Chapter Fifty Three: Arriving At Hogwarts.

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[a/n: the last chapter got more comments than I expected, but I will announce who I'm choosing in a few days! This is the last proper update for a while as there's only a month left of school and this is where I get really buys. But in the holiday's, I'll try and get the GOF part of this story finished.

Thank you all so much for reading. I'm so close to 100k (18th June I have 98.8k) reads and I can't believe it!

-chloé ]

Daisy woke two days later, almost ready to leave for Hogwarts. She was quite excited to go back; mostly because she wanted to see her friends. Some things scared her though. Especially since the Quidditch World Cup. Was Harry okay? The question had been on her mind ever since she returned. She shrugged off the feeling - she would hopefully see him in a week.

Daisy was also quite scared for this year. What would happen? Every year something bad happens, and it's all down to one person - Voldemort. Last year it was different though. It was one of his followers - Peter Pettigrew.

Daisy packed her last few things and getting ready for the day, before heading down to breakfast. Her father was sitting at the table, a daily prophet in his hand. "Morning, dad!" Daisy smiled, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

"Are you all ready to go?" Her father looked up, dressed in his usual black attire. Daisy nodded, biting into a piece of toast that was in front of her.

"Everything's packed. I still don't see why I have to leave so early." Daisy sighed. She had always traveled to school on the train - or in her second year, Mr Weasley's bewitched Ford Anglia.

"It's a lot easier for me and you. You'll be able to wonder the castle and do what you want, but obviously staying out of trouble!" Her father glared at her, Daisy instantly looking at her lap. "You can also help the rest of the staff and I to prepare for the guests."

"Fine!" Daisy huffed, much like her father. They finished their breakfast and getting ready, bringing all their belongings to the living room.

"We're taking the floo network. Albus has this fireplace linked to the one in my quarters." Daisy nodded, wrapping her Slytherin cloak around her. She grabbed her trunk before walking over to the bowl of floo powder on the cabinet next to the fireplace. "You know what you've got to do, right?" Daisy nodded again, standing in the fireplace.

"What do I have to say?" She grabbed a handful of the power before handing it to her father.

"Hogwarts. It's as simple as that." Snape said, grabbing his own handful of the magical powder.

Daisy took a deep breath in before shouting 'Hogwarts' nice and clear. She remembered what happened two years ago when she used floo power at the Weasley's. Daisy dropped the floo powder, the green flames engulfing her. She felt that all familiar feel of magical transportation before landing on a steady surface. "Welcome home." Daisy whispered to herself as she looked around her fathers quarters. Her father joined her a few minutes later, both of them lightly covered in soot and dust. A quick charm later and they were both back to normal.

A knock on the door interrupted both of them, the headmaster walking in. "Severus, Daisy! How nice it is to see you both." The old man was always in a pleasant mood, even at silly times in the morning. His eyes twinkled as he looked and the small family before him. "I hope you had a smooth journey." both of them nodded, glaring at the old man. Daisy wondered how the man knew they had arrived but after all, Dumbledore knew everything there was to know. "Great, I guess you know the plan, Severus?" the potions professor nodded.

"Of course, we did go through the plan multiple times." Severus wanted nothing more than the old man to leave the room so he could start on a new potion or read the daily prophet again.

"I will see you both at dinner." Daisy nodded, sitting on the small armchair in the corner. Dumbledore left the room, his eyes twinkling at them both. Daisy pulled a book off the shelf, looking at the cover.

"So..." Daisy spoke, looking at her father. He was sat on the opposite side of the room, reading an old, tattered potions book. It was purple with the title 'Advanced Potions'. She knew that this was the book they used in Sixth year, and she had never seen that specific copy before. He didn't look up, nor did he reply. He just continued to read his book.

A few hours later, the two headed to dinner, both silent. They hadn't exchanged any conversation since they arrived and Daisy was confused as to why they hadn't. They entered the hall to see Dumbledore, McGonagall and Hagrid all sitting at the staff table. They took their seats before Dumbledore rose from his.

"Welcome back teachers and Daisy. Over the next week, it is important we prepare for the guests to make them feel at home. Enjoy the feast!" The feast soon appeared and everyone tucked in. Daisy piled all kinds of food on her plate. She was starving. Severus and McGonagall were having some form of conversation, but Daisy didn't pay attention.

After the feast was over, Daisy went back to her fathers quarters, Snape following behind. She had decided to sleep in her room, the one that smelt just like home. There were no point sleeping in the Slytherin common room alone, it would be very boring. "Goodnight, dad." Daisy waved goodbye, going into her room, getting ready for bed.

She couldn't wait till everyone arrived at Hogwarts, she felt this year was going to be very fun.

(Sorry this is a short and rubbish chapter, I needed to update and I don't know when I will able to update again.)

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