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' -smile, you look better smiling jungkook-ah (: '

jungkook scrunched up his face as he crumpled the paper and threw it on the floor, not really caring about who gave it or why.

he had been receiving these notes from god knows who from the past one month, and it irritates him alot.

of course he does receives others, but these notes just kept coming in.

"don't you want to find out who the person is?" jaebum asked once he saw the paper being thrown on the floor.

"no, why the fuck would i?" the other two just chuckled as they started walking for their classes.

a chocolate brown haired guy came out from behind the wall as he walked towards the crumpled piece of paper, heaving a sigh as the tears started to prickle in his eyes, everytime.

smile jimin, everything would be alright.

he threw the piece of paper before walking down the hallway as he recalled what happened before all this started.

they were on the phone, jungkook was the one who called since he was bored at the backseat while his father drove.

"so. . .about your confession the other day, i have thought about it hyung"

the younger bit his lips as a warm blush bloomed his face.


he could hear the anxiousness in the older's voice, a smile forming on his face.

"yeah, and so hyung, i- dad!-"

the rest of the noises or words were muffled and spurred, as jimin heard cars honking and crashing, the line ending with a beep.

the brown haired started feeling uneasy, the background voices freaking him out.

his phone started ringing, he breathed in heavily before taking his phone, jungkook's mom's number popping up.


he could heard sniffles from the other end, as if his mom is trying to calm herself down.


"yes mrs. jeon?"

"jungkook, he's in a coma"

and that is when the older broke down, shaky sighs and soft sobs emitting from his lips as he asked for the hospital jungkook was warded in.

he made his way there fast, ignoring his mom asking him where he was going.

he reached the hospital, asked for the younger's room and level, seeing the black haired boy's mom crying in her hands while waiting for jungkook and her husband outside.

he immediately hugged her, giving comforting words eventhough he himself is trying hard to choke back a sob from escaping.

jungkook is like a part of him, he couldn't bear the idea of the younger being in pain or anything bad. his heart thumped loudly in his chest as the feeling of uneasiness increased.

the doctor came out after a total of more than five hours, removing his gloves and pulling down his mask as a small, bitter smile formed on his face.

"both of them are saved, but jeon jungkook, he seemed to have lost his memory since the crash mostly impacted him on his head, it can injure the brain and cause both short and long-term memory loss. but his memory may gradually improve over time"

jimin felt distraught as anxiety washed over him.

what will happen to their love?

when it was just about to bloom into something beautiful.

you dont even care, do you?

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