Chapter Seventy: The Goodbye

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[A/N: guess what? I'm back! I've finally finished my uni assignment and now have time to update. This is just a lil cute chapter, but order of the phoenix starts very soon! Happy Valentine's Day to you all, no matter who you are spending it with. Stay safe!]

IT HAD FINALLY reached the end of a school year, but for the students of Hogwarts and their guests it was rather sad. The news that their defence against the dark arts teacher was actually an escapee from Azkaban had made its way around the school rather quickly, but not distracting the students on what had happened at the tournament they had just witnessed.

The school had decided to hold a small memorial service for Cedric Diggory, the students having the chance to pay their respects to the boy. Daisy felt awful. That night, she could only watch. She couldn't help. She couldn't save her brother from getting hurt, or sparing Cedric from death. Draco Malfoy never left her side after that night. He didn't know how she was really feeling, she hid most of her emotions to put on a brave face. He knew that she was not okay. She had started to blame herself for his death, despite everyone telling her the opposite.

The assembly was full of tears, full of sadness. Daisy sat next to Draco, holding his hand and squeezing hard, stopping herself from crying. It was all her fault. Why didn't she help him? "You shouldn't be blaming yourself, Daisy. It's not your fault." Draco held her hand even tighter. She breathed heavy, shaking her head.

"It's all my fault. I should have helped him." She whispered as the last students made their way into the hall, sitting next to their friends. Dumbledore stood in front of the three schools. Sadness lingered over them, feeling heavy on all students chests.

"Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was as you all know, exceptionally hard working, intricately fair minded. And most importantly a fierce, fierce friend." Dumbledore frowned as he saw the faces of the students drop in sadness, seeing a few break into tears. "I think therefore you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort." Whispers started. It was right. Voldemort was back. Daisy knew, Harry knew. They had saw his return. "The ministry of magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain, you remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end." Daisy frowned. She had made some new friends with the champions this year. The schools grew closer than ever, but inside they all had a beating heart, they all deserved the best lives they could get. None of them deserved to witness such events that happened the days prior to this. It wasn't long before Dumbledore dismissed them. It was their last day as three wizarding schools under one roof. Durmstrang and Beauxbatons would be returning to their own schools after dinner.

Their goodbyes had been short and sweet, Daisy ready to spend her last night in the castle before summer. This did mean one thing; she wasn't going to get to see Draco for a while. "You're always welcome to visit, Draco. I mean we don't exactly have the grandest house going, but you're welcome to stay." Daisy blushed as the two sat in the courtyard, relaxing in the sun and reading books.

"You know I would visit you anytime. The same for you. You can come to mine any time you want." Daisy nodded. She had planned to stay with Harry at some point, but she didn't know when as they were yet to discuss any details. She had already told Draco about this, who was rather concerned after everything that had happened. "I was hoping that we could see each other around your birthday." He hinted. He wanted to make her day special, just like she had done for him.

"I would like that." Daisy didn't want to say goodbye to her friends, not knowing when or if she was going to see them again. The dark Lord had returned, waiting to attack at any moment he possibly could. "I'll miss you." She frowned.

"You will see me again soon. I promise. We'll spend as much time as we can together. We can owl each other all the time, I'm sure of it. But I will also miss you." Daisy smiled, thinking of how fun her summer was going to be. "Are you getting the train back to London tomorrow?" Daisy nodded.

"I practically had to beg my dad to let me get the train." She chuckled, remembering their conversation the previous night. Snape made it very clear he didn't want to leave his daughter alone now the dark lord was back. He feared that Voldemort was going to try and persuade his daughter to join him at any possible moment.

Draco practically cheered, knowing he was going to get to spend longer with Daisy. "How are you feeling?" He questioned. He hadn't been able to get out her true feelings in front of their friends. Alone, she opened up more.

"I've been better, honestly. I'm so grateful to have you by my side." She gave a half smile, placing her hand on top of his on the stone beneath them. "You have helped me in so many different ways. I can't thank you enough." He smiled, hearing her words.

"You don't have to thank me. That's what I'm here for." Draco said honestly, hoping she knew how much she meant to him.

Daisy was about to say something when she saw her brother approach the pair, looking exhausted. He gave Daisy a quick wave. "Harry, how are you?" Daisy frowned, seeing how her brother looked. His eyes were rimmed with dark circles, his skin pale and dull.

"Can we talk alone?" Harry looked at Draco who gave him a look of disgust. Daisy nodded, hesitantly. She stood up, leaving her things with Draco as she and Harry made their way to an empty classroom just next to the entrance to the courtyard.

"Harry, what's up?" She questioned, concerned. He didn't say anything, he just brought her in for a hug, holding her close and sobbing into her jumper. He felt exactly the way she did, although she didn't want to show it. "Talk to me, Harry. Please." She sniffled, holding back her own tears. Things had been hard for them both, it's like they shared the same kind of bond.

"I just can't stop thinking about what happened." He wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his cloak, taking off his glasses.

"I blame myself. I blame myself because I could have done something, I could have helped but I didn't. I couldn't help and I feel awful." Daisy frowned. She was telling her brother everything. More than she had told her own boyfriend and father.

"Stop, Daisy. It's not your fault." Harry sighed. She shook her head, disagreeing. "There was nothing you could have done. Voldemort is too dangerous. We're not even 15, we couldn't defeat him on our own."

"You're right, Harry. But that doesn't stop me from being scared. He could strike at any moment. We're not safe." She sighed.

"He's not going to get us, not while Dumbledore is around. And besides, Voldemort said he doesn't want to get you, but me. And when he does try, we'll both be ready." He raised his voice slightly, causing Daisy to shoot him a look.

"He doesn't want me because I'm the only weapon against you, Harry. As long as we're together and Dumbledore is here he won't do anything to us." He nodded in agreement, feeling rather low. Daisy was the only weapon against Harry, being his only blood relative left that cared about him a lot.

"Let's not talk about this now." She smiled, nodding. "Are you still coming to see me in the holiday's, or have I lost my chance of seeing my sister to Draco Malfoy?" He playfully winked, giving her a nudge. she smacked his arm.

"Harry, you must be a fool if you think I'd not spend time with my own brother." She chuckled. "Draco already knows that I'm still coming to see you. That is if I can and the Dursley's actually want me there." He nodded. "Just let me know when is best. I haven't planned much yet, but Draco does want to do something over the holiday." He raised an eyebrow.

"You two are inseparable." Daisy shot her brother a glare. "I'm joking! you know I'm happy for you if you're happy."

"I think you'd know by now if I wasn't happy." She spoke. "He makes me so happy. He understands everything that I've been through and he helps me in so many different ways." She smiled, thinking about the blonde.

"I can tell. I mustn't keep you away from him for too long, he'll think I hurt you or something." she raised her eyebrow, shaking her head.

"Owl me anytime, Harry. You're the best little brother." She gave him another hug, before they both exited the room, parting ways.

"I thought Potter had hurt you or something."
Daisy rolled her eyes at Draco as she sat back down. He was reading some kind of book, looking rather invested in its content.

"Malfoy, you really are strange sometimes." She chuckled, looking at some students opposite them saying goodbye to their friends in different houses. "It's been a strange year." She said suddenly. Draco nodded his head. It really had been a strange year. He thought back to everything that had happened. All his memories involved her. All of them made him happy. He went back to his book, reading further. "What are you reading?" Daisy peered over the side of the book, looking at the pages. Draco was reading about the patronus charm.

"Have you read about this one?" He asked her. She nodded.

"Read? I can produce one. Harry and I learned this last year when we found out dementors affected us so much. Professor Lupin taught us." She chuckled.

"I'd love to learn it. Apparently everyone has a different patronus but they can change depending on a number of factors." She nodded. He looked rather excited. "It's really interesting."

"It's true. It's rather difficult, but I can teach you if you wanted to?" He gave her a look of pure happiness, nodding. "Do you want to learn now? I mean we don't have anything to do for the rest of the afternoon." He got up instantly, pulling her up with him.

"Where should we go?" He squealed as she chuckled at him. Daisy thought. They didn't want to get caught too easily, but they needed somewhere quiet.

"I know just the place." He followed her through the castle, weaving through students as she led him to the second floor bathroom, the one he had been in before.

"You want to go down to the chamber of secrets again?" She nodded. "But what if we get caught?" Draco questioned.

"Since when did Draco Malfoy care about getting caught by teachers? On a sunny day like this, the teachers aren't going to wander around the school looking for students down in the chamber of secrets." She laughed, seeing him gulp.

"Who's there?" Daisy heard the high-pitched voice call from the toilet cubical behind them. "Oh, hello Daisy! I hope Harry is staying out of trouble." The ghost laughed.

"Hi Myrtle, Harry is good." Daisy smiled, but laughed as Draco looked rather scared.

"And who is this." The ghost flew towards them, squealing.

"Oh this, this is Draco." Daisy laughed as Draco stumbled back a bit. "We must be off, bye Myrtle!" Daisy waved as they moved over to the dormant sink in the bathroom.

"Sometimes I forget we go to a school with ghosts roaming toilets that we shouldn't even be in." Draco smirked.

"Malfoy, are you feeling okay? You're acting rather strange today." Daisy chuckled, finding the sink. "Here we go." She smiled, finding the snake engraving. "Open." She hissed in parseltongue. The sinks moved, revealing the entrance she remembered very well.

"I'm good." He nodded, taking her hand. They went down the tunnel together, soon reaching the bottom with the familiar pile of bones and damp, something both of them found unpleasant.

"Disgusting." Daisy grimaced, standing up and holding her hand out for Draco to take. He took it tightly, her pulling him up.

"Stop speaking parseltongue." He raised an eyebrow. She shook her head. This was one talent she was glad she had, it was unique and she could use it to scare her friends.

"I can't help it." They walked further into the chamber, seeing the reminiscence of their adventures back in their second year. "Ah, here we go." They reached the door, covered in snakes. "Open." She hissed again, the snakes pulling back as the door unlocked. They both made their way into the chamber, their footsteps echoing behind them. "Right, shall we get to learning this spell." He nodded.

"So smart." He teased, both taking out their wands.

"So it's kind of simple, but it's also really hard. You need to think of a happy memory. The most happiest memory you can think of." He nodded, closing his eyes and thinking. "Let it fill you up, all the way. Think only of this memory." She watched him, smiling as he was concentrating. "Okay, are you ready?"

"I'm ready." He opened his eyes, still thinking about his happy memory.

"The incantation is simple. Hold your wand out in front of you and speak the words Expecto Patronum." He nodded, holding his wand out in front of him.

"Expecto Patronum!" He spoke, without his wand first. He did it again, this time with his wand, trying a few more times, and soon after his many attempts his wand started producing the blue light Daisy was familiar with. He had done it. But her eyes went wide as soon as she saw his corporal patronus. "I did it." He smiled, seeing the blue light dance around them, gracefully moving around the empty space. Daisy was too shocked to talk. "What's wrong?" Her face changed slightly, her smiling. She thought hard. Her happiest memory, taking out her wand. He was still focused on his light dancing around them.

"Expecto Patronum." She mumbled, her blue light joining Draco's. She had no problem producing it. But as her light danced around the room, Draco's expression was the same as hers. There in front of them, two lights dancing around them in the form of the same animal: a doe. Daisy already knew this was her Patronus, much like her mothers patronus.

"They're the same." Draco looked at her, his eyes showing his shock. She nodded. The two lights around them stopped as their attention was taken away.

"They're the same." She repeated, smiling. He knew exactly what that meant. They didn't say anything. They just looked at each other, both in shock. It was their love. Their love had caused Draco's patronus to be the same as hers.

"Let's go before we get caught." He said, breaking the silence. She nodded, still trying to apprehend what had just happened. They made their way back up to the entrance of the chamber, climbing the ladder to reach the top and return to the second floor bathroom. Daisy closed the chamber, walking out of the bathroom with Draco behind. They went outside, back to where they had been. It was quiet, students returning to their common room before the end of term feast. "Daisy, say something." Draco was concerned.

"Malfoy, you can't like me that much." She was in deep thought. She knew that a persons patronus changed when they were in love, but she wasn't expecting to see it happen to Draco, not this soon. She continued to look away from him, looking into the distance, fumbling with her skirt hem.

"Like you? Daisy you know it's more than that. This shows that." He chuckled. He always wanted to know what his patronus was, but to know that it had taken the same form as the girl he loved made him feel something. Love.

"You are something special, Draco." She looked at him. Deeply. He did love her. She knew he did. So much had happened but she knew one thing. Draco Malfoy was in love with her.


THE TRAIN RIDE home was silent, avoiding any conversations relating to the year they had just had at hogwarts. They knew how horrific it was after a student had died, especially when their friend had witnessed the murder.

"I can't wait for this summer. We must all meet up at some point." Pansy broke the silence as her, Daisy, Blaise, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sat in a compartment together. Daisy looked out the window, her eyes focusing on the trees, drowning out the world around them. Draco sat next to her, concerned. She was yet to say a word the entire journey. He knew they would soon be pulling into London.

"Daisy, are you okay?" Draco question, tapping her on the shoulder. She nodded, but didn't say anything. He wasn't convinced at all. He sighed, seeing her still look out the window, not diverting her eyes. She was thinking. Thinking about everything. Yet she couldn't shrug off the thought that everything that had happened in the final task was her fault.

Pansy and Blaise gave Draco a look of sadness, knowing they couldn't help get anything out of the girl if Draco couldn't. "Looks like we're almost home!" Pansy beamed, seeing buildings she recognised from the outskirts of London.

"I can't wait to have a hopefully normal summer spending it with the people I love." Draco smiled, thinking about how he was going to spend time with his parents, friends and Daisy. Daisy sighed next to him, still in deep thought. Something was wrong with the girl, something he couldn't quite get out of her just yet.

"We'll arrange something by owl, maybe we could have a little gathering before school starts." Blaise suggested. Pansy and Draco nodded. Crabbe and Goyle grunted, finishing the last of their snacks before they were to head home.

It wasn't long before the train pulled into Kings Cross Station, the platform lined with parents ready to collect their children. The train came to a sudden halt, the Slytherin group exiting the train, minus Daisy. She still sat down, thinking. So much occupied her mind. So much stuff she wished she could forget.

"Dais, are you not coming?" Draco asked looking back at her. His friends had already disappeared, joining the other students waiting to get off the train. He closed the door to the compartment sitting next to her. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He said, almost inaudible. She nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry." She looked at him finally, tearing her eyes away from the window. "I just keep thinking about what happened. He's back, Draco. Voldemort's back and he's going to try his best to recruit new followers. We're too young for this. It's unsafe out there. Voldemort wants to get my brother and I just don't want this to hurt you in the process." She sighed, giving him a frown. He took her hand, squeezing lightly.

"I won't let this hurt you or hurt me. We'll fight for what is right and we'll think about it when the time comes. It's very early days, Daisy. Don't worry about all of this now. Let's just take it one step at a time and enjoy our summer." She nodded at him. He was right. Harry had said the same thing. They'll be ready when the time comes, all of them will.

"You're right. I'm sorry for being like this. Especially on that ride home. I won't see you for ages and I didn't say anything to you. I'm stupid." She tried to chuckle, but he brought her in for a hug, holding her tightly.

"There's no need to apologise. I understand your worry. But I won't let anything hurt you. Not now, not ever. I don't know what I'd do without you." He said to her, stroking the hair on the back of her head.

"Shall we head off the train?" Daisy asked. He nodded. But before they did, Draco had placed a light kiss to her cheek, stroking the skin underneath where his lips had been placed. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as he moved the hair away from her face, smiling at her gently.

"It's going to be okay, Dais." He whispered. She nodded. It was all going to be okay.

They both made their way off the train, walking to grab their luggage and owls before finally spotting their parents, talking with each other as usual. This time, Lucius Malfoy had also joined Narcissa, collecting Draco. Lucius was engaged in conversation with Severus, no doubt about some business to do with the Dark Lord. Daisy knew her dad was still going to be involved in the Dark Arts some how, which worried her slightly.

"Draco, welcome home." Narcissa smiled, bending down to bring her son into a tight hug. Daisy waved at her dad who gave her a light smile, before going back to his conversation, she stood there awkwardly, wanting to go home and just lay in bed, thinking about everything. "Daisy, I'm glad you're safe. Everything has been so worrying." Narcissa looked at the girl, panicking. She pulled away from Draco, shaking the girls hand.

"Mum." Draco whispered, trying to divert the conversation to something else. She realised, seeing Daisy not look her usual self. She had learned a lot about Daisy, especially when she had visited Malfoy Manor the first time. Since then, she had picked up on little things and she knew when the girl wasn't okay.

"Daisy, if you would like to visit over the holiday you are more than welcome to. I'm sure Draco has already mentioned it." She smiled. Daisy nodded.

"He has, a few times." She teased, seeing the boy's cheeks glow red. "I'd love to visit."

"Especially around your birthday. We must celebrate." Draco muttered, giving both females a look. He wanted to do something special for her. She deserved it after everything that had happened.

"Certainly. Well, we'll be in contact about that. You're always welcome at out home." Narcissa smiled at the girl.

"Draco, I do hope your term at Hogwarts was somewhat...satisfactory." Lucius had finally finished his conversation with Severus. Draco thought for a moment.

"Yes father, it was rather interesting." Draco spoke, his father nodding, satisfied. Lucius looked at the girl next to his son, looking rather worried. He gave her a concerned look. He knew what she had witnessed. He had been there. And he knew that Daisy was not meant to be there that night.

"Ah, Miss Snape. I do hope you are okay after what happened." Daisy nodded. She was okay physically, but she couldn't stop thinking about that night.

"I'm okay, Mr Malfoy. It's just a lot to take in." He nodded. They all stood there in silent for a moment, nobody knowing what to say.

"Shall we go home?" Severus asked Daisy. She nodded her head picking up her luggage, ready to turn away from the group.

"You're not going to go without saying goodbye, are you?" Draco muttered next to her. She turned to him, shaking her head. Their parents were talking about some final business as the pair looked at each other, bringing the other in for a tight hug. "I'll miss you so much. So much." He whispered into her ear, not wanting to let go. He wanted to kiss her.

"It's not going to be long before I see you again, Draco. I promise." She smiled into his shoulder, resting her head there. Daisy raised her head, whispering into his ear, not loud enough for their parents to hear. "I love you, Draco Malfoy." Those words made the boy blush. He wished his parents knew so he could show some kind of affection without shocking them, but he couldn't. Their parents looked at them, Narcissa grinning at the pair as Lucius and Snape rolled their eyes.

"And I love you." He whispered back, before they pulled apart. It wouldn't be long. He would see her soon. He just had to remember that.

"Goodbye, Draco!" She waved as she joined her dad, walking out of the station platform. She just couldn't wait to get home. He waved back, frowning as the girl got further and further away from him. He was so worried to not be by her side after all of the things that had happened. Narcissa seemed to notice this, as she placed her hand upon her son's shoulder, giving him a light squeeze.

"She'll be okay, Draco. There's no need to worry." He nodded, letting out a breath he had been holding.

"She will be. She will be okay." The two Snape's had finally disappeared out of view as he watched the spot she had been in. Draco couldn't wait to see her again. That's all he wanted. He wanted to see her to know that she was safe. He wanted to tell his parents about them, about how much he cared for the girl. He just couldn't wait to see her again.

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