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Jɪɱɪŋˈs pøʋ

Jungkook is an excellent artist. When I say he is excellent, I mean it. He had painted the small dollhouse so well, it looked like a real, mini-house. It's amazing how he'd done so by using only two colours, save the white.

He is a nice gossip partner. He is interested in my college and I'm equally interested in answering him, except for the fact that he does not understand much. I have also learnt that he liked baking the cake a little too much, so I'm planning on spending more time baking and cooking with him.

We went back inside once the sun started to dip below the horizon. The only time we have been inside the house today was during lunch. Mom saw how much fun we were having and let us be. So I did not realize just how much time we had spent together.

Though tomorrow is Monday, I plan on skipping college. Tomorrow is Jungkook's second session and I feel like I need to be there.

I put a layer of glaze over the paint so that the paint wouldn't chip off and put it on the showcase in my room, right in the middle of two fake miniature flower pots.

The sky is pitch black now, with no stars or moon to guide the creatures on their way back home. The street lights flicker, giving off a creepy aura that nobody wants to approach, yet they have to since it's the only thing that could show them their way.

As I was making my bed, Jungkook suddenly appeared, with his pillow and blanket in his hands.

"Can I sleep here?"

I was confused at the sudden announcement. There was something about him that prevented me from rejecting him. I nodded my head. He walks into my room, throwing his pillow and blanket on my bed and laid down, pulling the blanket up to his head.

I snuck up on the bed beside him and covered myself with the duvet, looking at him as made a burrito out of himself. His eyes looked sad when he entered the room, but it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through Instagram. It's not that late at night and I'm not sleepy yet. I made sure to lower the volume so I don't disturb Jungkook.

A notification appears on the screen of my phone. It's from Dad. I exhaled a breath and opened the message.

I've sent you the school fees for the next three months. Don't use a single Won of it for anything else.

It made me sigh. I was in no mood to be reminded about him, but I had no choice. As long as I need to rely on him, I have nothing to do but try my best to be nice to him. The money he sends us is our only means of survival.



I replied and turned my phone off, tossing it to the bedside table. Heaving another sigh, I look at my side. Jungkook was already asleep. I removed some strands of hair from his face. His lips were turned a little downward as if he was distressed. I patted his head a little.

"You'll get through this, I promise."

I whispered, slipping off the bed as quietly as I could and walked out of the room. Dad usually sends Mom some money for usual household expenses, only if he doesn't forget. I need to make sure of that. I latch the door softly as I make my way to Mom's room.

She's sitting on the bed, stitching up holes in her clothes. My heart aches at the sight. She has worn these clothes for many years. I wish I could buy her some new ones, but I have no income of my own.

She notices my presence and smiles softly, moving aside to give me some space to sit. I comply and sit beside her.

"Dad sent me the fees."

I say. She halts her movements, thinking for a while. She clearly doesn't know about it. She quickly takes her phone, turning the data on. A message pops up on the lock screen almost instantly. With shaky figures, she clicks on it.

Get the kid whatever he needs. Don't waste my money. Remember that you're in my pity. I can stop sending you this money anything I want or even kick you out as well. So don't you dare disobey me.

Despite the horrible words the screen displayed, Mom smiles at me.

"You can finally buy the Psychological book you wanted to."

Before I say something, she had already replied to Dad.


I'll do just as you said. I'll buy Jimin whatever he needs. Please trust me, I'll obey every word of yours.

"Mom, please."

"We better not make him mad."

She says with a watery smile. The smile that made more resentment grow inside of me towards Dad. There will come one day when we will escape him. There will come a day when I will take Mom away from his wrath.

"I don't want to buy that book anymore."

I say, her smile drops.

"What do you want then?"

I look at the worn-out piece of clothing in her hand. She tossed it away as if she could understand what I was thinking. One thing I hate about mom is that she can read me very well. It prevents me from searching for routes to escape this hellhole. She always understands what I'm up to.

"We can't do what you want me to do, Jimin."

"It's literally falling off."

She stays quiet for a long time after that before I decide to break the silence.

"I'm buying you new clothes."

I said in a stern voice. He wouldn't know what we are doing with the money if he was not even here. Right now, Mom needs the money more than I do.

"Jimin, you don't understand-"

"I don't want to."

She quietens, looking at me with a sour expression. She's scared of Dad, I know. Even I am scared of him. His temper knows no bounds. But my Mom can't live like this, with the fear of her husband possibly killing her one day.

I held her hand, the way she holds mine when I'm distressed.

"I'll not let him touch you again."

Mom laughs, trying to shift the mood, which she knows to never work, but it doesn't stop her from trying.

"My son had grown up so much."

She tries change the topic. I smile a little. Mom's gesture suggests that she has agreed to me. She stops laughing and looks into my eyes.

"Let's go shopping tomorrow."

I smile a little wider.

"Let's take Jungkook along, then!"


Wow it's been so many months since I last updated this. But really, for the past two months, Wattpad had been glitchy, preventing me from posting absolutely ANYTHING at all-

So here's a chapter (consider this as an advanced Jin's birthday special chapter though it has nothing to do with him lol-)

Anyways, I hope you like it!

I'll try updating regularly now for a month maybe because after that, I'll probably become inactive for like-a good 4 years (academics yknow?).

Love you guys! Have a great day!~

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