Chapter Eighty Six: School Holiday

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IT WAS MUCH to Daisy's surprise that the school holiday's were finally upon them once more. She had been relieved to discover that she would be going home to Spinner's End for the celebrations this year. She couldn't bear the thought of staying in that castle around Professor Umbridge any longer.

Sat on top of her velvety green sheets, Daisy had convinced her father to let her take the train home, to spend more time with her friends. She was worried. Ever since her nightmare several weeks ago, which had turned out to be true events, she had been more restless than ever. It replayed itself on loop in her mind. The same, mangled image of Mr Weasley.

"Are you all packed, Daisy?" Draco had popped his head around the door, seeing the room empty. Daisy shook her head out of her trance, giving him a nod. Not moving from her bed, she reached over to her bedside cabinet, grabbing her wand and placing it neatly in her coat pocket.

"Is it that time already?" She questioned the boy. She looked over at him, his suitcase in hand as he had his coat and scarf flung over his right arm. She stood up, collecting her things and doing a double take to make sure she had not forgot any of her belongings. She checked all her books once more, making sure she had not let any behind as she was dedicating all her free time over the holiday to study for her exams which would be taking place in the springtime.

"I'm afraid so." He chuckled, seeing the girls eyes go wide as she walked over to him, now clutching onto her belongings. He, like her, detested the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. "Two whole weeks away from this place." He frowned, realising he was going to have to go days without seeing Daisy Snape.

"It's okay, I'm coming to your house next week for a few days." She shrugged, closing the girl's dormitory door behind her as they walked side by side, down the stone staircase and into the main common room. It was deserted, most students grabbing a bite to eat before they left the castle. They still had some time before they needed to depart.

"You are?" He questioned her, like he wasn't aware of the plan. She must have neglected to mention that to him.

"Did you not know?" Draco shook his head. "Ah, Narcissa sent me an owl the other day. I thought she would have told you before I did." Draco raised an eyebrow. He wasn't disappointed, he wished Daisy could stay for the entire holiday if he had it his way. He felt warmth inside him knowing his girlfriend and mother had been owling each other without him. He was glad the two got on well.

"Clearly not." The boy chuckled, placing his suitcase on the floor as he pulled the girl over to the sofa, Daisy sat gracefully on his lap. "I say this every time, but I'll miss you." He closed the gap between them with no hesitation, like he did this all the time. Their lips met briefly as the girl smiled into the kiss, her arms resting upon Draco's shoulders as she ran her fingers through his soft, blonde hair.

"Draco, I love..." but she was interrupted by a third person entering the room.

"There you are..." Severus Snape had entered the room, stopping his sentence as he noticed his daughter. "I seem to have found you at the wrong time." He chuckled to himself, standing there waiting for the pair to notice.

"Dad!" The pair quickly pulled apart, their faces red as Severus once again chuckled aloud. It had not been the first time he had caught his daughter and the boy up to no good.

"I'm not mad at you both, don't worry." Daisy let out a sigh of relief. "I've just come to let you know you will be going back with the Malfoy's when you get back to London. I have some business to attend to at Malfoy Manor so I will be collecting you from there." He looked between the pair, his eyebrow raised.

"Oh, that's great. Wonderful actually." Draco stuttered, desperately trying to diffuse the awkward moment around them.

"I'll see you later tonight. And choose somewhere a little more private next time." Severus grinned at the embarrassment lingered on his daughter's face.

"Dad! Must you be so embarrassing." She hid her face against Draco's jumper, gripping tightly as the man left the room. "He's so embarrassing." She looked up as Draco smiled softly at her, his cheeks red.

Draco looked over at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, inspecting the time. "We should go, we don't want to miss the carriages to Hogsmeade." Daisy nodded as the pair stood up. Draco grabbed his belongings, Daisy doing the same as they walked through the castle in a comfortable silence, making their way to the front entrance. Daisy and Draco found their friends quite quickly, greeting them all with a warm smile.

"We were wondering where you two were!" Pansy smiled, her eyebrows lifted as she looked between the pair.

"We're here now. Let's grab a carriage, I don't quite fancy that walk today." Draco didn't wait for them to follow as he walked over to the closest carriage, the rest of the group rushing behind him. "I can't wait for the holidays." He said in deep thought. He couldn't wait to spend time with Daisy. He was rather excited she would be visiting after they got home. He wasn't quite ready to say goodbye just yet.

"Me too. I'm glad to be away from Umbridge." Daisy scoffed, thinking about the woman. She couldn't stand their defence against the dark arts professor.

"Same!" Blaise and Pansy said in unison. It was a shared hatred between them all.

As the carriages departed the school, Daisy could not shake the thought out of her head that something bad would be happening soon once again. The worry of Voldemort lingered over her every single minute, wondering what time he will choose to strike. It felt different now, though. Daisy knew she had no choice but to work with the dark wizard if she wanted those closest to her to be safe. But it also meant she had to go against her brother. Her own flesh and blood. She couldn't possibly tell him that Voldemort wanted her on his side. He would never talk to her again.


As the train slowly pulled away from Hogsmeade station, Daisy and Draco sat next to each other, their friends opposite them in the cold, dingy compartment. The chattering of students echoed through the door from the corridor. It was finally time to relax.

"What do you all have planned for the holidays?" Pansy asked the group, clutching onto a rather happy looking Blaise.

"A quiet one with dad, I hope. I will be seeing Draco at some point too." Daisy spoke, reaching to the overhead compartments to grab her book from her bag.

"Well I sure hope you'll be seeing me at some point considering we have been together for one year next week." Draco joked, resting his head against the girls shoulder. He peered over at her book, waiting for her to start reading it so he could read too.

"One year already?" Blaise spoke up, an element of surprise in his tone. Draco and Daisy nodded. "Blimey, that's gone fast." The couple agreed. It had gone fast. Daisy was sure that was down to the events that had taken place since they had become official.

"Best year of my life." Daisy whispered, only audible to the boy next to her. He smiled, his chest warm. He, too, could not have asked for a better year. Spending it with Daisy Snape had been truly something special to him. Draco placed his arm around the girls shoulder, pulling her closer to him. "Are you okay, Draco?" Daisy asked, turning to face the boy as their friends engaged in their own conversation. He nodded.

"Never better, Dais." He paused for a moment. "Did you mean it when you said this was the best year of your life?" His voice croaked, a wave of nerves falling over him.

Daisy nodded softly, looking directly at the boy as she closed her book, placing it to one side. "I meant every word, Draco. This has been the best year with you." She smiled at Draco. "I couldn't imagine it any other way." Draco threw his arms around the girl, bringing her into a tight hug as the train slowly pulled into King's Cross Station, parents lining the platform as they eagerly waited the safe arrival of their children.

"Mum should be meeting us somewhere." Draco pulled away as he saw everyone standing up around them, ready to go home.

"We'll see you both back at school." Pansy spoke, leaving the carriage, "have a wonderful Christmas!" She waved goodbye, pulling Blaise out with her as he wished his friends a Happy Christmas.

"I'm so glad that I get to spend this evening with you." Daisy let out a yawn as she grabbed her belongings, ready to step off of the train. "I need a nap." She chuckled, letting out another yawn.

"You can rest when we get back to home." Draco smiled, grabbing the girls hand as they walked through the crowd of people, weaving their way over to the far end of the platform where Narcissa Malfoy was stood alone, fumbling with her nails.

"Daisy, Draco. Wonderful to see you both. We must be off, I have something to attend to." She greeted the pair with a smile, the two not questioning her as they made their way through the barrier and outside the station, down a dark alleyway. "Take my arm." The pair grabbed tightly as they felt the familiar feeling of apparition.

When their feet touched safely on hard ground, Daisy took in the sight before her. Malfoy Manor had never failed to take her breath away the moment she saw it. The grounds were lightly dusted with snow, the sun setting far in the distance as the usual greenery was surrounded by bare trees, Christmas decorations hung in every window she could see. It was a truly magical sight. "It's best you two don't wander for the next couple of hours, I'll catch up with you both later on." The woman hastily walked away from view as Draco and Daisy understood.

"Shall we go to my room?" Draco questioned, wanting nothing more than to spend time with Daisy alone. She nodded.

"Lead the way." Daisy smiled. She could very much take herself to Draco's room now, knowing the manors layout off the top of her head. She had spent some time here in past years. The pair picked up their belongings and headed up the stone staircase.

They reached the usual door, Draco opening it with his free hand as he dropped his things as soon as he entered. A small Christmas tree was present in the corner of his room, decorated with the most finest glass ornaments, black and green tinsel neatly wrapped around the tree. Underneath were several presents, wrapped neatly ready for Christmas Day. "Home sweet home." Draco took in a deep breath, feeling at peace once more. He took off his coat, placing it on the back of his desk chair, before undoing his shoes and placing them neatly in the corner. Daisy followed, taking off her coat and shoes. Daisy yawned again, rubbing her eyes to try and keep her awake. "If you're tired Daisy, rest." He pointed over to the bed that was neatly made. The silk bedsheets looked fresh, not a single crease to be seen.

"But I want to spend as much time as possible with you." Daisy frowned. Draco shook his head at the girl.

"You need to rest, dais. Come on." He stood up, walking over to where she was stood. Placing her hand in his own, he gently pulled the girl towards the bed as he sat against the headboard, the girl lying gently on his lap. "I know you haven't been sleeping well since that nightmare. But you're safe here, I promise." Daisy nodded against him. She was safe. Every time she had fallen asleep next to Draco she had always had the best nights sleep. He kept her safe.

"Okay." She said softly, her eyelids fluttering closed as the boy ran his fingers through her hair. He knew how to soothe her. He knew her all too well. It wasn't long before she drifted off into a nap.

It was a bright and sunny day in Godrics Hollow, the streets lined with children off to play in the local park, the trees green, the flowers blooming around them.

Inside a tiny, run down cottage was a lady and her new child. A child that looked weeks, if not days old. She stood on the brightly painted nursery, two cots in front of her as she admired the blue sky out of the open window. "My sweet darling Daisy, you are so loved." The woman spoke softly, cradling a baby wrapped in a white muslin cloth, her face just visible over the peak of fabric. "So loved, so beautiful." The woman rocked the infant back and forth, smiling as she did so. She moved closer to the window, the breeze flowing through, the summer sun shining on her pale skin. "You look just like him, just like your real father." Lily Potter knew her secret was safe. It was just her and Daisy, alone together. "You have his nose. His hair, you remind me so much of him. You look just like Sev." She whispered, stroking the infant's face.

Lily knew the best thing was to tell Severus that he had a daughter. It was everything Lily had dreamed of. Everything Severus wanted. Yet, it came at dark times, the worst times. How the son she had had at the same time was going to be ripped from her because of one dark wizard. Severus needed to know. She was going to tell him. He had a right to know. A right to know he was a father.

"Lily, I'm back!" James Potter's voice echoed through the hallway as she heard the door close behind him.

It would have to wait for another day.

The light knocking echoed through the door as the handle slowly turned, a stressed looking Narcissa walking in. She looked tired, sunken. Her hair was messy, her usual pristine self looking slightly under the weather. Something was happening and it was causing her to worry. "Hi mum." Draco whispered as the woman walked into the room, seeing the girl fast asleep on her son's lap. "Daisy's asleep."  He looked down, his cheeks flushed as his mum gave him a deep smile.

"I was going to tell you both that we're all finished now and Severus wanted to collect her but maybe I can ask if she can stay the night. Only if you want that, Draco?" The boy nodded gently, a soft smile etched on his lips.

"I'd love that." The boy continued to stroke the girls hair as she showed no signs of being aware what was happening around her. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful.

"Is Daisy ready?" Severus had appeared at the door as Narcissa held her finger up to her lips, giving him the sign to be quiet. Severus peered through the door, seeing his daughter fast asleep.

"Do you think she could stay the night? I'll look after her, Severus. I promise you that." Narcissa knew that due to recent events he probably didn't want his daughter to leave his side, but to their surprise he nodded. "I think Draco would hate to wake her up. It isn't a bother, we like having her here."

"I suppose it will be okay for one night." He thought deeply. He knew that, despite Voldemort being local to Malfoy Manor, he wouldn't harm the one thing he wanted. He wasn't going to touch her. And he was sure Draco would protect his daughter. "Look after her, Draco." Severus whispered, the boy nodding.

"I will, Severus." Draco said softly as Narcissa nodded at the boy, closing the door quietly as it was just them again. "I'll look after you...forever and always. You're safe while I'm around." Draco shuffled slightly, the girl stirring but not waking up. He placed a kiss on top of her hair as he admired how delicate she looked. He knew everything about her past, yet she had grown since then. The girl he had seen in her memories was nothing like the girl in front of him. This girl was brave, abnormally kind. How she cared about everyone, looked after those around her, even in her darkest moments. He had never felt love quite like this.

He had never felt love quite like the love he had for Daisy Snape.

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