The New Wonderful Holiday Part 1: The Christmas Adventure and Christmas Rescue

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*In the new beautiful day on the ocean, Turdroids keep swimming, until he saw the sky, is snowy weather day. He stop as New York City Sea Port and he sleeping for his rest (don't worry, he not get cold, because he getting warm himself in the winter season). The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody wake up from sleep, they're going to the bathroom, brush the teeth, wash the face and doing exercise. They wear everything warm (scarf, cape, hat, bandana, cloak, belt, gloves, mask and 2 handbang (like Stick Kiki), other warm thing), Stick Kiki put the Spring Style (for incase the place is warm weather). They're going outside and walking inside the restaurant, they sit down and the waiter bring all the food with drink and put as the table, they start the breakfast*
*After the breakfast, they're going outside and explore with discovery around New York City, before the team move to other country for other holiday, StAndrew ask Stick Kiki about her new holiday thing. Stick Kiki tell him about she with her new Slush Friends going to stay in New York City on 3 day 2 night with they find the house to stay, then she choose the new Slush Friends is: Rich, Logan, Siax11, MarcelStick, Steve, NRG, JakeStick, Tyron, Treck, Winter, RandomStickmander, Legburns,
Pokestarmon, Hexy, PanButelly, Aletta, Enchga, Naadfaz, BLZ, Azurium, Frozie, Kerma, Edia, Stick Theo, Juliette, Siax, Siax 64, Arrow, Violet, Rainbow, Reggiano, ZeroX and Spade. They're cheer up and StAndrew nodded his head for agree with other team happy, then other Slushers Kiki Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody walking inside Turdroids, he wake up and he tell him about move to Indonesia for other new holiday, he nodded the head and turn, swim away and Slushers Kiki Team wave as them*
Slushers Kiki Team: Good luck and have fun, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to you guys!!! *Wave as other team and everybody*
*After watching they leave, Slushers Kiki Team walking around New York City and explore new place, suddenly they hear something and look as each other, they run to check about where the sound coming from*
*Later, they stop as Central Park and shock. They saw Santa Claus got attack and the little boy protect him from the new monster type Yeti name Snow Yeti, but before he attack, the team save the both and put in the safe place, then they going to fight and the battle is begin. They doing punch, kick, uppercut, spin kick and use Martial Arts, he dizzy but he still moving, he going to crush them, but they dodge faster and they summon the power with spawn the weapon, charge the battle. Stick Kiki use fire power and burn him, she use katana andd slash his face. Rich use lightning power and shock him, he use Magic Sword and slash his back. Logan use fire power and burn him, he use katana and slash him with he use gun and he shoot him, then he use shuriken and throw as him. Siax11 use web power with laser power and shoot the Laser Web Bullet as him, he use Magic Bustter and shoot him with he use Magic Lasso and ties his both legs, make him fall to the ground and return his Magic Lasso. MarcelStick use Magic power and attack him, he use Magic Spear and attack him. Steve use gravity power and knock him, he use The Sword of Power and slash him. NRG use lightning power with Magic power and shock him with use Magic Lightning Strike, he use Magic Sword and slash his face. JakeStick use wind power and blow him, he use Magic Bow and shoot the Wind Arrow as him. Tyron use aura power and shoot him, he use Magic Bo Staff and hit him. Treck use lightning power and shock him, he use Magic Knife and slice his stomach. Winter use ice power and freeze his both legs, he use Magic Ice Blade and slash his both hand. RandomStickmander use plasma power and shoot him, he use buster and shoot him with he use lightsaber and slash him. Legburns use fire power and burn him, he use Magic Pickaxe and attack him. Pokestarmon use water power with star power and attack him by use Star Splash, she use trident and attack him. Hexy use gem power and shoot him, she use Gem Axe and slice his back. PanButelly use glass power and attack him, she use Magic Pen and drawing the lines, ties him and use blade, slash him. Aletta use dark power and shadow power, knockhim with use Shadow Fist, she use 2 Magic Knife and slice him. Enchga use diamond power and shoot him, he use gun and shoot him with use sword and slash him. NaadfaD use gravity power and knock him, she use greatsword with katana and slash him,then she use Magic Grenade and throw as him. BLZ use plasma power and shoot him, she use buster and shoot him with she use Magic Light Bo Staff and hit him. Aruzium use aura power and shoot him, she use dagger and slich his both legs with use blade and slash his both hand. Frozie use ice power and freeze him, he use Snow Sword and slash him. Kerma use aura power and shoot him, she use 2 blade and slash him. Edia use magic power and attack him, he use Magic Wand and attack him, then he use Magic Card and throw as him. Stick Theo use rainbow power and attack him, he use Magic Pen and drawing the lines, ties him and turn his pen into his spear, attack him and return to his pen. Juliette use psychic power with phantom power and knock him with use Phantom Punch, he use Magic Sword and slash him with use Magic Gun and shoot him. Siax use plasma power and shoot him, she use buster and shoot him with use lightsaber and slash him. Siax 64 use dark power and knock him, he use Magic Scythe and slice him with use 2 claw and attack him. Arrow use light power with magic power and shoot him with use Magic Light, he use Magic Bow and shoot the arrow as him. Violet use light power and shoot him, she use Magic Bow and shoot the arrow as him, then she turn her bow into the 2 Magic Knife and slice him, she turn back into her bow. Rainbow use raibow power with digital power and attck him, he use sword and slash him with use shield and knock him. Reggiano use rainbow power and attack him, he use Rainbow Sword and slash him. ZeroX use fire power and burn him, he use 2 Magic Dagger and slice him with use 2 Magic Gun and shoot him, then he use Slugger in O design Sword and slash him. Spade use aura power and shoot him, he use Magic Sword and slash him. He weak and not moving, they finish him with use "Slushers Kiki Ultimate Combo"*
*After defeat Snow Yeti, they feel tired but still alive. They return the weapon and turn, check the little boy and he is ok, then check the Santa Claus and Stick Kiki health him, he feel better and cheer up, they look as each other*
Little Boy: Thank you guys for save him!
Santa Claus: Yes, thank you guys for save me!
Slushers Kiki Team: You two welcome, that ours jobs to do!!!
Santa Claus: How do you guys found me?
Pokestarmon: We hear the sound when we're in the new holiday in New York City.
Hexy: Yes, can you tell us about what happened and what are you doing in there?
Santa Claus: Ok. *Explain about he doing give the Christmas gift to everybody and got attack, the little boy found him and protect him*
Stick Theo: So that mean your sleigh is broken, your friends and your present is missing?
Santa Claus: Yes, if I don't find them back before they wake up, they're gonna be sad without Christmas present.
Rich: Don't worry, we can help you to find them.
Little Boy: Wow, really?!
NRG: Yes, since we're just having fun, but helping everybody and animal is very important and we save the world.
32 Slush Friends: Yeah. *Nodded the head*
Santa Claus: Thank you guys so much, you guys is ours only hope.
Stick Kiki: No problem. Little boy, find someone help Santa Claus fixing his sleigh and you can help him too, we are going to find Santa Claus friends back and we decide to help you two too. Let go, guys. Time to save the Christmas for everybody.
33 Slush Friends: Ok!!!
*They start to rescue Christmas Day, the team decide to run for find Santa Claus friends and little boy find someone to help, while he waiting. Until he back and bring the engineer, he surprise but nodded the head for understand the problem, he start to help Santa Claus fixing his sleigh, Santa Claus and little boy waiting and hope the team will be alright*
*Later, Slushers Kiki Team doing the Christmas Rescue mission. They taking the deep breath, dive into the deep lake and swim, found 12 Snow Fairy got stuck by the different trap and they rescue them, they swim back to the surface and they breath, they swim back to the shore and climb up. Then they found the 4 reindeer got trap by 4 giant stone, they remove the 4 giant stone and 4 reindeer is freedom, they cheer up and found the Christmas present, Violet found the bag and the team pick up all the Christmas present, they put as the bag and carry, return to Santa Claus and the little boy waiting*
*Meanwhile, the sleigh was complete fixing, the team return with the 3 missing thing and the both cheer up. The team help Santa Claus put the bag as his sleigh and they're smiling as each other*
Santa Claus: Thank you guys again, you guys is the amazing team ever and the Christmas is safe, now i can give the Christmas present to everybody. And especially thank you two too, little boy and engineer.
Slushers Kiki Team, Little Boy and Engineer: You're welcome, that ours jobs to do!!!
Santa Claus: Anyway, there is the Christmas present for you guys. *Give the Christmas present to them*
Slushers Kiki Team, Little Boy and Engineer: Wow, thank you so much, Santa!!! *Take the Christmas present from him*
Santa Claus: No problem, I'm glad you guys like it, I'm better moving. Thank you guys again and Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday! Hohoho! *Climb as the sleigh and driving always to finish his mission*
Slushers Kiki Team, Little Boy and Engineer: Good luck and take care, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday too! *Wave as Santa Claus*
Engineer: I'm going back to work too, see yo guys later, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday. * Walk away from Central Park*
Stick Kiki: Ok, ours jobs is done, let having fun in Central Park and then we can find the place for we can sleep. Winter and Frozie, let frozen this place for we can ski the ice.
33 Slush Friends and Little Boy: Yay!!!
*Winter and Frozie use ice power and frozen the lake, then they start having Christmas fun like: building the snowman, ice skating and ice dancing, snow angel, snowball fight, drawing on the snow and other thing. they have the great moment and best time ever*
*After having the Christmas fun, Legburns, Logan and ZeroX use fire power and melt the lake, then they decide to think about the place for stay, little boy curious and ask them*
Little Boy: Are you guys on holiday?
Stick Kiki: Yes, we decide to stay in New York City on 3 day 2 night and we gonna find the place for let us stay, then we can going to explore around New York City as ours best holiday.
Little Boy: Oh i see. *Have a idea* I have a friends can let you guys stay in the house.
Slushers Kiki Team: Oh really?!!!
Little Boy: Yes, follow me.
*He take the team and they moving from Central Park. They're arrived as New York Aquarium and they're moving to other side, they found the big house and the team surprise, he knock the door and the little girl name April came, the both wave as each other and she look as the team, he start introductions as each other*
Little Boy: Guys, this is my friends April. *Turn as April* This is Slushers Kiki Team, they save the Christmas and they help Santa Claus too. They going to the New York City for the holiday and they will stay in 3 day 2 night, if you don't mind if you let them stay in your house?
April: Nice to meet you guys and off course I can let them stay in my house for the holiday, this is gonna be fun and I'm glad about meet the amazing team!
Little Boy: Great, I'm going back home now, see you guys later! *Wave as Slushers Kiki Team and April, run away to return his home*
Slushers Kiki Team and April: See you later and thank you!!! *Wave as little boy*
April: So you guys stay in 3 day 2 night on New York City?
Stick Theo: Yes, we are on holiday and we decide to explore around New York City. I can help you introductions if you guys like. Oh, my family is ready for Christmas dinner, you guys can enjoy the dinner with my family if you like, then we canopen the Christmas present and we can go to bed for good energy, i will take you guys to explore around New York City in tomorrow.
Slushers Kiki Team: Sound good! Thank you, April!!!
April: No problem, please come in. Is gonna be cold outside and you guys can get warm inside.
Slushers Kiki Team: Ok!!!
*They're going inside April house and they move to the kitchen, the team said hi to April Family, she introductions as each other and she tell them about the team save Christmas and help Santa Claus, her family interested and they put the food with drink as the table and they sit down as the chair, 33 Slush Friends thank Stick Kiki for the amazing Christmas adventure and the best holiday, she said no problem and they're smiling, then they're start the Christmas dinner*
*After Christmas dinner, the team help her family cleaning and washing the dishes, they going to the living room for get some warm and open the Christmas present, they happy and they singing the Christmas song together, then they're going to the bathroom, taking the shower by use hot water, drying the hair, brush the teeth, wash the face, she take the team to the bedroom and they're turn off the light, climb up the bed and said good night as each other, they fall asleep. Stick Kiki happy about The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody have her as the awesome friends. They have the amazing Christmas adventure and the best holiday, they have the great moment together in New York City, also Christmas is safe and Santa Claus with his friends is finally return home for resting after complete his mission. Stick Kiki, The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue, they will going to explore around New York City by the help of April, especially Stick Kiki will tell the new amazing story on New York City on the next day too*

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