Chapter eighteen: Resorting.

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*Daisy's Point Of View*

I was glad that today was Saturday. I woke up around seven am and got ready. I was going to speak to Dumbledore today.

At eight am, I made my way to Dumbledore's office. The password was always something related to muggle sweets. Dumbledore's favourites. "Lemon-Drops." I said. The statue moved out of the way and revealed its hidden staircase.

I was hoping Dumbledore was in his office, breakfast didn't start for another half an hour. I knocked three times and heard a faint "come in." I did and walked over too his desk. "Ah, Daisy, What can I do for you today?" I looked over his half moon glasses.

"I would like to be resorted, if possible?" I asked calmly. I really hope he would let me.

"And why is that, my dear?" He asked, confused.

"I feel like I don't belong in Gryffindor. there's something about the house that it makes me feel unwelcome." I said truthfully.

"I understand, if you wish, we can resort you now?"

"I would love too." I smiled, he returned it. He walked to a shelf at the back of the room. He brought back the old, worn down hat.

The hat was placed on my head again. It came alive. "Oh look, it's you again. I see you've found out your true family history. You've changed. I stand by my original decision, before you asked to be placed in one house. Let's change you to.....SLYTHERIN." what. I was speechless.

"Very well, all your things should be on there way to the Slytherin common room. Your robes will change. You're officially a Slytherin." he said. He sounded a bit disappointed.

"I'm confused sir. The hat said I've changed since I was sorted last?" I questioned.

"It happens, sometimes the hat can be confused. It's probably the first time it's ever changed someone's house though." He sighed.

"Oh, thank you sir."

"Have a good day, Daisy." he smiled and I left.

I'd thought I'd surprise people. I walked into the great hall. Only a few students were there. For the first time ever, I sat at the Slytherin table. Some Gryffindor's were giving me odd looks.

The doors open, in walks in the familiar blonde. Draco Malfoy. "Daisy, you're Slytherin now? You went to get resorted?" He asked as he sat down in front of me. I nodded. "We got the head of house daughter, were bound to win the house cup."

"Draco, why is Snape at our table?" Pansy Parkinson. Pugface. Ruined the moment.

"She's Slytherin now." He said. Pansy gasped.

"No way? We got head of houses daughter, were going to be great friends." She said, practically screaming.

"I would love that, pansy." I nodded. The doors open and my original three friends and brother walked in. I looked at them and locked eyes with Hermione. She whispered to Harry as they all looked at me.

"Don't worry about them, you have us now." Draco said, looking at what I was looking at.

I looked at the staff table to see my dad looking at me in confusion. He nodded at the door and mouthed "follow me" and I nodded.

"Guys, I'm gonna go unpack. I'll see you later." they nodded. My dad walked out the doors. His robes blowing behind him.

"Bye Daisy." pansy and Draco said.

I got out the doors and saw my dad standing there. "Follow me." he said in his usual tone. I hope I wasn't in trouble. I followed him to his office. He closed the door and put some silencing charm on the door.

"You wanted me, dad?" I asked curiously.

"What was a Gryffindor, also known as you, sitting with the Slytherins. Especially with Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Parkinson?" Wait he didn't know.

"You didn't know?" I questioned.

His eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Know what?" I asked, his tone changed. It was nicer now.

"I was re-sorted. I'm in Slytherin house now." I said proudly. He was surprised.

"What made you change your mind, I'm proud. Congratulations. My own daughter in my own house." He nodded. His voice had a hint of pride in.

"I realised that I didn't belong in Gryffindor. I'm different to them. The sorting hat told me I'd changed." He nodded.

"Very well. I need to talk to you. In the holidays, when you go to the Dursley's, Petunia might treat you different to Harry." He said, sort of sad.

"I forgot about that, why?" I was confused.

"I've know Petunia since I met your mother, we wasn't the greatest of friends. You look a lot like your mother, except the hair of corse. You have my hair." he laughed a bit.

"Do you remember my mother well?" I wanted to get to know my family more. These questions had to be answered.

"Yes, she was beautiful, she was muggleborn. One day, her sister was being mean to her and I was there. I told her all about Hogwarts. I told her we'd both get letters. We did. She was my best friend. We both got sorted into different houses. Me in Slytherin, her in Gryffindor. We still stayed friends though. Until one day, I messed it all up and she met Harry's dad. He made my life hell. After that, I got caught up with the wrong people."

"Death eaters?" I asked. Shocked. I always knew, since I met him, that he was fond of the dark arts. As was I.

"I became one, one night, me and your mother we got a bit "drunk" you could say and then she fell pregnant with you."

"But you didn't know?"

"No, not until I recognised who you looked like when Dumbledore brought you here. I recognised you as hers and mine instantly. I didn't say nothing."

"That's why I'm so talented in the dark arts and potions. Because of you. I get all my knowledge from you?"

"Yes, your mother was very good at magic. One day, potters father, used my own spell on me. Only a few people knew I made the spell."

"You created a spell?" I was shocked. That's cool.

"Quite a few actually. Anyway Daisy, when the Dark lord returns, which I know he will, If you have too, try and stay away from that side. I know you probably want to be on potters side but, the dark lord will probably want you in his side. It's your decision."

"I will think about it. I'm sure my brother would be good on his own."

"You're more like me than I thought. Anyway, serious talk, you're quite close with Malfoy? Your not-"

"No, no dad no. We're just friends."

"Are you sure?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure." I laughed he just gave me that look.

"Well, welcome to Slytherin. Don't get points taken away. You probably won't anyway. But go and unpack, I'll see you at dinner." he hugged me and unlocked the door.

"Bye dad." I shouted from the end of the room. As I walked out, I noticed a trio. Raven haired boy, bushy haired girl and a red head. Weasley. My amazing friends. "Hermione, Ron, Harry." I shouted. They looked at me and stopped for a second before walking away again.

I thought they were my friends.

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