Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


'Tina! Get up!' Layla said, shaking the girl.

                   'Mmm... 5 more minutes....' Tina said, placing the pillow over her head.

'You'll miss breakfast!' Jasmine sighed.

'No!' Tina exclaimed and jolted up. The two girls sighed disappointedly.

'I'm pretty sure if breakfast didn't exist, you wouldn't wake up till lunch,' Layla said, rubbing her temple.

                  'Oi. Don't you dare come in between my love for food you two!' Tina narrowed her eyes before all three of them burst out laughing.

'Just get ready,' Jasmine rolled her eyes.

'Oh, and your hair-' Tina's eyes widened as she cut off Layla.

              'Is it blue?'

The two girls nodded and Tina panicked. 'Tell me no one else saw it!' 

'Relax T, even if they did, they would just think you turned your hair like that,' Jasmine comforted.

Christina bit her lip. 'Let's hope so,' she muttered as she turned her hair brown. 'I'll get ready and meet you guys in the common room.'

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'Hey look, it's the hot trio,' Fred wolf-whistled as the three Slytherin girls walked in the Great Hall, Christina in the lead holding an air of authority around as she walked in. Layla and Jasmine were only an inch behind her and stood out as much as Christina did as the three joined the other three; Adam, Albus, and Scorpio.

'Please, they're nothing compared to my Chloe,' James scoffed.

                 Lysander and Zac sighed hopelessly. 'You're hopeless,' Zac said.

Just then, a giggling trio of girls walked in, consisting of a blonde girl, a brunette girl, and a black-haired girl.

'This is my chance,' James muttered and rushed in front of the group before sliding onto his knees. 'Clo-clo! Will you go to a date with me?'

'No. So shove off Potter.'

               A roar of laughter was heard from the Slytherin table, as Christina yelled. 'Shot down again Potter boy?'

James gritted his teeth and stood up before whipping out his wand and pointing it at the table. It was still early so the teachers hadn't come yet as he shouted. 'Levicorpus!'

A first-year boy instantly started dangling as the other three tables started to laugh, apart from the sensible ones, as the Slytherin table gasped in horror. Christina dove into action as she stood on her chair and yelled. 'Liberacorpus!'

The boy fell back on his chair and gave Christina a grateful smile, who returned it before looking at James with a death glare. She stood on the table before jumping in front of him and pointing the wand at him. 'So you think you're funny huh? Using a spell on a first-year?' she raised a brow, her hair dark red.

            James smirked. 'What are you going to do about it, Snake?'

That was the last straw for Christina. Everyone gasped as she yelled, 'Flipendo!'

James sent a jinx towards her simultaneously, 'Locomotor Wibbly!'

The two spells hit their targets; James backflipped and found himself laying on the ground as Christina had kneeled. The latter muttered the counter-jinx as the teachers burst in.

             'OUTRAGEOUS!' Minerva McGonagall yelled as the two stood up. 'Explain!'

'Potter thought it would be funny to jinx one of the first years in Slytherin,' Christina retorted.

'Then she sent a Knockback Jinx at me!'

            'And he sent a Jelly-Legs Jinx at me!'

'ENOUGH!' The two jumped at the Headmistress's loud voice. 'Detention tonight. Meet Professor Periwinkle in her office tonight.'

Professor Periwinkle was the Muggle Studies teacher and was a jolly one. The two students just hmphed and nodded.

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           'Miss Hills!'

The Slytherin Group turned to see the kid who Christina had helped during breakfast.

'Hey- John right?' She asked.

'Yes... um... I wanted to thank you, Miss Hills.' The boy looked at his feets and jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw a smiling Christina.

          'Hey, we Slytherin's gotta stick together right?' she commented.

          'Yeah, don't worry about it kiddo,' Adams said.

'If Christina wasn't as fast as she was, the whole Slytherin table would've stood up,' Scorpio said.

'That's the beauty of Slytherin,' Albus, Jasmine, and Layla chorused. John's face brightened as he nodded.

From afar, James watched the group, before walking away. 

               The beauty of Slytherin huh...

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Christina stood outside the Muggle Classroom, tapping her foot impatiently, looking at her watch. 'What's taking that Potter so long?'

             'You called?'

Christina turned and rolled her eyes. 'Unbelievable. You dressed up for detention?'

'Got a problem, Hills?' James retorted. 'I don't even know why I am here.'

'Trust me, I don't want to be here either,' Christina said, smiling sarcastically.

           'Oh really?' James hummed, tilting his head mockingly.

'Yes really,' Christina said as she knocked at the door. 'Professor Perwinkle?'

The door opened to reveal the said professor, who beamed. 'Ah yes! Miss Hills and Mr. Potter! Come in!'

             The two did so and found themselves in a room filled with muggle things. 'You'll be cleaning this whole room. Please don't break anything.' With that, she walked out.

           'Wait- so you're just gonna leave us here?' James asked, shocked.

'That's how she is.' James looked at Christina who was looking around aimlessly. 'Come on, I don't want to spend all night here.'

               'The feelings mutual.'

The two cleaned in silence. James gazed at Christina and raised a brow. 'Why is your hair turning blue?'

Christina jumped and looked at him, horrified. 'W-What?'

'I said, your hair is turning blue,' James rolled his eyes but was perplexed when he saw Christina panicking.

'Oh no oh no oh no-' she froze and looked at James. 'Listen, you ain't telling this to anyone. Got it?!'

James went to make a retort but when he saw the look in her eyes, he just mumbled 'Fine.'

An hour later, Professor Periwinkle came and dismissed them. 

As James went back to his common room, he only had one thought.

Why was she so horrified when her hair turned blue?

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