07. able to injure one

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snakes and shapers // 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 && 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
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"You ready to go?" Ajax asked as he closed the door to Esmeralda's dorm. It was the funeral to Mayor Walker. Esmeralda nodded, she liked the Mayor, she was friends with her son. Trent and Lucas apologized for what happened at the Rave'N.

Trent got back with his ex-girlfriend after they had a fight. While for Lucas, he stayed single. He was trying to find a girlfriend but Esmeralda's friend, Bianca had said she was talking to Lucas.

Trent said the same. "Yeah, let's go." Esmeralda wore all black with a bit of colored eyeshadow. Not too noticeable where it would seem offensive to wear bright colors to a funeral.

It was raining and you could hear the drops of the rain outside. It was calm and mysterious. Esmeralda liked the rain, it calmed her and it lets her think.

Ajax and Esmeralda walked hand-in-hand to the town which other students. Esmeralda stood quiet the whole walk to the graveyard. Ajax didn't bother his girlfriend but he made her feel comfortable.

Ajax was a honest boyfriend, if he ever did something horrible or made Esmeralda feel horrible he would apologize instantly. This is how we know the boy is head over heels for her.

Esmeralda and Ajax shared an umbrella near the Mayors coffin. A person was talking about the Bible, Lucas and his mother were next to the coffin crying. Lucas held his mothers hand while she placed the flower with the others.

Ajax sighed. "Anything on your mind?" Esmeralda asked him finally speaking but keeping her gaze on the coffin. "Yeah. It's just all of this." He spoke. Esmeralda agreed. "It'll all be over soon." She took his hand and held it in her own. Esmeralda noticed how Bianca and Lucas exchanged looks, like he was desperate to talk to her right now.

Ajax placed his arm around Esmeralda before rubbing it against her shoulder before walking off with her. Everyone walked to the Weathervane or a food place or even their homes. Every Nevermore student headed places waiting for Weems to take them back to Nevermore.

Ajax and Esmeralda headed to the Weathervane. "You want a coffee Essy?" Ajax asked, she nodded. "Yeah. Cappuccino actually. To go too." She chuckled.

After she got the cappuccino, her and Ajax walked around the town together. Esmeralda took a sip of it before she heard Weems call all students to the bus for Nevermore.

"Come on," Esmeralda spoke grabbing Ajax's hand and walking with him to the bus. "Hi Ms. Thornhill," They both spoke walking on the bus. "Hello guys!" She spoke back giving a cheeky laugh.

Esmeralda furrowed her eyebrows at this laugh. She also titled her head a little before shrugging it off and sitting with Ajax. "That was weird, she never laughs like that. She always gives a chuckle or something else." Esmeralda explained.

"It's okay, maybe she's just sad about Mayor Walker's death," Ajax added. "She didn't know Walker like that. Besides you don't laugh after a funeral." Esmeralda shook her head then squinted her eyebrows for a second. Ajax placed her hand on her thigh. Esmeralda gave a sudden gasp at this.

"Sorry." Ajax apologized, Esmeralda shook her head placing her hand on his. "No it's fine, you've just never done that before." Esmeralda chuckled. Ajax smirked before kissing her cheek.

"Ugh, get a room please!" Marice joked sitting in the seat next to them. "Did you and Xavier finally make up?" Ajax asked. Marice sighed, "Sorta. He painted me so that gave him some points..." Marice chuckled.

Esmeralda grinned at this, knowing what she told Xavier. "By the way he's sitting next to me, so that's how you know I'm not fully mad at him." Marice added, before Xavier came in view.

The bus was already moving when Xavier came into view. Marice and Xavier were both having their own conversation while Ajax and Esmeralda had their heads on each other.

"After today, do you maybe want to finally go on a real date..." Ajax asked softly. Esmeralda smiled but pretended she couldn't hear him, "I'm sorry what was that?" She asked chuckling.

"I said maybe after today if you wanted to go on a real date with... me?" Ajax asked once more. Esmeralda smiled big. "Hmmm... I have to check my calender to see if I'm not busy." Esmeralda joked.

"Essy." Ajax groaned. "What! I have to see if I don't have any plans tommorow." She put her hands up before she looked at him and chuckled.

"Of course I'll go on a date with you," She took her hand and grabbed his face with it before kissing.

Marice groaned, "Get a room!"

Esmeralda and Ajax laughed. "Xavier control your girl," Ajax joked. Marice looked at him, "Excuse me?" Marice gave him a death stare.

Ajax had a scared look on his face. Marice couldn't keep her face straight. "You're lucky you're dating my bestfriend,"

"You're lucky you're dating mine." Ajax replied softly.

"Open the door!" Wednesday voice could be heard from outside of Esmeralda and Marice's dorm. Esmeralda stood up from her bed placing her shoes on. Esmeralda walked to the door opening it. "What happened?" She asked crossing her arms.

"I know who's the Hyde." Wednesday spoke. Esmeralda went blank. Marice heard this and she placed her slip-on's her feet speed walking to the two girls.

"Who is it then?" She asked, "Xavier." Wednesday broke the news. Marice backed up, "No..." She softly said. She had just made up with him and he's the Hyde?

"Do you have proof?" Marice asked before Wednesday nodded. "Can you show us?" Esmeralda asked as Wednesday looked to them before leaving.

"We have to get there before he does. We'll all be sitting down waiting for him then, boom. The cops come then Xavier is gone." Wednesday explained assuming and knowing they followed her.

Esmeralda and Marice looked to each other before gulping. "Also, your boy toy killed Dr. Kinbott." Wednesday added. "What? My session with her was tomorrow." Marice furrowed her brows.

Once they arrived at Xavier's painting place they all waited for him to arrive. Wednesday had the knife that almost killed Thing.

Xavier opened the door to his painting place and turned on the light inside he saw his girlfriend, her best friend and Wednesday. Xavier scoffs.

"Okay, you know what Wednesday. You need to stay out of my spa—" Xavier walked closer. "Xavier. Are you really the Hyde?" Marice asked. Xavier furrowed his brows.

"Marice. We'll get to that later." Wednesday told her. Wednesday placed the knife on the stool. "You left that in my room," Wednesday spoke standing up walking closer to Xavier. "actually, you left it in Thing."

"Wait, what?" Esmeralda asked. Wednesday ignored her. "How long have you been seeing Kinbott?" Wednesday asked, Xavier looked to Marice who was next to Esmeralda holding her arm.

"Have you...?" Xavier scoffed. "What am I saying? Of course you have. You've been spying on me, right?" Xavier asked moving his arms to his pockets in his sweater.

Wednesday stared.

Xavier grabbed the knife, "'Cause I'm the villain in your fantasy." Xavier played with the knife as he walked closer to Wednesday. "My father thinks that my mental health is a PR problem that he needs to manage." Xavier spoke. "And I always take my anger out verbally on Marice."

"But he wanted to keep his troubled son out of the tabloids." Xavier added moving the knife around. "I wasn't in your room. Believe me or don't believe me, I don't care." Xavier spoke looking up to all three of the girls.

Wednesday ignored him and walked to a painting with a cover on it. She spoke for a while before unavailing it. Esmeralda eyes went wide eyed and gasped.

"Feels like you really lived it." Wednesday began. Xavier looked to Esmeralda and Marice. "What do you guys want from me?" He asked. "I'm asking the question." Wednesday remarked.

"What is Rowan's inhaler doing in your shed?" She asked picking up from a box. The box had a few things in it of the victims the Hyde has killed. Xavier furrowed his brows wondering how they got there.

"Or Eugene's glasses?" She picked them up showing Eugene's glasses with blood still on it. Xavier backed up. "Or these stalker images you took of me?" She asked showing a bunch of them. "I..."

"Don't forget your latest addition," Wednesday dumps out crayons with a necklace inside. "Kinbott's necklace." Marice walked to Xavier.

"Xavier... please tell me your not the Hyde." Marice spoke as the police barged into the room. "Freeze!" Galpin annocuned. Esmeralda watched as her boyfriend's best friend was getting arrested.

"Drop the knife! Down on your knees." Galpin added. Marice sniffled and her eyes were red. Xavier was down on his knees as Galpin said the Miranda's rights to Xavier.

"Appreciate the help girls." Galpin spoke thanking them. "I... I was framed!" Xavier yelled. "I'm being set up." Xavier spoke. Esmeralda heard how he was framed. She remembered how Thornhill gave a cheeky laugh after she said hi to her.

It was Thornhill.

Esmeralda walked to Marice who collapsed. "I should've let Rowan kill you." Wednesday stared at Xavier, watching him get into the cop car.

"Wednesday come on, let's go." Esmeralda spoke, Wednesday shook her head. "You two go, I have some other business to attend to." She spoke as Esmeralda gave a small okay and helped Marice up and left back to Nevermore.

As they walked back to Nevermore. "I cant believe he is the Hyde." Marice spoke, "You didn't hear him? He was framed." Esmeralda spoke.

"What...?" She asked. "Yeah, someone must've placed all that stuff there," Esmeralda spoke to her as they reached the lawn. Marice and Esmeralda walked back to their dorm. Thing was alive and safe with Enid in her room.

Esmeralda opened the door to their dorm where Ajax was sitting in a chair. "Jax? How long have you been here?" She asked setting Marice down on her bed. "I heard what happened, news travels pretty fast when something happens. Do you think he was framed?" Ajax asked.

Esmeralda nodded, "Definitely, someone planted all the stuff of peoples belongings. I think it was Thornhill." Esmeralda spoke. "What...? What makes you think it was her?" Ajax asked.

"The laugh she gave to us. She must've done it right after the funeral. And when Kinbott was killed she must've taken her necklace and placed it in the crayons." She explained.

Wednesday barges through the door. "It's not Xavier. It's Tyler." Wednesday spoke.

At an open structure with open archways was where Esmeralda, Ajax, Bianca, Yoko, Kent, and Divina were. "Stay here. I heard footsteps." Wednesday spoke as everyone nodded. She left to speak with Tyler.

"What do you think she's doing to him?" Divina asked. Everyone shrugged. They could hear her talking with Tyler.

"Who said I was alone?" Wednesday spoke as a cue for everyone to walk and surround Tyler. Tyler looks around to see them surround him. "Okay I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here," Tyler spoke but Bianca placed him under a Siren song.

"You're coming with us." Bianca sang placing Tyler in a sleep. Luckily Xavier's workshop wasn't far so it wasn't that bad of a walk.

They all entered the room and Wednesday tied him to the chair. Bianca snapped to wake him up. Tyler slowly wakes. Chains bind into a chair. He looks around to see paintings from Xavier.

"Welcome back," Wednesday spoke as Esmeralda and Ajax were both leaning against the desk. Ajax has one hand in his pocket with another around her.

Tyler tried to break through the chains asking where he is. "Someone where no one could hear your screams," Wednesday spoke as everyone furrowed their brows.

"What do you mean by that..." Kent asked as Wednesday ignored him. Tyler asked what was with the chains and Wednesday told him to not worry about it.

"Wednesday this is crazy, I'm a normie," Tyler spoke. "That's only half true." Wednesday holds an old fencing team picture with Esmeralda's father and mother, Wednesday's mother, and Tyler's mother. "Do you recognize her? Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would've noticed yours sooner." She explained.

"Your father fell in love and married an outcast." Wednesday finished, "So what? Yeah, my mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster." Tyler stated.

Wednesday explained how she was a Hyde and his father has been living his life in dread and everything. "You guys are just gonna stand there and do this to me?" Tyler asked.

"Guys. Enid just texted." Yoko stated. "Thornhill suspicious."

"Wait how long is it gonna take until he morphs into that... thing?" Ajax asked. "I'm not the monster," Tyler replied. Esmeralda chuckled. "Wednesday's vision says otherwise," Esmeralda spoke. Tyler's eyes furrowed as he tried to break free.

"She's basing this off after some vision she had after we kiss?" Tyler asked. Wednesday pulls out a saw.

"Wednesday what are you doing?" Bianca asked, "I won't leave a mark." Wednesday spoke.

"Wait. Are... are you being serious?" Ajax asked. "Wednesday this isn't necessary. We can just get the truth out of him than doing this." Esmeralda explained.

"There's only one thing that a Hyde understands." Wednesday pulls out a taser. "Pain." Everyone calls out her name. "That's it. I'm out!" Yoko spoke. "Us too." Kent and Divina spoke. "Yeah we're not doing this," Ajax spoke. Esmeralda agreed, "Esme no. Ajax!" Bianca called out for them.

"We have to go to Weems," Yoko stated. "I agree, this is the only time I agree with you," Kent replied. As they were walking Bianca had called out for them.

Her puffer jacket made a sound as she moved. "We need to go to Weems right now," Bianca stated as everyone agreed. They all ran back to Nevermore and rushed to her office.

"Principal Weems! We need to speak to you." Ajax spoke. Weems closed her laptop. "What is the matter?"

"It's Wednesday. She's trying to torture Tyler Galpin." Kent explained, "She's at Xavier's workshop." Esmeralda added. Weems sighed before picking up the school phone and contacting Sheriff Galpin.

"Sheriff Galpin." She spoke. "We have a problem." She added, her face turned tense. "And her name is Wednesday Addams," Weems spoke. Weems hangs up the phone.

"I have to get down to the Police station. All of you, rooms. Now." Weems spoke, and everyone went to their rooms with Weems following them making sure they went to their dorms.

Ajax walked Esmeralda to her dorm as Marice was laying in bed. "So, the date never happened." Ajax laughed and smiled. Esmeralda nodded. "So... I was thinking," Ajax grabbed her hands. "I could come to your room and we could have a date and maybe a make-out session." Ajax sent her a wink.

Esmeralda looked down and nodded. She sent a crooked smile before kissing Ajax. "Cool." He said into the kiss. Esmeralda leaned out of the kiss looking into Ajax's eyes.

"See you tomorrow." She said before opening her door and giving a wave before closing it.

Esmeralda looked to Marice who was asleep with a red nose. Esmeralda sighed before changing out of her clothes and putting on some pajama pants on and the shirt she was already wearing to bed.

In the morning, Esmeralda had heard how Wednesday got expelled and she was leaving this afternoon. Esmeralda had a goodbye gift for Wednesday.

It was going to be at the end of the year but since she"s expelled she's going to give it to her now. "Marice, you coming?" She asked. Marice shook her head, "I can't, I'm going to go see Xavier later. Galpin is letting me." She spoke before turning to the other side of her bed. "Okay. I'm going to go with Bianca and the others. See you, Mars." Esmeralda opened the door as Marice waved.

She made her way down's stairs where Ajax and the others were waiting for her. "You got her a gift," Bianca spoke.

It was a charm bracelet that had Nevermore, Enid, Esmeralda, and Wednesday together and a few other charms on the bracelet. It was wrapped in Wednesday's favorite color. Black, with a purple bow tie on the top.

Esmeralda nodded and she sighed. "I'm actually gonna miss her," Esmeralda spoke before fixing her glasses. Esmeralda would wear her glasses from time to time, they were her fathers. She was only seven when her father gave her them. Right before he died.

Esmeralda didn't take his death well, she was his best friend. Wednesday was soon spotted coming down the stairs with her backpack. Bianca had noticed her and they approached her.

"The plan wasn't to get you expelled. We're sorry." Bianca apologized. "The Nightshades need to be ready for what's coming, or a lot of people are going to die," Wednesday spoke as the six furrowed their brows.

Esmeralda shrugged it off before approaching Wednesday. "I wanted to give you this. It took my cousin about two months to make this, because of the stuff." She handed Wednesday the present as Wednesday took it.

Wednesday thanked her before opening it. "Oh. This is... beautiful." Wednesday spoke. "Did Wednesday Addams just say beautiful? You never say that." Esmeralda smiled. "Do you like it?" She asked.

"Of course, I like it."

Wednesday looked up at her. As Wednesday placed the charm bracelet on her wrist, Thornhill appeared with a potted plant.

"Essy," Ajax called for her. She turned around as he gestured his head to the quad, "Did Wednesday just say she liked your gift?" Yoko asked. Esmeralda shrugged. "Shocked me too also. She never likes anything. Not even people." Esmeralda explained.

For a while, they talked and they ate before the sun went down. Yoko was finally able to take off her shades before she went to go meet Divina. "So... Essy," Ajax chuckled. "That room date?" Ajax asked.

"Marice is going to go see Xavier," Esmeralda fixed Ajax's beanie, "so we have the whole dorm to ourselves," Esmeralda added. "Just us with food, music, and kisses." Ajax sang the last part.

Esmeralda laughed her eyes squinting as she did. "Can we also binge-watch Bridgerton?" She asked as Ajax. Ajax scoffed. "Please, you only want to see Anthony Bridgerton that's why," Ajax replied. "You only want to see Daphne! Please Xavier told me about it."

"Marice told me about it." She snapped back. The two broke out into laughter. "Sure," Ajax concluded. Esmeralda stood up and grabbed Ajax's hand and they both walked to Esmeralda's dorm.

Esmeralda opened the door to her dorm before she let Ajax in. Ajax knew where the remote to the projector that Marice and Esmeralda shared and he turned it on.

Esmeralda noticed blankets and everything else, "Someone must's come and set this up," Esmeralda looked to Ajax. Ajax looked away looking at random things in the room.

Esmeralda chuckled before walking to Ajax and placing her arms around his neck then kissing him. Ajax had then kissed her back leading her to the bed. They kissed for a while before one of his snakes came out.

One of the snakes is always out when Esmeralda is around. As they kept kissing her hands trialed up to his beanie. All of a sudden he felt his beanie slide off.

"Oh, shit!" Ajax muttered backing up. "Essy don't look at me!" Esmeralda watched as the snakes slithered toward her with admiration. His hand rushed to her eyes.

Esmeralda laughed before she took his hand odd. "Essy, I don't want to stone you," Ajax confessed. Esmeralda looked at him, "Jax... I already saw your snakes, and I'm perfectly okay. Remember at Uriah Heap where one of your snakes was out?" She asked as Ajax nodded.

"It's your true love, Enid told me that they don't stone you when your true love is with you." She added. Ajax then gave an oh before taking his beanie and placing it back on his head. "Let's not let it happen again though." He said before Esmeralda nodded.

Enid soon rushed into the room, "Oh thank god! You're not kissing." Enid sighed. "Thing told me Weems is dead," Esmeralda gasped. "and that Tyler and Thornhill took Wednesday and Marice to Crackstones Crypt," Enid explained.

"Wait. They took Marice?" Esmeralda asked as Enid nodded. "Instead of going to go see Xavier, she's helping Wednesday," Enid explained. "And who are the Nightshades?" Enid asked.

Ajax and Esmeralda exchanged looks "We'll explain on the way," Ajax spoke and Enid nodded. The two led Enid to the Nightshades Library before they snapped twice.

"This is why Yoko and Divina could never hang out with you sometimes," Esmeralda explained. Enid nodded. "Why didn't you two tell me you were in a secret society?" Enid asked looking around.

Ajax and Esmeralda's lips pursed, "Well, you know, it's a secret." Ajax spoke. Esmeralda chuckled. Bianca, Divina, and Kent soon arrived. "They're in it too? Even Kent?" Enid said the last part softly. "How exclusive is this club?"

Bianca gestured her arms. "What's the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?" She asked. "She murdered Weems then took Marice and Wednesday to Crackstone's crypt," Ajax explained.

"We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it's too late," Enid explained as she took out a drawing of Crackstone and Wednesday. "This is what's coming."

"Do we pull the fire alarms?" Kent asked, Divina, rolled her eyes. "No, you idiot," Divina replied smacking his head. "We don't to cause a panic and alert Tyler or Thornhill. So how do we get everyone out?"

"We use our Siren song to convince them," Bianca replied. They all took off their necklaces. Thing soon appeared. Enid picks him up. "Thing and I will go look for Wednesday."

Bianca nodded. "Ajax you help everyone get out. Esmeralda will stay here with us to help. Okay, Nightshades forever." Bianca spoke before Esmeralda, Ajax, Thing, Kent, Bianca, and Divina all snapped their fingers twice. "A secret snap too?" Enid looked to Esmeralda giving her the eyes.

Everyone rushed upstairs before they went to people's rooms siren songing them. "Let's move quickly and calmly! Let's keep moving, come on!" Bianca took Esmeralda's arm. "They're still people in the quad. Come on," They rushed to the top of the quad where they saw Crackstone.

"I will expunge your abominations from this Earth!" He spoke before banging his staff on the ground, lighting the quad on fire. The two crouched down from the fire.

"Oh, shit," Bianca spoke. "What do we do?" Esmeralda asked breathing heavily. "Come on." Bianca and Esmeralda rushed downstairs. Esmeralda was the first one down and she noticed Wednesday and Marice were about to be killed.

She grabbed a fencing sword and grabbed it. "I will send you back to hell," Crackstone spoke laughing.

Esmeralda stabbed him, "Not if I do first." Esmeralda pulled the sword out. Crackstone smacked her and sent her flying across the quad. Esmeralda got up on a shoulder and she saw Crackstone be sent into flames.

Wednesday rushed to Esmeralda to help her up. "Are you alright?" She asked as Esmeralda nodded. Wednesday found the perfect opportunity to hug her. Esmeralda smiled before she hugged her back.

Then Wednesday heard a gun cock. It is a Thornhill. "Go. Go with Bianca." Esmeralda shook her head, "I'm staying right here." Wednesday nodded. "You brought a gun to a sword fight. It's probably the first smart decision you've made today." Wednesday stated.

Thornhill scoffed keeping her gun pointed at her. "I might be able to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll be able to kill you Wednesday and injure one," Thornhill smirked before shooting Esmeralda in the shoulder. Esmeralda winced and yelped. Bianca rushed to her side.

Esmeralda heard bees buzzing around Thornhill. She yelped as the buzzing intensifies. Bees swarm around her as she tried to shoot them. She falls to the ground with her gun flying across the room,

Eugene appears, "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore. Bitch." Eugene chuckled.

"I'll take it from here," Wednesday spoke stepping closer to Thornhill. As Thornhill looks to Wednesday, she stomped on her face. Esmeralda let out a breath.

Wednesday rushed back over to help Esmeralda. Bianca had wrapped a cardigan of Esmeralda's around her wound so she wouldn't let much blood out. "Come on," Wednesday spoke helping her up.

"Everyone is waiting outside of Nevermore," Bianca told Wednesday and they all walked to the gates. As they walked they could be seen in view. Ajax spotted his girlfriend with her cardigan wrapped around her right arm.

Esmeralda looked at him. Ajax rushed to her and then hugged her. "Are you okay?" Ajax asked. Esmeralda chuckled. "Never been better. I just need to get to the hospital." Esmeralda told him.

Ajax nodded as they both walked to the crowd.

Classes were canceled, and everyone was going home. Esmeralda was safely recovered after her injury. And she won't be able to see Ajax for another year.

Esmeralda was packed up with a few bags. "I'm glad you weren't killed," Marice spoke. "I'm glad you weren't. Though, Thornhill shot me pretty bad." Esmeralda smiled before she grabbed her bag.

"You gonna come visit me in New York?" Marice asked. "My grandfather said he has some new magazines from my grandmother," Marice spoke hinting about Audrey Hepburn.

"Of course, are you going to come to visit me in Las Vegas?" She asked as Marice nodded. "Ajax said he's moving over there this year." Marice winked. "His mom pulled a few strings." Esmeralda's mouth turned wide.

Esmeralda opened the door and walked out of the room.

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