The New Wonderful Holiday Part 2: The Wonderful Christmas Story

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*In the new beautiful and warm (is spring season) morning, Slushers Kiki Team and April family wake up from sleeping, they brush the teeth, wash the face, doing the exercises and wear the warm thing, Stick Kiki wear the Spring Style. They're going to the kitchen and they make the breakfast, they put all the food with drink as the table and they sit down as the chair, they start the breakfast*
*After the breakfast, the team help April family wash the dishes, then they wash the both hand and they're telling about the new holiday planning in New York City*
April: Where are you guys want to go?
Violet: I don't know, but if you introductions around New York City, we can follow you everywhere if you want.
Aletta: Yes, this is ours best holiday ever in New York City, also you can jointhe best holiday with us too, more friends more fun.
April: Yay! Thank you guys so much!
Slushers Kiki Team: No problem!!!
Stick Kiki: Ok guys, let go to explore around New York City in today and tomorrow, this is ours best memories holiday ever.
Slushers Kiki Team and April: Ok!!!
Mr.Thomas: What do you mean about tomorrow?
Winter: Tomorrow night is ours team and ours friends with everybody from Turdroids came and we decide move to other country for the new holiday and the new amazing adventure.
ZeroX: Yes, but i'm sure about we can meet again in someday, don't worry.
Miss Lisa: Oh ok, we understand now.
*They get up and Miss Lisa locked the door, she and her husband going to work. Slushers Kiki Team and April wave as the both and she take them to New York Aquarium and they're going inside, they surprise and watching around the fish tank, taking the picture, record the camera and doing friends group photo together by use the phone, they saw the diver feeding the fish and sea animals, Stick Kiki have a new idea. She see the security guard and she ask him, he said ok and he take the team to the big fish tank, they look down and Stick Kiki take the 3 Magic Aquatic Items (Magic Sea Camp Fin and Gills Water Bottle, Magic Seaweed Pills, Magic Water Pearl Pills) from her Magic Watch and she hold for herself and give to 33 Slush Friends with April, they nodded the head and put the 2 different magic pills and drink the Magic Water Bottle, they walk near the water and taking the breath, dive down into the deep water*
*When they're in underwater world, they're happy about the gills on the neck and the fins on the hand with the legs is growing. They playing with fish and sea animal, enjoy the underwater nature, explore around underwater world, swimming and other thing. After having the underwater fun, they wave as fish and sea animal, swim back to the surface and swim to the shore, they climb up and the body back to normal, the security guard surprise but interesting. He give them the towel and they thank him, they drying the body and the hair, then give the towel back to him, he take the team outside and they wave as each other, they're going to explore other New York City place*
*They move to Central Park Zoo, they watching the animal and doing taking the picture, record the camera, doing the friends group photo together and playing with animal, then they move to Bronx Zoo and doing the same thing. Next, they move to Rubin Museun of Art and watch all gallery and doing the same thing again, after watching in 4 place, they going to restaurant, going inside and sit down as the chair, they talking and check the best memories in the phone, then the waiter bring all the food with drink and put as the table, they start the lunchtime*
*After the lunchtime, before they get up, suddenly they hear the sound and shocking. The raining came from outside and they're dissapoint*
Slushers Kiki Team, April and Everybody: What? Really? Oh no! Oh come on!!!
*They sit down again and feel bored*
April: Sorry about that, guys. I want take you guys to introductions more, but i think is gonna be raining until stop in afternoon.
JakeStick: Is ok, we still have other place to discovery in tomorrow, so don't need to worry about that.
Pokestarmon: But the problem is we can't just sitting for nothing.
Hexy: Yeah, we need something for waste the boredom, any of you guys have a idea?
*They're thinking, until Rich have a idea an turn as Stick Kiki*
Rich: I know! Kiki, can you tell us about your new amazing story?
NRG: That right, when we stuck in Singapore Airport and Dubai Mall, while we waiting, Kiki tell us about her amazing story for cheer up and can help us with everybody not gonna be boring thing.
JakeStick, Stick Theo, Winter, RandomStickmander, Legburns, Tyron, Treck and ZeroX: Yeah, we remember too!!!
Stick Kiki: *Nodded her head* Ok, I have the new amazing story about the wonderful Christmas, this is gonna help you guys and everybody not wasting the time.
33 Slush Friends, April and Everybody: Wow, that sound good! Ok!!!
*They're going to listen and Stick Kiki start telling her new amazing story. The background scene change and move to The Stick World scene (now is winter snowing day)*
*In the new beautiday snowing day as The Stick World, in Stick Kiki house, Stick Kiki finish cleaning and wash the dishes after the breakfast, then she hear the doorbell and going to the door, open the door and see Rich outside*
Rich: Hi Kiki! Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to you!
Stick Kiki: Hi Rich, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to you too. What the reason you came here?
Rich: Well, today i'm invite the amazing stick friends come to the forest and now they're in the forest for Christmas party, do you like to come? They like to meet you too.
Stick Kiki: Sure, sound good. More friends and more fun, this is gonna be the best Christmas holiday ever.
Rich: Great, let go to the forest and meet the amazing stick friends!
*Stick Kiki turn off the light, locked the door careful and the both run to the forest. Later, The both arrival as the forest have snow and frozen lake, the both meet 26 stick friends doing the Christmas party and they wave as each other*
Stick Kiki and Rich: Hi guys!!! *wave as 26 Stick Friends*
26 Stick Friends: Hi Kiki and Rich!!! *Wave as Stick Kiki and Rich*
Rich: By the way Kiki, this is Hexy, PanButelly, Aletta, Dwayne, BLZ, Frozie, Edia, Juliette, Siax 64, Reggiano, ZeroX and Spade. *Turn as 12 other stick friends* Guys, this is Stick Kiki, she is the amazing friends and she is the team leader.
12 Stick Friends: Nice to meet you, Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: Nice to meet you guys too. Thank you guys for invite me to the Christmas party in the forest.
Aletta: You're welcome, we are glad you came to join the Christmas fun with us.
Rich: Well, since we're here, let having the Christmas fun begin!
27 Stick Friends: Yay!!!
*They're start having the Christmas fun. In the table, Spade, Reggiano, Aletta and PanButelly talking about holiday and adventure eith other thing, Dwayne sleeping on the table. Planta is the snowman, BLZ behind Planta the snowman and point the gun. Steve, MarcelStick, Hexy and Logan decorating the Christmas tree, Logan climb and put the star as the top of the tree, Hexy use the wings and help them finish the Christmas tree decorations. Arrow decorations  the Christmas light. Siax11 and Siax 64 doing the Christmas present surprise. Tyron, Treck, Stick Theo and Juliette playing the snowball fight, but until they lose control and fight as each other. RandomStickmander building the snowman and Edia help him. Legburns and Frozie making the snow angel. In the frozen lake, Stick Kiki, JakeStick, Violet, NRG, Rich and ZeroX doing ice skating, Stick Kiki doing ice dancing, JakeStick doing special ice skating skill, NRG and Violet need ice skating practice, ZeroX doing ice skating movement and Rich fall into the snow (he can't control the balance), make Legburns and Frozie get up and shock, the both ask him and he said ok. Then they finish the Christmas fun and watching the beautiful aurora night on the forest*
*Later, they're run to Stick Kiki house, she open the door and they're going inside, she turn on the light and they walk to the kitchen. She cooking the dinner and 27 stick friends help her, then they put all the food with drink and put as the table, they sit down as the chair and then they have wonderful Christmas dinner ever, 27 stick friends thank Stick Kiki for join the wonderful Christmas party, she said no problem and they start Christmas dinner. The background scene change (from The Stick World and return to New York City restaurant)*
*After Stick Kiki finish telling her new amazing story, they clap the both hand, then they turn and feel happy, because the raining is stop and sunny going again*
33 Slush Friends, April and everybody: Yay! Thank you so much, Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: No problem, I'm glad to help you guys not get bored. Please ask me if you guys want my other new amazing story in everytime.
33 Slush Friends: Ok!!!
April: Ok guys, let go to explore more New York City place, before we can return my house.
Slushers Kiki Team: Ok!!!
*They get up and going outside from the restaurant, she take them to other New York City place*
*They taking the picture, record the camera and doing friends group photo together in other New York City place like: Statue of Liberty National Monument, Time Square, Brooklyn Bridge, Broadway, Chelsea Market, Brooklyn Museum and Top of The Rock. After finish explore around other New York City place, they run and stop as April house. They going inside April house and say hi to her family, they're going to the kitchen and they her family making the dinner, they put all food with drink as the table, they sit down as the chair and Stick Kiki tell them about she tell her new amazing story as the restaurant, April family interesting and 33 Slush Friends thank Stick Kiki for the amazing holiday, she said no problem and they're smiling, then they start the dinner*
*After the dinner, they help her family wash the dishes, then she take them to the rooftop and they watching the beautiful star night, then they're going downstairs and walk to the bathroom, taking the bathroom, drying the hair, brush the teeth, wash the face and going to the bedroom, turn off the light and climb up the bed, fall asleep. Stick Kiki happy about The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody have her as the awesome friends. They have the new wonderful holiday and especially they have the wonderful New Year too. Stick Kiki, The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue, also they will going to explore another New York City place in tomorrow for the new amazing holiday*

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