Chapter eight: Shes mine?

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(A/n: tomorrow, I won't be able to update unless I get wifi as I am going out with some family and I won't get back till late. Also, thank you for 300 reads and 50+ votes, it means so much to me. I hope you will continue to enjoy this story -Chloe!)

*Severus's Point Of View* (this hasn't been done in a while)

When Daisy was sorted into Gryffindor, my heart sank. I was really hoping she would be in Slytherin, my house.

In potions I could tell she didn't like the way I was with the class. She flinched at my voice. Maybe Dumbledore was right, Maybe I needed a child to keep me happy. I loved her, even if she wasn't mine.

Speaking of Dumbledore, I needed to talk to him about Daisy. I want to know about her past.

After my lessons, I went up to Dumbledore's office. Walking up the stairs, I reached the golden gargoyle and said the password "sherbet-lemons." The staircase moved slowly and I climbed up.

I knocked on the brown, wooden door, three times and I heard the all to familiar voice say, "come in." I took that order and walked in. "Ah, Severus. I wondered when I would be seeing you."

"Albus, she's mine isn't she?" I asked, not wanting to spend long in that office. It was quite creepy, seeing all the portraits of all the old head masters and mistresses.

"What do you mean Severus?" He asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Daisy, she's my biological daughter." I barley whispered. She had to be mine. I mean we both have the same hair, lips and nose.

"Yes Severus, she is yours." he said, his eyes were twinkling. Gosh he scared me with his eyes sometimes.

"Were you ever going to tell me this? I can't believe you knew!" I snapped at him. He was taken aback. Sometimes my voice can get a little scary but that's me.

"I was hoping you was going to work it out yourself and you did." He said kindly. This man was definitely different. He could go from nice to horrible and nice again, in seconds.

"Who is her mother? It's not-" I said almost crying. It can't be who I think it was, she already had a son with that Potter.

"Lily?" I nodded. He continued, "I'm afraid so Severus, Lily is Daisy's mother." I was shocked.

"But how?" I looked at him. "It's not possible." I was probably shouting now, the portraits didn't look happy with me.

"Severus, everything is possible. Daisy and Harry are twins with different dads. I can tell you the whole story, I think that's the best option." I nodded at the old man. "On the night Voldemort went to kill Lily and James Potter, he was only expecting Harry to be there. James never knew that Daisy wasn't his. When he went to kill Harry first, his powers disappeared and he couldn't kill Daisy. The night Hagrid took Harry to his aunt and uncles, Daisy went to an orphanage." the man looked so upset. It really was a tragic story, I was almost crying myself. The story of how Lily, my Lily died made me heartbroken. I always blame myself.

"And then what happened after that?" I was really concerned for my daughters safety now. I knew she came to Hogwarts in a bad state.

"Her adoptive parents abused her, starved her, raped her. They called her names. They really were bad muggles. The night I found her, she was having a nightmare, she was stick thin, in a park. I'm glad I brought her here when I did Severus, if I knew beforehand, I would of brought her here sooner."

"I could seriously kill those people, how dare they! I suppose they did drugs and drank all day. How can a person, so small go through all that?"

"That's a mystery only Daisy knows. maybe you should talk to her." he suggested and I nodded. "Don't force her Severus, it's best not to use any memory spells on her, until she is willing. I think she is also not telling you things too Severus. She's very powerful, she knows spells she has never even heard of before." I was shocked.

I think it was time My daughter and I had a little chat.

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