Chapter Sixty Two: The Golden Egg

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[A/N: hey all, I'm back! This is a super short update, I'm sorry. It's been a bit hectic over Christmas but I'm going to try and get back to updating regularly to hopefully finish this book in 2021. I'm sure 14 year old me is super happy I picked this up again after giving it up for so long. Hope you enjoy!]

DAISY HAD studied the golden egg for weeks, wondering how she was going to find out the clue for the next task that was a few months away. She was sure the other champions had figured it out. The egg sat on her bedside table most of the time, glistening under the moonlight. It held secrets, something that would help her win the second task.

The snow fell gracefully under the winter moonlight, students hurrying to bed before lights out, trying not to earn themselves detention before the Christmas period. Daisy, for once, was more than happy to break this rule to find out what her egg meant. She sat in the library, her pale features studying hard over endless books. The Slytherin sat in the corner, her golden egg to the right, a pile of books to the left. Draco had offered to help her search through the library to try and see if they could find anything to help. She needed to work out this clue before it was too late to prepare herself. Severus was just as puzzled as she was, not being able to shed some light on the situation.

"What about this one?" Draco held up a dusty, leather bound book about a previous Triwizard Tournament. The book looked like it had never been touched by a single student ever. Draco grimaced at the dust, blowing as much as he could off the cover.

"Maybe, I'll have a look." Daisy's face crumpled as she closed another book. She sighed. "It's impossible." Draco frowned, walking over from the shelf and bringing the worn down book over to her.

"Hey, don't give up just yet. We'll find something soon." He placed the book next to her, taking the one she had just closed and returning it to the shelf. She nodded to him, opening the next book and reading through the pages.

"Daisy?" She looked up, hearing the sound of her brothers voice across from her.

"Hi Harry!" She looked up, giving him a wave. She hadn't had time to speak to her brother recently, which made her kind of sad.

"Potter, what are you doing here?" Draco walked back over to join his friend, perching on the edge of the desk Daisy was sat at.

"Draco be nice." Daisy frowned at him. Draco nodded at her.

"I found out you was in here, so I had to come and tell you. I've worked out the clue for the next task, well actually Cedric kind of told me how and then I worked it out from there." Daisy's eyes went wide. How had her brother already worked it out before her? "The next task has something to do with merpeople, which is why we can't hear what the egg has to say. They can't speak above land. The egg needs to be opened underwater so you can find out what the next task entails."

"Merlin's beard Harry, you're a genius!" Daisy got up, throwing her arms around her brother, practically smothering him.

"So all she needs to do is open it underwater? That will tell Daisy the clue?" Draco questioned as Daisy finally let go of Harry.

"Yes, exactly that. The rest...well, you'll have to work that out for yourself." Harry spoke, seeing Draco was looking a bit puzzled.

"Thank you, thank you! Draco, I think we're done in the library for now." Harry said goodnight to his sister and her Slytherin friend as the two put away all the books they no longer needed to look through. Draco was a bit confused as to why Harry Potter was helping her so much, or if he was telling the truth, but Daisy trusted him. He was her family after all.

"Are you going to try and open the egg tomorrow?" Draco asked Daisy as the two walked back to their common room. She nodded.

"It's worth a shot, I'll give it a go first thing." She finally felt like she had some hope to finding out the clue.

The two went to their dorms shortly after arriving back at their common room. Daisy fell asleep, planning what she was going to do to discover the clue. School was almost out for Christmas, with the Yule Ball only a week away. This would give her the time to fully look into the clue she was about to discover from this mysterious egg.


The next day, Daisy ran herself a bath in her dorm, her egg sat on the chair in the corner. "This is utterly bizarre." She sighed, stopping the tap before the water overflowed the ceramic basin. She slipped in, wincing at the hot water, before grabbing the egg. "Whoever thought of this was crazy." She whispered to herself.

As she slowly slid further underwater, she pushed the egg down with her, taking a deep breath and fully submerging the egg. She carefully opened the latch, bracing herself for the horrific screams it usually produced, however they did not come. This time, the screams were replaced with an angelic like singing; the voice of merpeople.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took."

Daisy quickly returned from under the water, gasping for air. That was it, that was the clue. "Oh my god, Harry was right." Daisy quickly finished her bath, ready to tell Draco what she had found out. The girl dressed herself into a black jumper, dark cotton trousers and brogue shoes, putting her cloak around her. She had no time to dry her hair. She had to work out this clue.

"I worked it out, Draco! I've got the clue!" She ran over to her friend as soon as she spotted him in the common room. He greeted her with a smile.

"Really? What did it say?" He patted the seat next to him as she sat down. She crossed her legs, ready to tell him everything.

"Well, we know the task is to do with the black lake. The egg gave some kind of song, it went 'Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took' so from that, the task is an hour long and I've got to find something that has been taken from me." She looked puzzled.

"You've got to breathe underwater for an hour to find something somebody took from you? How is that possible?" Draco questioned. Daisy smirked. "I forget you're smart." He laughed.

"Of course it's possible, Draco. Gillyweed! It was in my book that I was reading not too long ago. It's magical properties allow the consumer, in this case me, to breathe underwater for a long period of time by giving me gills to breathe and webbing to be able to swim deep. If not that, I could always use the bubblehead charm." She shrugged. She had to ask her dad now for the supplies.

"You're too smart for me to keep up." Draco spoke as she chuckled. "Are you going to speak to your dad about all this first?" She nodded.

"Of course. I'm sure we have some gillyweed here at school and if not I'm sure my dad has some at home that I can get when we return after the Yule Ball." Daisy was pleased with her quick detective skills. She knew she had a great shot at this task, but she was not sure what would be taken from her. She didn't really have anything of value in possessions, only people that were very dear to her.

Daisy pushed past the thought of the egg for now, knowing she didn't need to worry about her plan. She would speak to her dad soon and see how much he could help her before the task in the new year.

Maybe she could become the youngest triwizard champion Hogwarts had ever seen.

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