The Wonderful Adventure with Teddy Jones

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*In the new beautiful sunny day, Turdroids finally arrived as Phu Quoc Island again, he stop and he sleeping. The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody wake up, going to the bathroom, brush the teeth, wash the face and doing exercise, Stick Kiki take them and she with Vietnam Slush Friends introductions Phu Quoc, they're interested and nodded the head, then they meet Miss Linh again and she take them to the buffet restaurant, they take all food with drink and found the sit, they put as the table and start the breakfast*
*After the breakfast, they're going outside and they explore Phu Quoc United Center again with Stick Kiki help, they doing taking the picture, record the camera and doing friends group photo selfie together, then they stop as Phu Quoc Teddy Bear Museum, they're surprise and explore around the museum, they feel happy and doing watching every teddy bear*
*After watching every teddy bear, they going to the Teddy Coffee shop, they sit down as the chair and the waiter bring all the food with drink and put as the table, they start having the desert and then they finish, they talking as each other*
Trey: We have the best day ever as Phu Quoc of Vietnam.
Redraptor: Yes, especially thank to Kiki, we can see around Phu Quoc Island and we watching every teddy bear, look so cute and amazing!
The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody: Thank you so much, Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: No problem, I'm glad you guys like this. *Have a new idea* I got it, I have a new story about new amazing adventure with the amazing characters name Teddy Jones, do you guys want to hear?
The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody: Really? That amazing and sure!!!
Val: But who is Teddy Jones?
Stick Kiki: He based of Indiana Jones, but he is the teddy version and he live in Teddy Planet, he love the amazing adventure and he like collection thing like treasure.
Stick Hikaru and Stick Hikari: Oh that was awesome!!!
Stick Kiki: Yeah, sit down and let me tell you guys about the new amazing adventure story.
*They're sit down and Stick Kiki start telling the new amazing story. The scene turn and move to the Stick World*
*In Stick Kiki on the beach, Stick Kiki finish cleaning her house and she wash her hand, she locked the door careful and going outside and locked the door. She run and walking to the Stick City*
*Later, she meet 11 Stick Friends: Trey, Redraptor, Rich, NRG, Pokestarmon, Jay, Potato, Juliette, Nubi, Riku and Crazy Master. They wave as each other and going to Mexico Restaurant, they sit down and the waiter bring all the food with drink and put as the table, they start the breakfast*
*After the breakfast, she paying and going outside, suddenly they hear something and look as each other, then they run. They stop and saw the teddy bear wear the hat name Teddy Jones (based of Indiana Jones) got trouble by the evil giant teddy bear monster and he knock him, but he keep moving and they save his life, they team up with him and they're going to charge the battle again him. They doing punch, kick, uppercut, spin kick and use Martial Arts, they summon the power with spawn the weapon and charge the battle again him. After a few minute of battle, they finish him with use "Stick Heroes Ultimate Combo"*
*After defeat the evil giant teddy bear monster, they feel tired but still alive, they return the weapon and they look as him, Stick Kiki healthy him, he feel better and they're smiling, they happy as each other*
Teddy Jones: Thank you guys for save me!
12 Stick Friends: You're welcome, that ours jobs to do!!!
Stick Kiki: I'm Stick Kiki and this is my 11 stick friends: Trey, Redraptor, Rich, NRG, Pokestarmon, Jay, Potato, Juliette, Nubi, Riku and Crazy Master.
Teddy Jones: I'm Teddy Jones and I'm live in the Teddy Planet. Nice to meet you guys.
11 Stick Friends: Nice to meet you too!!!
Trey: You said about you're live in the planet have the teddy bear?
Teddy Jones: Yes, let me explain to you guys. *Explain about his planet called "Teddy Planet" and other thing about teddy bear history*
12 Stick Friends: Oh now we get it. *Nodded the head*
Teddy Jones: Yeah, I'm going to return my planet, but because you guys save me and to thank you guys, I will take you guys to the Teddy Planet for having the new amazing holiday and best wonderful adventure, what do you guys think?
12 Stick Friends: Sure, sound good!!!
*He take them to the beach, she point as her house and he interested, then they're stop and he take off the Invisibles Blanket, he show the Teddy Rocket and they're surprise, then they're going inside and sit down, he start the engine and the Teddy Rocket take off and flying from the Stick World Planet and they're enjoy beautiful star and space, the new dimensions gate appear and the Teddy Rocket going through, then to other dimensions and until they're surprise, they saw the Teddy Planet and the flying down, then the Teddy Rocket landing on the ground, the Teddy Citizens and Teddy Village saw them with cheer up, they welcome him back and Teddy Jones introductions 12 Stick Friends and all the Teddy People happy, they welcome them and he take them introductions around Teddy Planet with going to the new wonderful adventure*
*He give them the map and they take it, they're going to Teddy Museum and discovery with enjoy all gallery and all statue, all teddy bear collection and other thing, they leave the museum and they stop as his house, he introductions his house and show them about the treasure and other amazing thing, they're interested, then they leave his house and continue wonderful adventure*
*They're going to Sahara desert and found the temple, the people happy to see them and let them camping, watching the beautiful star night and then the team get up, wave as each other and continue moving to other place*
*They're explore and travel with helping Teddy People around Teddy Planet like: escape through the cave, swim in under the sea and found the Atlantic with meet the 2 MerTeddy (by use Stick Kiki 2 special abilities Bubble-Breath and Waterproof and they can breath underwater like fish), walking through the Maya and see the giant statue, going to Egypt and rescue the missing Teddy Kids from the pyramid, flying in the sky by use parachute and landing on China, fixing the giant statue in other place, meet the king and all the guard, helping other people find the China Warrior statue in underground, flying around the sky by use the balloon, swim through the river by the boat and explore around the jungle, then they're moving to Vietnam and explore around Vietnam place, then they relax and chill, they having the wonderful adventure and the best holiday ever*
*They're wave as the Teddy people for goodbye and they're going inside as Teddy Rocket, they sit down and he start engine again, the Teddy Rocket flying and moving away from Teddy Planet and through the Dimensions Gate and then to the Stick Planet*
*The Teddy Rocket landing on the beach and they're going outside, Stick Kiki take them with Teddy Jones to her house and she open the door, he explore around her house and and interesting, they're smiling, then they're going to the kitchen and they making the dinner, then they finish making the dinner and put as the table, they sit down and start the dinner*
*After the dinner, they're going outside and they wave as each other, Teddy Jones going inside the Teddy Rocket and start the engine again, he driving back to Teddy Planet for return home, 11 Stick Friends going home and she close the door, locked careful and going to the bathroom, taking the shower, drying her hair, brush her teeth and wash her face, she going to the bedroom, turn off the light and climb up as the bed, fall asleep, they hope about they will going to the new amazing adventure in the future year, then the background scene change and back to Phu Quoc Teddy Bear Museum scene*
*Stick Kiki finish telling her new amazing story, they cheer up and clap the both hand, then they're going outside and run to the beach, they doing having fun with swimming and diving in Phu Quoc Beach. After having funon the beach, she take them to Wow! Sunset Show and they're sit down, enjoy and listen all the Vietnam music, they're happy. The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody thank her for the amazing holiday, she said no problem and they're smiling, then they're continue listen, until the show is done and they're clap the both hand again, they're going to the buffet restaurant, grab all the food with drink and found the seat, they put as the table and sit down, start the dinner*
*After the dinner, they're wave as Miss Linh for thank her again and going outside, they meet Turdroids and he saw them, he happy and let the team going inside, Stick Kiki tell him about return to Dubai again, he nodded the head and they're wonder, she tell them about they're going to Dubai Mall with the Aquarium, they're surprise but agree with her, then he turn and swim away from Phu Quoc. The Phu Quoc people wave as them for have fun and good luck, then they get back to work*
*The team watching the beautiful star night in the sea, they wave as each other for good night and they're going inside the house, going to the bathroom, taking the shower, drying the hair, brush the teeth, wash the face and going to the bedroom, turn off the light, climb up as the bed and fall asleep. Stick Kiki happy about The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody have her as the awesome friends. They have the best holiday and she have the wonderful story ever, they have the great moment together. Stick Kiki, The Slushers Team, Heroes Allies Team and everybody new amazing adventure still continue and they're return to Dubai again for explore new place, especially Stick Kiki will tell the new amazing adventure story with other Slush Friends*

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