The New Underwater Horizon Adventure

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*In the new beautiful sunny day as Malaysia, in Turdroids (still sleeping), The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody wake up from sleep and they doing new exercise, they walk to the bathroom, brush the teeth, wash the face and say good morning as each other, they're going to buy all the food with drink and sit on the couch of the seaside, they start the breakfast*
*After the breakfast, Stick Kiki with MintStick, Stick Titan, Ant, NRG, Noyuu, Fishy, Jay, Kaito, Fry, Rich, Siax11, Blizzer, Pover and Arktic going to Lang Tengah Island for explore the new underwater place, StAndrew said ok and he tell Stick Sean, Stick Sean nodded his head and he open his portal power, Slushers Kiki Team wave as them and jump to his portal to Lang Tengah Island for the new wonderful holiday, while The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody wave as the team for good luck and have fun, then they continue explore around Malaysia and they came to save Malaysia with defeat the new enemies*
*Later, they're arrived as Lang Tengah Island, the team enjoy the beautiful sea, until they hear something and look as each other, they turn and run to check about where the sound coming from*
*They're stop and see, shock. The new heroes female name Aloy (from Horizon Forbidden West world) got trouble by the new giant monster type monkey name Crazy Monkey and she protect the fisherman family, before he going to hurt them, the team run and Stick Kiki with Fishy kick him, the fisherman family run away to the safe place, the team arrived in time and Aloy surprise*
Stick Titan: Are you ok?
Aloy: Thank you guys, but who are you guys and where do you guys came from?
Fry: We can explain later.
Stick Kiki: Yeah, right now, we need to defeat him and save Malaysia, we don't want he rules ours new amazing adventure, let go guys.
13 Slush Friends: Yeah!!!
Aloy: Can I help you guys?
Fishy: Off course, we can save the world together like the amazing team.
*He roar and the team charge the battle. They doing punch, kick, uppercut, spin kick and use Martial Arts. He dizzy but still moving, he use 2 claw and attack them, but they dodge faster and they summon the power with spawn the weapon, they charge the battle again. Stick Kiki use dark power and knock him, she use scythe and slice his back. MintStick use Minty Crystal power and shoot him, he use kunai and slice with throw as his face, then he use nunchuck and hit him. Stick Titan use earth power and crush him, he use hammer and smash him with he use the gun and shoot him, then he jse Magic Watch and transformation into the giant Titan, he doing Kung Fu as him and he slap his finger, his body back to his normal stick form. Ant use water power and splash him, he use no staff and hit his both legs. NRG use lightning power with magic power and shock him by use Magic Lightning, he use Magic Thunder Bow and shoot the lightning arrow as him. Noyuu use shadow power and knock him, he use 2 gun and shoot him with he use Magic Scythe and slice him. Fishy use water power and splash him, she use Magic Trident and attack him. Jay use shadow power and knock him, he use 2 knife and slice his face with he use 2 gun and shoot him. Kaito use laser power and shoot him, he use Giga Sword and slash him. Fry use lightning power and shock him, he use Magic Lightsaber and slash him with he use Magic Buster and shoot him. Rich use lightning power and shock him, he use Magic Sword and slash his tails. Siax11 use web power and shoot the spider web bullet with he use laser power and shoot him, then he use Magic Buster and shoot him with he use Magic Sword and slash him. Blizzer use ice power and freeze him, he use Blizzard Blade and slash him. Pover use gravity power and knock him, he use 2 Gravity Knife and slice him. Arktic use water power and splash him with he use ice power and freeze him, then he use Magic Frozen Sword and slash him. Aloy use magic power and attack him, she use Magic Blade and slash him. He weak and not moving, they're finish him with use "Slushers Heroes Kiki Ultimate Combo"*
*After defeat Crazy Monkey, they feel tired but still alive. They return the weapon and look as each other, happy*
Aloy: Thank you guys for help me.
Slushers Kiki Team: You're welcome, that ours jobs to do!!!
Aloy: I'm Aloy from the world of the new games called Horizon Forbidden West, where the new wonderful fantasy and amazing machine thing.
NRG: Really? We don't play the new games yet, but we can play if we have time.
Aloy: Ok, but can I ask again? What you guys name and where do you guys came from?
Stick Kiki: I'm Stick Kiki, the team leader and heroes of the world. This is my Slush Friends: MintStick, Stick Titan, Ant, NRG, Noyuu, Fishy, Jay, Kaito, Fry, Rich, Siax11, Blizzer, Pover and Arktic. We are Slushers Kiki Team and we are going to the new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday in Malaysia.
Aloy: Oh I see, nice to meet you guys!
13 Slush Friends: Nice to meet you too!!!
Aloy: If you guys say about the heroes team, can I be the part of the team?
Stick Titan: Off course, you can be the part of Heroes Allies Team: Video Game Heroes Team.
Aloy: Wow, really? Thank you guys so much, I'm appreciate it!
MintStick: No problem!
Ant: By the way, can I ask you about what are you doing in there?
Aloy: Oh, I'm going to have the new underwater adventure with the new underwater mission.
Fry: Really? We did too, but what the new underwater mission about?
Aloy: Well, the sea captain and sailor missing in under the sea, i need to find it, before too late.
Stick Kiki: Don't worry, we can help you find them.
Aloy: Wait, really?
Noyuu: Yes, since we just having fun, but helping everybody with fish and sea animal is very important and we can save the world too.
12 Slush Friends: Yeah. *Nodded the head*
Aloy: Oh thank you guys so much, you guys are ours hope and i'm so glad about we can be the team together and helping as each other.
Stick Kiki: You're welcome, that what the heroes can do. Ok guys, let use my 3 Aquatic Items and dive down into the ocean, we gonna have the new underwater adventure and new underwater mission in Malaysia.
13 Slush Friends: Ok!!!
Aloy: She said she have 3 Aquatic Items for can breath underwater like fish? How do that work?
Jay: Yes, also we can communicate the fish and sea animal too.
Arktic: Don't worry, you will see. *Winked as her*
*Stick Kiki take the 3 Magic Aquatic Items (Magic Sea Camp Fin and Gills Water Bottle, Magic Seaweed Pills, Magic Water Pearl Pills) from her Magic Watch and she hold for herself and give to 13 Slush Friends with Aloy, they nodded the head and put the 2 different magic pills and drink the Magic Water Bottle, Aloy confuse but follow them doing, they walk near the water and taking the breath, dive down into the deep water*
*When they're in underwater world, they're happy about the gills on the neck and the fins on the hand with the legs is growing. Aloy surprise but happy, then she take the team and they found the new underwater cave, they swim through and until they're surprise. They saw the underwater horizon world and they're happy, then they hear something and swim to check about where the sound come from*
*Later, they're arrived and shock. The sea captain and the sailor got stuck in the broken submarine, the team swim near and going to save them. They break the door, remove the trap, Stick Kiki, Fishy and Ant call all the dolphin, the dolphin hear and swim with rescue sea captain with sailor back to the surface, they cheer up and Aloy use other magic abilities to clean the broken submarine, they're surprise but interesting, they Stick Kiki tell them about having fun in the underwater horizon world, they're agree and they doing having underwater fun like: explore around the new underwater place, enjoy the underwater nature, playing with fish and sea animal and other thing, Aloy give the new underwater nature to Stick Kiki for she can make the healthy cure, she thank her and take with put as the bag, they have the best day ever in new underwater horizon world*
*After having the underwater fun, they wave as fish and sea animal, swim through the new underwater cave and swim the surface, they breath and they swim back to Lang Tengah Island, the body back to normal*
Aloy: Thank you guys, that was fun!
Slushers Kiki Team: No problem, we are glad you're join the fun with us too!!!
*Suddenly, the light came from the sky and God Reaper appear, they turn and wave as him*
God Reaper: Hey guys, are you guys have fun?
Blizzer: Oh yes, we save Malaysia and we having the new underwater adventure in the new underwater horizon world.
MintStick: We save the sea captain and sailor from the broken submarine.
Fishy: Also we having the underwater fun and we have the new heroes today.
Stick Kiki: Yes, this is Aloy, she from Horizon Forbidden West world and she now is the part of Heroes Allies Team is Video Game Heroes Team.
God Reaper: Wow, congratulations to you guys, and welcome to the amazing planet, Aloy. You can enjoy to stay this planet if you like.
Aloy: Oh wow, Thank you so much.
Arktic: Oh that right, God Reaper, what the reason you came here?
God Reaper: I came here to tell you guys about a news, we are not gonna use Turdroids for travel around the world, because we turn him into the normal sea turtle and he swim back to the ocean.
Slushers Kiki Team and Aloy: What? Where do we live?!!!
God Reaper: Don't worry, you guys house is safe, just we move to the new amazing planet.
Slushers Kiki Team and Aloy: *Relieved*
Ant: But what the new amazing planet you're talking about?
God Reaper: I will take you guys right away, are you guys ready?
Slushers Kiki Team and Aloy: We are ready!!!
*He drawing the big circle tell them about going through the circle, they walk to the circle and he slap his finger, the magic light glowing and they teleport from the sky to the new amazing planet*
*Later, they're arrived and surprise, The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody was there and they hug as each other*
Goddess Amaterasu: Hi guys, how the holiday in Lang Tengah Island?
Slushers Kiki Team and Aloy: That was fun, we having a new amazing adventure and we save Malaysia!!!
Siax11: Can someone tell use about what the new amazing planet about?
Goddess Amaterasu: Ok, listen. *Explain about the new amazing planet called Special Slushers Heroes Planet, where the amazing heroes team can live and having fun* Then we have the Magic Dimensions Gate Portal to travel around the world with planet and dimensions. *Point as the giant portal and explain more, until finish explain everything*
Slushers Kiki Team and Aloy: Oh now understand, that sound good and look amazing!!!
Rich: *Check every house with base and still here* Phew, I think he right, ours house still here.
Val: Sorry about we forget to explain you guys.
Jay: Don't worry, this is the perfect place and we stay forever with live together in there, also we can have fun too.
Stick Kiki: Yeah. Oh by the way everybody, this is Aloy, she from from Horizon Forbidden West world and she now is the part of Heroes Allies Team is Video Game Heroes Team. Let welcome her like the team.
The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody: Welcome and nice to meet you, Aloy!!!
Aloy: Nice to meet you guys too!!!
StAndrew: Ok, since we have the new planet called Special Slushers Heroes Planet born and alive with we have the better place to live, let party.
The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody: Yay!!!
*They doing cooking, bring all the food with drink and put the table, they sit down as the chair and they start the dinner. After the dinner, they start the party. 13 Slush Friends and Aloy thank Stick Kiki for the new amazing adventure with new wonderful holiday, especially The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody thank her too, she said no problem and they're smiling, then they continue enjoy the party. Stick Kiki happy about The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody have her as the awesome friends. They have the best day ever and Aloy was happy about she is part of Video Game Heroes Team, they have the great moment together and they now have the new special planet called Special Slushers Heroes Planet, they can live with stay and having fun with they going to Magic Dimensions Gate Portal for travel with holiday and mission. Stick Kiki, The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue, they still enjoy the party until going to taking the bathroom and going to sleep for the next day with they going to other place*

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