Chapter Fifty Two: End of a holiday.

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[a/n: thank you so much for 75k reads and 3k votes, this means so much to me!!

Even though I've updated today, I'm still keeping this story on hold and I don't think I'm going to be able to update again till may time

Very sorry...

*third person*

When Severus had read the Daily prophet the day before Daisy was meant to return, his heart sank. 'Terror At The Quidditch World Cup' was the front page headlines, making him concerned about his daughter.

To know this was caused by Death Eaters made Severus even more nervous. This was a sign Voldemort was returning soon, or he could already be back. He knew they would want Daisy on their side, her being Potter's brother and quite a skilled witch. Also, Severus knew his daughter was quite close with Draco Malfoy, and he would also become a death eater when he was old enough.

He knew his daughter wasn't safe; he could feel something bad happening soon.


Severus was delighted to see Daisy again, thanking the Malfoy's for returning her, Draco looking a bit sad that he had to say goodbye to his best friend.

"I'll see you in a week, it's not that long." Daisy said, giving the boy a hug. He nodded, Narcissa calling him telling him it was time to go. "Goodbye, Draco. See you soon." Daisy smiled, ushering the boy out of her room.

"Bye, Dais." Draco waved, leaving to go back home. Daisy thanked the Malfoy's for a good stay, them leaving the house.

"Did you have fun?" Severus asked his daughter, picking up the newest edition of the daily prophet. They were still going on about the quidditch World Cup, not knowing who conjured the Dark Mark. Severus didn't know why they were making such a fuss about it. To him, it all sounded like someone was trying to cover something up.

"Oh yeah it was great, if you take out the part where I saw my adopted parents, having a very heated conversation with them." Daisy said sarcastically, picking up a book off the shelf. It was a muggle book called 'Romeo and Juliet'. Daisy had read it many times before, but she loved stories about forbidden love. It kinda reminded her about the wizarding world, especially her and Draco. Most pureblood families don't allow their children to marry anything less than pure, and if they decided to go behind their backs, it was off the family tree for them.

"You did what?" Severus sounded puzzled, he didn't know that Daisy's adopted parents were wizards, and he knew Narcissa wouldn't have gone into muggle London.

"Well, thank Narcissa for actually getting us out of there, he was drunk and you could smell it. Narcissa can have an attitude, you know?" Daisy looked up from her book, looking at her father.

"All Blacks have attitudes, especially her sister and cousin." Severus sneered. Just thinking about Sirius made his blood boil. His daughter was his godchild, and that didn't make Severus happy.

"Sister? I think I remember Narcissa taking about her, but I don't know who she is...oh gosh, Dad. Get over Sirius already. Nothing is going to change the fact that he's my godfather." Daisy knew that he didn't like Sirius from all the stories he's told her, but they're adults now, shouldn't they put the past behind them?

"She has a sister, Bellatrix. She's in Azkaban though, and for good reason. Sirius, on the other hand, will always stay my enemy." Severus turned over the page of the daily prophet, reading more or Rita Skeeter's lies.

"Fine, fine. Talk about something else." Being 14 years old, Daisy had started to get a lot grumpier, having quite a short temper. Severus didn't really mind about this, he knew he was just the same her age, getting grumpier as he got older.

"Hogwarts, we're leaving in two days, Albus wants everything spotless and protected for the guests, not that I'm looking forward to that either." Severus wasn't looking forward to seeing Igor Karkaroff, someone who he detested very much. He used to be a death eater. But Severus reminded himself once more; once you're a death eater, you're always a death eater.

"We? I'm not going on the train this year?" Daisy was disappointed. She couldn't wait to see all of her friends, and this meant waiting longer.

"No, you'll be coming to Hogwarts with me. I'm sure you'll have fun." Severus put down the daily prophet, looking at his daughter. He couldn't help but notice how much she actually looked like him. She still had Lily's eyes, something he would never forget.

"Fine. Who's the new defence against the dark arts teacher this year?" Daisy asked curiously. Every year they would get a new teacher, they wouldn't last long. Quirrell died, Lockhart lost his memory and Remus resigned. That made Daisy quite sad. Remus knew a lot about her mother, and he was a great teacher too.

"Alastor Moody, some ex Auror." Daisy had read about aurors, understanding how important they were in the wizarding world.

"Let's hope he lasts longer than a year. I hate how our teachers change so often in that subject." Daisy chuckled, closing her book. She liked having conversations with her father. Even if they were rare, it made Daisy smile a lot, knowing that she has someone there for her.

"It's a nice day outside, why don't you go to the park or something, maybe you'll see that muggle-born girl you told me about." Severus suggested politely, hoping he could get some potions work done while is daughter was gone.

"Oh yeah, Cassie. She wants to be in Gryffindor...shes going to like Hogwarts, I'm sure of it!" Who didn't like Hogwarts? It was an amazing place! "Okay, I will." Daisy was quite excited to go back to Hogwarts, hoping she could be a buddy for Cassie, showing her around Hogwarts.

"Don't be back too late." Daisy nodded before leaving the house, walking down the familiar streets of Cokeworth. There were many houses, also some great scenery.

She reached the park, sitting under the large tree at the back of the park, picking daisies out of the ground. Daisy had always liked her name, she loved the idea of being named after a flower, just like her mother. Due to the hot weather, the grass was no longer green due to the sun. It was also quite prickly, and for Daisy who was wearing a skirt, this annoyed her quite a bit. "I wonder what Harry 's doing." Daisy spoke to herself, admiring the beauty of the park. Many children crowded the parks; them enjoying what they have left of the school holidays.

"Daisy!" Daisy looked around for the source of the voice, seeing a brunette girl skipping towards her. It was Cassie, dressed in a muggle summer dress, her hair flowing in natural waves down her back.

"Cassie, how are you?" Daisy asked, looking at the girl who had just sat down beside her. Cassie was about the same higher as Daisy, Daisy had always been short for her age.

"I'm fine, how are you?" The younger girl copied what Daisy was doing, pulling the flower our of the ground, piercing the stem with her nail and threading another flower through that hole.

"I'm great actually, I have to leave to go back to school in a few days, I won't get to go on the train." Daisy noticed Stella and Peter, Cassie's mother and brother. They were sitting on the grass, enjoying an ice lolly.

"Oh, why do you have to leave so early? Hogwarts doesn't go back until the first of September?" Daisy pushed her hair behind her ears, laying back on the grass and looking up at the sky. Hardly any clouds were in the sky, showing the blue sky clearly.

"I know, apparently something big is happening at Hogwarts this year and the teachers need to go early, so my dad says I'll be going with him." Daisy was quite glad she had decided to wear a white skirt today. She really didn't want to get sunburnt before going back to school.

"Talking of parents, my mother is what they call a squib - or something like that. Apparently magic can skip generations and then come back again. That's what my mother thinks is happening. I never even knew that could happen?" Daisy knew things like that could happen. She had read quite a lot of books over her 5 years she's been with her father, being very skilled at magic.

"That's so cool, I wonder if any of my mothers family were witches or wizards. It's a shame the only family she has left doesn't like to talk about magic." Daisy sighed, picking the petals off of a dandelion that was beside her.

"I've never met my father, mother said he was an idiot...anyway, I don't need him. I have my mother and my little brother, and I have all my friends at my old school. They know I'm moving to a different school, but they don't know all the details." Cassie chuckled, playing with the buckle on her shoe. "Besides, were not meant to tell muggles about magic, right?"

"Right." Daisy chuckled, looking at the people in the park. "I went to a muggle school before going to Hogwarts. I had hardly any friends though. There was this one girl, but she moved away and that was it. I never saw her again." Daisy didn't like to think back to when she was younger. It meant she had to think about them and all the horrid things they did to her.

"Oh, that's sad. I'm sure you have lots of friends at Hogwarts though?" The sky had began to get more cloudy now, a sign it was getting a bit late. The girls had been talking for quite a while, enjoying each other's company.

"I have great friends at Hogwarts. I have my brother and my best friends, then I have a group of Slytherins...half the time I wonder if they're actually my friends, or if they are just nice to me because of who my dad is.." Daisy wrapped her cloak around her tighter, the shade making the park a bit colder.

"Your dad is just a professor, right?" Daisy shook her head, watching a butterfly fly past her face.

"No, he's the head of Slytherin too, doesn't have any advantage on me though." Both girls decided to walk over to the swings, letting them swing back and forth as they wished.

"Oh, it must be cool though, right? Hogwarts is a beautiful place and you get to stay there longer!" The girl was excited, anyone could tell.

"It's much more beautiful in person! And I'm excited to go back to see my brother, I haven't spoken to him in ages." Daisy chuckled, still nervous about what had happened at the Quidditch World Cup. 

"Harry seems cool, like everything that's been wrote about him seems cool." Daisy laughed, her brother was quite popular at Hogwarts, due to what had happened when they were younger.

"Oh, he's okay...he's a pain though, even if I am older than him by a few hours!" Both girls talked more about random things, watching many people leave them park.

A little while later, Cassie and her mum and brother had left, saying goodbye to Daisy. She still sat on the swing, thinking about what was going to happen at Hogwarts this year. They never had a quiet year at Hogwarts, would this year be the same to the last three? What bad things could possibly happen at Hogwarts this year?

She walked home, greeting her father and chatting about what she had gotten up to, the past few hours. Daisy ate dinner, before heading upstairs to bed. She suddenly felt nervous about Hogwarts. What if something really bad was going to happen? What if Voldemort had planned another way to get to Harry? She would find out in a matter of days, and this made her scared.

[a/n: hey! Sorry for the short update, just wanted to post because it's been so long! Anyway, congratulations to Alan Rickman who finally married Rima after 50 years of knowing each other!


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