself, watching me with a look I couldn't quite understand. I guess she was trying to ask me if I had received her gift.

I'd had time to eat at least 4 cookies, but I'd rushed through it. I was glad Father came home later than usual, giving me just enough time to wipe my mouth and look as clean as ever. I had then hid the rest of the cookies inside my large closet, warning Felix that he couldn't take anymore until I came back. I knew exactly how many were left so I would know whether he took any.

Quickly realizing that Marinette had turned around to leave, I brushed past Chloe and rushed towards her. I could imagine Chloe's shocked look, confused as to what I'd done, and then she'd see that it was because of Marinette, and get mad over it. I still hadn't gotten the chance to ask her what had really happened between her and Lila, because Lila really seemed to hate her guts, and she hated mine just because I was friends with Chloe.

"Hey Marinette, wait!" I grabbed her arm just in time and she turned around with a sigh, having an annoyed look on her face, though I could tell that she wasn't actually annoyed. She was probably glad that I'd stopped her. "Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"Why did you come here?" I looked around the surrounding. It was the park, okay? It wasn't really anywhere new, and most of the time whenever I was doing a photoshoot in public, people would stop and watch. I had actually not expected Marinette to do that, but maybe it made sense, because she had sent me a pack of chocolate chip cookies just moments ago.

"I can't suddenly come to the park anymore? Why, do you own it?" I knew she meant it as a joke, but it still kinda upset me that she'd say that. She must have seen how my face looked like though and immediately got the hint, because she bent her head in an apologizing manner. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

I smiled a little, knowing that even though she was all mad at me, she was still trying her hardest to be nice. I shrugged it off though, because I wanted to get to the point and ask her about the cookies. "So, can I ask why you sent them? The cookies, I mean. You think I needed them or something?" I didn't mean to come off as rude, and I hoped I didn't.

"Someone from school told me that it was rumoured you didn't get to eat enough sweets and desserts. I guess I felt bad," Marinette shrugged, "and now I can see why. I was being told you were doing a photoshoot here so I just wanted to come and watch for a few minutes and then leave." She turned away while saying that, showing me that she had clearly stayed longer than just a few minutes. "Sorry if it offended you in anyway. I didn't mean to believe the rumors, I just thought. . ."

"It's okay," I muttered. "Besides, I actually kinda liked it. . . Though my cousin is probably finishing the rest right now even when I told him not to go near them." I looked down at the ground, before looking up again. "Thanks for worrying about me. Nowadays, I get people who believe that just because I'm rich, I have the perfect life and get what ever I want. But it's totally not like that. I guess besides Chloe, you're the only who's actually cared whether I was okay or not. I really appreciate that."

"Rich people have feelings too. Even I know that, and I'm trying to get the rest of my friends to understand that," Marinette shrugged again, looking at me with a look that showed she really meant what she was saying. I nodded again, agreeing with her words, then I did something that I never expected myself to do.

I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

My mind must have thought that was okay, but after I did, I felt a wave of embarrassment rush over me. I gulped, quickly apologized, and as soon as I could, I rushed away from her, not even waiting to hear what she had to say about it. I was too embarrassed to look back and see if she was still standing there, staring at me run. I had wanted to be friends with her again, but now I'd just completely ruined that chance. She now probably saw me as a weird freaky guy, which was definitely not what I wanted.

When I was sure I was far away from her, I took in a sharp breath and looked up. I was back to where I had been in the first place, the spot where I'd take most of my pictures for the photoshoot. Chloe was still standing there, looking at me. She looked mad at first, like she had witnessed everything that had happened, including what I had just done, and maybe she had. She folded her arms when I reached the spot, the kind of position she had make whenever she had an important thing or question to ask.

"Okay, excuse me for asking, but I just want to know!" Then she looked upset. "What is going on between you and Marinette? Are you two just friends, or are you secretly dating?! I need to know. Is Marinette the type of girls you like? I can be just like her, Adrien. Why won't you notice me?"

"You sound so desperate," I told her with all honesty. "I hate desperate people!"

Chloe looked confused and upset as I walked away, but I couldn't care less. All I had in mind now was making it up to Marinette, and finishing the rest of the cookies she got for me, if Felix hadn't already finished them all, that is. I walked back to where Father was standing, checking out the pictures on the camera, and I tapped on his shoulder.

"Yes, Adrien?" He said without even looked away from the camera.

"Can we go home now?"

"In a minute. Just hold up," He brushed me off and continued what he was doing. I sighed again, knowing that it was going to take more than a minute before we could get home.


As soon as I stepped inside the mansion, my bedroom was the first place I headed towards to. I banged the door opened and stepped inside, my eyes immediately going over to Felix who was laying on my bed like an innocent man. I got suspicious and headed towards my closet, opening it and taking out the cookies.

"I only ate one, I promise!" He suddenly yelled out, and I couldn't help it but laugh. Sure enough, as I checked, it turned out one cookie was gone from the pack. I closed my closet and headed towards Felix with the rest of the cookies.

"See, there's only three left now," I showed him. "I'm getting two while you get one." When I saw his mouth open to complain, I started explaining it to him. "There were 12 cookies in here, Felix, 6 on both sides. You took four first, and then I took four before I went to my photoshoot. You've taken another one, which makes yours five, therefore you get one more!"

"Okay, okay, I know." Felix raised his hands up in a defensive way. "Just give me my one." I nodded and handed him one cookie, then I went over to the other side of the bed and started chewing on one of my cookies. "Hey," Felix continued speaking. "You never told me who the girl that sent you this was."

I stopped chewing and looked over at him. "It doesn't really matter, Felix. Just drop it."

"No, I want to know who your secret admirer is. I know you know who she is. You looked really surprised when you read the note, and it seems that you quickly figured it out," Felix complained. "I'm new, I don't know anyone in your school and all that. I didn't even get to read the note properly because you took it with you. So, can you please just tell me?!"

I sighed, giving up. "It was Marinette," I muttered, then I said it a little louder. I didn't look back to see how his face was shaped; it was most likely surprised, or maybe not. Maybe he already had a feeling it was Marinette. Did he even know who Marinette was?

"The daughter of the bakers?" He spoke and I nodded. "That's so cool, Adrien. You like her and she likes you back. Now you're not gonna have to worry about getting yourself a girlfriend."

I frowned, confused at what he was saying. "She doesn't like me back. She was just worried about me. I guess she just wanted to make sure I was okay due to our small argument over at Lunchtime." It was a bad thing that I had ripped the note she gave me and threw it out. I could have showed him so he could read it too and see what I was talking about. "Besides, even if she did like me back, I've ruined my chance."


"Felix, I kissed her on the cheeks!" I made it sound like it was some kind of a crime, and if Father found out that I did it, he would act as if it was a crime. Felix started laughing though, taking it as a joke. Maybe he didn't believe me, or maybe he did but didn't think it was that serious.

"Oh come on, Adrien. It's just a kiss," He stopped laughing and faced me with a mocking look on his face. "Sure, she may be a little weirded out at first, but she's not going to hate you because of it. That's absurd. You think too much!"

"I-" I didn't know what to say after that. Maybe he was right. I guess I was just so obsessed with trying to not lose a friend that I kept being so paranoid. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll talk to her in school tomorrow." Hopefully we can still continue our homework on biographies, I whispered silently in my head. I hoped we could continue that project, but I was starting to think I had no chance at all.


I walked inside class, Marinette being the first one I looked over at. This was a different class, so I wasn't sitting at the backseat. Instead, I sat at the front with Nino, which was good because I wanted to get to know him. Before I had thought Nino and Alya were dating, then I changed my mind over to Nino and Marinette seeing how close they were to each other. It turned out I was wrong. I found out from Nathaniel that Nino had a crush on Alya and was just planning on pulling a move. That was why he was always with Marinette. . . Because Marinette was helping him.

I took my seat. Behind me, Marinette and Alya sat next to each other, and beside me, Chloe and Sabrina were together. I guess the thing I really loved about this class was that our English teacher was Miss. Bustier, and she was incredibly nice, nicer than the rest of the other teachers. Another thing was that I sat in the front, so I didn't have to witness Lila, who sat behind in the middle, glaring at me with angry eyes.

"Alright," Miss Bustier began, "just so you know, you have less than a week to complete your bios. Nobody has submitted theirs in yet, which I think is good because you need time to work on this. Don't rush through it, because as an English teacher, I don't want to see any spelling mistakes in your bios. I don't want to see any grammatical errors. Understood?" We all nodded. "Okay, you can take this class time to ask whoever you're doing a bio on some questions. You don't have to start the paper now, just ask questions and learn more about your partner. Alright, start."

I turned around to face Marinette, but I was beginning to think it was time for me to change, and maybe do Nino instead. Then I shook my head. No, I already chose Marinette, and no matter how awkward it was going to be, I had to go through with this. I stood up and headed towards her, and when she noticed me, she nodded her head and raised a finger, signaling for me to wait for her.

"Miss Bustier?" Marinette suddenly looked up and asked. I was afraid she was going to ask Miss Bustier if she was allowed to change partners, but then again, she didn't need permission to do that.

"Yes, Marinette?"

"Is it okay if Adrien and I went in the hallways to work? It's kinda loud in here. I fear we won't be able to get work done if we're distracted."

"Oh, that's actually a fantastic idea. I will allow it," Miss Bustier nodded with a smile, and I heaved a huge sigh of relief.

"Cool." Marinette stood up from her seat, carrying two pieces of paper and a pen. "Grab something to write with," She muttered over to me. I quickly nodded, went back to my desk and grabbed the first pen I saw in my bag, then followed her outside of the classroom.

~ Edited ~

(I kinda messed up with the seating and class. Please show no attention to that. Thank you.)

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