Chapter Eighty Five: Inside The Mind

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DAISY WALKED down the dimly lit corridor, looking around for signs of life. She froze, something slithered against her ankle. She wasn't alone. She looked down, her body petrified. "Please do not hurt me." Daisy spoke, her voice shaky, her hands clammy as fear took over her body.

A snake. She had never seen one quite this size. It spanned across the length of the corridor, the green scales shimmering in the light. It had been undetectable up until that point, Daisy wondering how long it had been behind her for.

"I do not harm my equals." The snake hissed back, continuing down the corridor. It didn't stop. It felt like she had walked for miles, each wall looking the same. Glossy black tiles, gold detailing. No windows. It was like there was no escape

Yet, she froze. She had finally reached a way out. The old, black oak door towered over her, almost big enough to fit Hagrid through, it took up the entire corridor. The brass door knob turned by an invisible force, the creaking echoed around them as blue light shone through, lighting up the way. Daisy watched the snake slither through the door, her squeezing through the gap as the door slammed shut behind them, disappearing from sight. Darkness filled where the door had once stood seconds ago. Darkness that went on for miles and miles.

Daisy shook her head. She had to wake up, she had to escape now. Something bad was going to happen. And she was right. In front of her stood a familiar red headed man, his wand drawn as he looked around him. Daisy finally took in her surroundings. She hadn't been in this room before. She was sure she would remember something as peculiar as this. In the room stood tall, infinite shelves covered in silver orbs. If it hadn't been for her Divination lessons, she wouldn't have known these were crystal balls used to hold prophecies. The shelves were numbered with an old, brass label that had been rusted away, cobwebs and dust scattered the shelves that were too out of reach.

...98. 99. 100.

"Mr Weasley, Mr Weasley!" Daisy called as the snake approached him even closer. He could not hear her. It was as though she was only a memory. She didn't really exist in this moment. "Look out!" But he couldn't hear as he turned around, the snake reared up to the same height as him as it attacked once, twice, three times. Fangs pierced every inch of the man's face and arms as he held them up to shield himself, his wand dropping to the floor. The clang of wood against tiles echoed as Daisy screamed, covering her eyes. She couldn't get out, she couldn't escape.

The man fell to the floor, blood trickling out of every piercing wound as he screamed out, his voice fading as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Daisy couldn't help, the snake was still attacking this man. She was useless, she was going to watch her friend's dad die in front of her eyes.

It felt like she was watching Cedric Diggory's murder again.  And that felt like her fault.


Screams echoed around the Slytherin Common Room, students jumping at the sound. The source: Daisy Snape. "Daisy, are you okay? Daisy!" Pansy shouted at her friend as she tossed and turned in her bedsheets, sweat pouring over her as she could not open her eyes. It was real. What she had witnessed was not a dream. It was reality and she had just watched Arthur Weasley get hurt. She opened her eyes to see the whole room staring at her, bursting into tears at the thought. She brought her legs to her chest as her breathing elevated, feeling panic fall over her.

"What's all the noise?" Blaise knocked on the girls dormitory as Pansy opened the door, seeing Blaise and Draco stood there. "We're worried, it sounded bad" the two boys sounded worried.

"It's Daisy." Pansy said, leaving the door ajar as Daisy sat on the middle of her bed, Pansy rushing over to the girl, engulfing her in a hug as the boys rushed into the room.

"I'll go get Professor Snape." Blaise stated, Pansy nodding at him as he rushed off out of sight.

"Daisy, what's up? What happened?" Draco rushed over to the girls bed, sitting on the opposite side to Pansy as he brought her into a hug. "You're burning up. Pansy, can you get a cold flannel or something." The witch nodded, rushing over to the bathroom as Draco moved the girls hair out of her face.

"It wasn't a dream. Someone is in danger. I watched them get hurt. They need help." Daisy stuttered, her voice croaking as more tears continued to fall. Pansy rushed back two cold flannels in hand as the boy pressed one to her neck and one to her forehead.

"Who is hurt, who needs help Daisy?" Draco questioned, worry in his voice. He hated seeing the girl like this, he hated how he couldn't help.

"Arthur Weasley. I don't know where he was but he got attacked by a snake. He needs help fast, he was badly hurt." The girl sobbed into Draco's shoulder as he rubbed his hand across her back, placing delicate kisses to the top of her head.

"Your father will be here any..." Draco was interrupted by Blaise running back into the room, Professor Snape behind him.

"What's happened?" The teacher questioned breathlessly, running into the room. He didn't like seeing everyone crowded around his daughter. His heart fell, seeing the girl distraught

"It's Daisy, Professor. Somethings happened." The man knelt in front of his daughter's bed, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Daisy, let's get you out of here. Everyone else will return to bed." Severus looked around at the students that had now gathered in the room. Some of them slowly left, except one who stayed put. 

"I want to come with her." Draco spoke up, standing from the bed.

"Mr Malfoy, as pure as your intentions I need to speak with Daisy alone." He spoke aloud but turned to him in a more private manner. "She will be okay, Draco. Let me just find out what's wrong. She will be back as soon as she is okay, I promise." The boy nodded, walking towards the door as the man helped his daughter up, holding onto her tightly. Her knees gave way slightly, Pansy helping her regain her balance.

Daisy and Severus left the common room without another word, the man guiding her down the common room. "Where are we going?" Daisy questioned, her eyes blurry from tears.

"To Dumbledore's office." He said stiffly, using his wand in his free hand to light the corridor.

"Am I in trouble?" She questioned, feeling even more panic flow through her. She had, after all, woken up the entire Slytherin house.

"No. Mr Potter has experienced the same thing as you tonight. The same kind of nightmare." Severus mumbled, navigating around the corridors.

"What does this mean Dad?" Daisy questioned. She had an inkling she already knew what was going on, but she didn't want to assume the worst.

"I don't know, Daisy." Severus lied, hiding the fear that crept up into his voice. They had almost reached the far end of the castle now, Dumbledore's office a few corridors away.  "Dumbledore is waiting for me. I just didn't expect this to happen to you as well." Severus knew exactly what this meant. He knew that Voldemort was after his daughter and would use any power possible to have Daisy Snape on his side. He wanted her and it was growing closer to the time Severus had to persuade his daughter to choose between light or dark.

They soon reached the golden eagle statue Daisy had seen far too often now. They approached the entrance with caution, Severus taking a glimpse of his daughter that had not left his side. Severus briefly thought back to the moment many moons ago where he had entered this office to collect a child, a child he knew nothing about. A child that turned out to be his own, one that he had watched grow and bloom into the smartest witch of her time. He was not going to let one dark wizard take that away from him. Severus finally plucked up the courage to say the password to the headmaster's office, muttering "liquorice wand" as the sound of stones scraping against each other echoed around them. It wasn't long before the pair ascended the staircase in front of them. With each step, Severus's heart pounded. Each thump grew louder as he did not want to face the reality. The reality he had suspected for quite some time. The reality that his daughter's mind had been infiltrated by the dark lord.

They soon reached the large oak door, the potions master not bothering to knock as he entered with such delicacy he wouldn't be suspected by those already present in the room.

"Look at me!" Harry Potter had screeched, anger seething through his veins. He stood in the centre of the large circular office, the moonlight shining through the small window on the top floor of the office. Harry was surrounded by Professor McGonagall and the Weasley siblings. Daisy gulped from behind her father. Had he seen the same thing she had?

"You wished to see me, headmaster?" Severus announced his presence as the room fell silent, all eyes diverting to him.

"Ah Severus...Daisy?" The headmaster looked at the girl, a puzzled look etched on his face. He peered over his half moon glasses, seeing the blotchy patches on her tear stained face. His eyes darted briefly to the dark haired professor. He understood perfectly. Without a word, he nodded. "I'm afraid there's no time, Severus. Otherwise we may all be vulnerable."

"Daisy, what are you doing here? Did you see...?" Harry questioned his sister as everyone looked at her. He noticed the girl slightly nod her head, his heart falling. This was no dream.

"Yes Daisy, what are you doing here?" Minerva gave the girl a sympathetic look, slightly frowning at the sight of the girl.

"I saw it too...Mr Weasley getting attacked. Is he okay?" Daisy stuttered, her mind full of thoughts. Thoughts she did not want to think. What if he wasn't found? What if he was no longer alive

"He was found quick enough that he will make a full recovery, we are sure of that." Albus reassured the girl as he could see tears threatening to spill from her eyes once more.

"Harry and Daisy, if you will go with Professor Snape, he will go through something important with you both. For now, I must take care of the Weasley children." The headmaster dismissed the rest of the room with a nod as Severus guided his daughter and her brother out of the office and back down the stairs they had walked up moments ago. He knew exactly what he needed to do, the headmaster had his full trust in him.

"Where are we going?" Daisy questioned. Her father turned around to her, giving a sympathetic look as he reached the bottom of the stairs, waiting for the siblings to catch up with him.

"Just follow me, I will explain momentarily." He spoke quickly, leading them right back down into the dungeons. They both knew exactly where they were heading. The potions classroom had never felt more unwelcoming for Daisy Snape. The room was cold, thousands of voices running through her head made her feel claustrophobic, she just wanted silence. The twins both wanted answers.

Severus shut the door behind them, pointing at two empty chairs in the corner of the room. Daisy sat down first, her brother following. They looked at each other, their faces riddled with fear as the unknown awaited them.

"It would appear there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and both of yours. Whether he is yet aware of this connection is, for the moment, unclear." Snape faced them both as he took out his wand. His eyes diverted to just Harry's as Daisy's face fell. This couldn't be true. She couldn't be connected to Voldemort.

"You mean if he knows...he'll be able to read my mind?" Harry questioned. Severus nodded briefly.

"He can see everything in my mind?" Daisy didn't want to know the answer. What if she was putting everyone at risk. She couldn't bear the thought that she was putting her friends, especially Draco, at risk.

"Read it. Control it. Unhinge it." Daisy wanted to cry, she wanted this to be over with. How could this be possible? Harry took a deep breath, a loud sigh erupting from his lips. "In the past it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness. Only after extracting the last exquisite ounce of agony, only when he had them literally begging for death, would he finally kill them." Severus didn't want to say anything of the sort to his daughter. He didn't want to scare her, to make her feel any more vulnerable than she already did. But it was too late. He could tell when his daughter was close to tears, and now was one of them moments. She didn't like to show her weakness. She refused. Daisy was trying her best to hold it together.

"How can we stop him, Professor?" Harry asked. Daisy already knew. She was well aware of the type of magic needed to control and block the mind, how to see someone's every thought, all their past memories. Draco had used this on her, her father had used this on her. It wasn't a skill she possessed.

"Occlumency." Daisy whispered, her brother looking at her rather bewildered. Harry had never experienced this kind of magic before.

"Right, Daisy. Well done. Now you already know about this branch of magic, but do not possess the skill to block it. Used properly the power of Occlumency will help shield you from access or influence." Severus explained. "Which is why I will give you lessons on Occlumency. In these lessons I will attempt to penetrate your minds. You will both attempt to resist. As he is actively trying to enter your minds this instance, we should start right away."

"Dad, no. I don't want to..." Daisy pleaded. She wasn't strong enough to go through her past memories again. He looked at her, his eyes soft as he nodded understandingly.

"It will be okay, Daisy. We will do it together." Harry took her hand, giving it a light squeeze. He knew Daisy was referring to her childhood memories. The torment, the abuse. She didn't want to relive that any more than she had to. "I will go first. Daisy can practice on her own." He nodded at Daisy as she gave a brief smile. Severus hummed.

"Okay Potter, prepare yourself. We will go easy for the first lesson. But you must practice in between lessons. And every night you will rid your mind of any thoughts. Anything the Dark Lord could use to his advantage. Do you understand?" Severus questioned as the boy nodded curtly. He didn't want to do this, to have lessons with the potions master but he knew he had no choice.

"I'm ready." Harry whispered, barely audible. Daisy looked at her brother. He looked scared, worried at what might happen.

Snape pointed his wand towards the boy. "Legilimens." Within an instant, Daisy watched her brother wrinkle in fear as her father made his way through the boys mind. His eyes were closed, letting the professor deeper and deeper into his mind. "Focus Potter." Severus grumbled as he lifted the spell off the boy. Harry came back to reality. He had not managed to block a single thought back. "You need to resist, you need to put up those defensive shields to stop me going further. We'll try again on Saturday night. If anyone asks, you're taking remedial potions. Do not speak of these Occlumency lessons outside of this classroom." He ordered as Harry nodded, standing up and making his way towards the exit of the potions classroom. He didn't say another word as he opened the door, shutting it quietly behind him.

"Dad, I don't want to go through this again." Daisy sniffed, holding back tears once more. She had felt so drained after letting Draco into her mind previously. She didn't want her father to see everything she had been through with those people for the majority of her life. She wanted nothing to do with those memories anymore.

"I'm so sorry Daisy. If I had known I would have taught you sooner so we didn't have to do this now. We'll make it quick and easy. Our lessons can be just us, nobody else around. You can always bring Mr Malfoy if you need to have someone with you. I trust he would keep secrets having seen those memories before?" Daisy nodded. She knew what she was about to experience. "All you have to do is block it. Put up that barrier to stop me going further. You can do that, Daisy. I believe in you." He held out his wand once more, pointing at his daughter.

"Okay. Ready as I'll ever be." She nodded, preparing herself for the feeling.

"Legilimens." Her father's voice echoed around her as she felt the familiar force of someone entering her inner thoughts.

Daisy was sat by the tree near the black lake, a crisp winter day as her cloak was wrapped tightly around her, her scarf hanging loosely around her neck as she opened one of her school books. She was instantly distracted by a familiar blonde boy approaching her, a wide smile on his face. "Thought I'd find you here, my love. What are you reading?"

"I'm revising, actually. I want to do well on my OWL's." Daisy looked up, the boy sitting down next to her. "This defence against the dark arts book, it's useless." She held up the book slamming the cover shut as she sighed deeply.

"I have no doubt that you will do well, Daisy. You're the smartest witch I know. My love, you will go so far in life." The boy placed a kiss to her cheek, the thought of revising leaving her mind as she moved to face her boyfriend.


"I taught Draco how to produce a patronus at the end of school last year." The girl stood, her arms folded as she held her wand in her hands, flicking it through her fingers.

"Yeah? How did that go." Harry questioned the girl, noticing Daisy was thinking about something so deeply. Her face scrunched slightly, before she gave a wide grin.

"He did produce one, quite a good corporal patronus if I do say so myself." Daisy nodded, giving an impressed grin. She was very proud of Draco learning such advanced magic so quickly.

"What was his patronus?" Harry questioned her. Daisy didn't respond for a second, her mind replaying that same moment again and again, transfixed by the animal that had darted around the chamber of secrets that summer afternoon. "Daisy?" He interrupted her thoughts.

"A doe, Harry. His patronus is a doe."


"That's enough. Get out." Daisy thought long and hard about pushing this force out of her mind, sealing a barrier over any of her other memories. "Get out." She thought this repeatedly before she was no longer under the spell, her eyes opening as she adjusted to the light. Her dad stood in front of her, looking at her sympathetically.

"Much better than Potter. Very good." He put down his wand, perching back on the edge of the desk behind him. "Draco's patronus is a Doe?" He raised an eyebrow. Daisy nodded gently.

"You were not supposed to see that." Daisy huffed, crossing her arms as her cheeks glowed a bright shade of scarlet.

"If I wasn't meant to see it, block it out next time." The man teased the girl, defusing the tension in the room. "I won't make you do that again. I don't want to upset you any more tonight. We'll try again another night. If anything like that vision happens again, come straight to me. But do clear your mind as much as possible before you go to sleep every night. That way, Voldemort cannot get to you." Severus spoke to his daughter softly, Daisy nodding in agreement. She hated this. She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts. She didn't want the possibility of him entering her mind wherever he was hidden.

"Can I sleep in your quarters tonight? I don't want to go back to my common room just yet." Severus nodded, the pair standing up and making their way to the exit of the classroom. Severus extinguished the last of the candles with his wand, making sure everything was left neat and tidy for tomorrow's classes.

"Of course you can, Daisy. There is no need to ask. I'll find you a good sleeping potion and hopefully that will help." Daisy had never felt more grateful to have a potions master as her father. All she wanted was to fall asleep and not wake up for several days. 

But she knew, once her head hit the pillow, sleeping would be the last thing on her mind. She knew she had to make a decision on whether to give into the dark lords wishes and join him, or let her friends and family suffer. She wanted to protect them all from harm, she wanted to make sure that everyone was safe. She knew him getting into her mind was just the start. Something was bound to happen very, very soon.

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