Chapter Forty: Malfoy.

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[a/n: Guess who won't be able to update for a while? Me. I started school again yesterday and I'm really busy so, I'll try and update as often as I can, but it will probably be twice a week at the most. I'm so sorry, but I'll try and keep you all updated!

Also, I changed the cover and I hope you like the new one!!!


*Daisy's Point Of View*

This year I decided I would take Muggle Studies. Hermione was in that class too, but Ron, Harry and Draco hadn't taken it. Draco said that his father didn't want him associating with Muggles, he didn't want Draco getting the wrong idea, whatever that meant.

Our teacher was Proffessor Charity Burbage. She was different from the other teachers, she thinks that Muggles aren't very different from witches and wizards. The lessons are fun though.

I sat next to Ernie Macmillan, a Third year Hufflepuff. He was nice to me, considering I was a Slytherin.

"Good Afternoon class, Today we will be learning about Muggle Electricity and why they need it." I knew this, growing up around Muggles. "So, can anyone give me a use of electricity in the muggle world?" She looked at us and some of us raised our hands, including me. "Yes, Miss Snape?" I smiled and put down my hand.

"Muggles use electricity for many things. One main use is for power to work cooking devices, such as ovens and microwaves." I smiled and she nodded.

"Excellent, 10 points to Slytherin." She smiled before turning to the class. "Daisy is right. Muggles have to use ovens to cook, where as a wizard or witch could just wave their wand."

A few more people shared their answers before the class ended. I'm so glad it was Friday and the last class today, there was a quidditch match tomorrow. Harry was playing tomorrow, so I was going to support him.


I had woken bright and early today. It was pouring it down with rain outside. They never cancel quidditch so I got up, got dressed in a black dress, tights, robes, Slytherin scarf and brogue shoes. I dress way to formal, just like Draco.

When I got down to the common room, Draco was there with Crabbe and Goyle, him wearing his usual black suit. "Daisy, why are you wearing a dress when it's raining?" He looked at me confused. Was he honestly that dumb?

"Draco, would you like to take a look in my wardrobe and see what I own?" I laughed and his face was hilarious. "I'm just joking, I only own dresses and skirts." he looked amused? What?

"Okay, I take it back. You look nice." he spurted out and then he looked shocked at himself. Did I hear that right. "You look nice." he huffed. Crabbe and Goyle looked like the could laugh.

"Uh thanks Draco." I smiled and laughed at him. He was so weird sometimes, he got so shy complimenting someone.

We walked to the match and sat in the stands under an umbrella. I'm so glad I had one because it was really needed.

The match went on and suddenly, loads of black figures came into view. Dementors. Then I saw a red and gold figure coming into view. Oh no, Harry! Even Draco looked scared at Harry.

He was coming down faster, loads of dementors following him. I did the first thing that came into my mind, I took out my wand and pointed it at Harry. "Aresto Momentum!" I shouted, Dumbledore had done it too. Harry slowed down and slowly fell to the ground. Teachers running over to him, several teachers patronus' were sending the dementors away. It was fair to say, Dumbledore looked mad.

I ran to where Harry was. He looked so pale. "Daisy, Minerva, take Harry to the hospital wing." Dumbledore looked at us and we nodded. "Oh and Daisy, well done." He smiled at me and McGonagall and I walked to the hospital wing. Draco had followed us.

"Is he going to be okay, Professor?" I asked as we got into the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey getting to work straight away.

"He should be, I wouldn't worry so much, Daisy." she smiled and me and nodded before leaving.

Draco hadn't said a word since we left for quidditch this morning. I soon noticed a group of Red and Gold dressed people, I left after that, Draco looked uncomfortable around them. "Come on, Draco. Let's go back to the common room." He nodded and we walked back. Why was he not talking?

"What should we do?" Draco asked and looked at me.

"Want to do something fun?" He looked at me, dumbfounded. "Let's go down to the chamber of secrets!" I pulled him up to the second floor bathroom before he could say anything.

"Who is it?" A high pitched voice said. Oh I totally forgot about Myrtle.

"Hi, Myrtle." I smiled at her as she came near us. Draco smacked my arm.

"Daisy, why are we in the girls bathroom?" I ignored him and looked at myrtle, she was crying yet again.

"Daisy, I haven't seen your brother lately, he's not been getting into any funny business down there again, has he?" Myrtle giggled as she pointed over to the sinks.

"No, he's actually in the hospital wing." I frowned and her eyes went wide.

"Tell Harry I said hello." she giggled before splashing into the nearest toilet.

"She's the ghost of these toilets, she died when You-know-who was at school. Got killed by the basilisk, she has a thing for Harry." I laughed and he smiled. I walked over to the sink and looked back at Draco who was still near the door. "This is the entrance Draco." I smiled at him and he looked puzzled.

"A sink? How do you open it?" He walked next to me and looked at the sink.

"Ready? By the way, it's quite dirty and cold down there." he nodded. "Open." I hissed and it started moving. Draco watched in amazement.

"You're so creepy when you talk in Parseltongue." he laughed as he watched the chamber open.

"What do you mean? I really like you a lot Malfoy not that you like me, only as a friend." I hissed and laughed, he'd never know what I said. It was true, I did like Draco, but really he felt like a brother.

"What did you say?" He looked at me and smirked.

"I didn't say anything." I blushed a bit. Ah damn blushing. The chamber was fully open and the hole that led in the chamber was visible.

"Ladies first." Draco smirked. I slid down the hole and landed on the very familiar pile of crushed bones. Draco followed behind. "Ew, it's so dirty down here." he groaned.

"Pure-bloods and "everything has to be spotless" moods." Draco glared at me and I just laughed. "I was just joking." I was still laughing as I walked past the evidence of Lockharts failed memory charm last year. He ended up in St. Mungo's after that. We got up to the door with the snakes on and Draco studied it in detail.

"This is beautiful." he muttered and I nodded.

"It's not the best part." I walked right up to the door before hissing "open!" The snakes moved back and the door swung open, I climbed down the steps and down the walkway of the chamber. I didn't see if Draco had followed. The basilisk's bones still lay where they were left. "I love this place." I spoke to myself.

"Wow." Draco looked amazed. The room was honestly beautiful, even if it could use some tidying up. I sat in the middle of the room and Draco followed. "It's so beautiful down here, I'm glad you brought me here."

"It is, isn't it? It's peaceful too." I smiled as Draco sat down next to me. "Salazar Slytherin was very creative. I mean, look at the common room, here, it's amazing." I chuckled.

"You're right." I laid down and looked at the stone roof of the place. It was breathtaking. Draco copied me, looking exactly where I was looking. "I'm so glad we're friends." He spoke up after a while of silence.

"I'm glad I'm your friend too, Draco." I smiled. I've never been more happy in life than I am today.

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