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Hello to everyone who will read this story. It is the first one I've thought of, so it would be good to get some recommendations on how I am doing. Of course, I won't always be able to read all your comments, but any help will be appreciated.

Regarding the title, this story will be based on one of my favorite YouTubers. I've watched them for a long time, and the story they've developed over the years is something I will always admire. Here, I won't put a powerful character or one that is completely overpowered.

Instead, it will be like a secondary character who has always been observing every interaction between the characters, every story arc that generated character development over time, and, of course, some relationships that some people might not like, but as I always say to myself, I DON'T CARE! I'm a bit too old for people online to complain about my pairing decisions.

This is my story, and I will see how my character makes the world of SMG4 even more chaotic than it already is. First, let's give this guest a design, as I like to call him. His name will be Vita. Yes, I know his name might not be the most original, but sometimes simplicity is easier. Look at Tari, for example; they just put an "a" at the beginning of her name, and you have "Atari" hahaha.

Well, with his name ready, let's move on to his appearance. The world of SMG4 is connected to the multiverse of the "meme-verse," so I can choose a character from any franchise, even a fruit if I want (looking at Melony). How about a "hybrid"? I don't think it's illegal to make one. Besides, I can figure out how to make this guy appear. I'm not a fan of harems or having relationships. I'll have him there as just another character but basically the pinnacle of "weirdness." By that, I mean his origin. The weirdest character will always be Mario... got it.

His story will be as follows: he will have avatar blood, "Mario." As the avatar of the SMG4 world, he cannot die, or else the whole world will be destroyed. But what happens if a second avatar is created with Mario's DNA? There are many moments where Mario loses blood, so that will be his main DNA. There are other types of characters in that world, and they will be the cursed ones, who, for some strange reason, gain powers that make them part of significant events in this world (Waluigi, Melony, SMG0, SMG3, etc.). But what curse to give him? For now, I'll let the small number of readers of this story decide. My character will appear in 5 chapters from now on, so there's time until I have his design complete. But if nothing appears, I'll keep his curse a secret.

His appearance will be a 23-year-old boy, 1.78 meters tall, with a slim but not weak build. His casual outfit would be a pair of green camo-style shoes, gray sports pants, a red T-shirt, and as accessories, an earring on his right ear. His hair will be loose, somewhat long, tied in a ponytail at the back, and gray in color. He will wear glasses, but most of the time, he will have contact lenses.

Think of him as a character similar to Mario but with different redesigns like SMG4 and SMG3 had.

Likes: a fan of non-competitive video games, staring into space and thinking of somewhat absurd scenarios in his head, thinking of different ways he can help those around him, cooking strange dishes that taste good (some turn out well, others not so much), cleaning and caring for firearms, practicing archery, testing his limits as a character and personally.

Dislikes: soups, he can't stand them but has a taste for instant soup and tomato soup, out-of-control situations, looking out the window and finding a nuclear explosion, studying (though he's somewhat smart), strange situations involving character development, and Bob's antics.

For his personality, I'll make him shy and somewhat quiet, but when he is distracted or excited about something, he doesn't stop talking. He may seem to have some type of autism, but that's just how he knows how to communicate, excessive hand movement when talking, and in life or death situations, he will freeze, not in movement but in emotions. He will act like someone who never had emotions, so he might sometimes be too much for the people around him at that moment.

That would be most things. If anyone would like to fix or change something, let me know in the comments, and I'll see how to change it. So far, this would only be the introduction. Goodbye, folks. I hope you support this strange story.


P.S.: I plan to make the episodes somewhat long because I have many ideas for this story. I don't know how many chapters this little story will have because it is something personal, but we'll see. Byeee.

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