Chapter Thirty One: Underage Magic.

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[A/N: I hope you guys like the new cover!! I'm so thankful for 8k reads and 700 votes, it makes me so happy to see all the wonderful comments from everyone. I can't believe I'm already on Prisoner of Azkaban. I've been working on this book for almost two months and I really thought that nobody was going to read it...I want to say thank you to everyone! Ily]


*Daisy's Point of View*

I had arrived at Harry's house last night. The ride was not exactly fun. The trains were delayed and I was standing out in a very odd, cold night, alone. The fact that it's summer but feels like winter is odd.

I was also quite scared because a stray black dog was on the loose. It was quite friendly and I fed him but he was attached to me, he never left me until I had to get on the train.

In other news, Sirius black had escaped from Azkaban Prison. I already despised the man because he was the one who sold information to Voldemort about my mother and Harry's Fathers whereabouts. He was a 'secret keeper' as they call them. He also killed around 12 muggles at once. Even worse, my father told me about him when they used to go to school together.

Tonight, Aunt Marge was coming to stay. She didn't know I existed so this would be fun. I had helped Petunia prepare the dinner while Harry did his other chores.

"Harry! Daisy!" Aunt petunia shouts from the kitchen. We both go running down the stairs. The second Harry gets on the last step, the door bell rings and Aunt Petunia shouts "Harry! Well, go on. Open it." He opens the door to Uncle Vernon, a large woman in guessing is Marge and a large Bulldog. "Marge! Welcome! How was the train?"

I took that as my option to leave and go in the living room. Dudley was watching 'Strictly Come Dancing' I was so glued to the program that I didn't notice the rest of them come in the living room.

"So, you're still here, are you?" Marge says to Harry.

"Yes." Harry said stiffly.

"Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful tone. Damn good of my brother to keep you, if you ask me." she turned from an angry looking Harry to Uncle Vernon. "It'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep." She looked over to the sofa and walked closer to Dudley. "Is that my Dudders! Hm? Is that my neffy Poo? Come and say hello to your Auntie Marge." she started kissing his head and then looked up to me. "And who's this one, Vernon? One of Dudley's Friends?"

"Actually, She's Harry's sister." Petunia said, a bit embarrassed.

"Hi, I'm Daisy." I smiled at her. I stood up, brushing the imaginary dirt off of my skirt.

"Oh, she's very different from Harry...You don't have to look after her too, do you?" She looked at me oddly.

"No, I'm just visiting." I faked a nice tone. I gripped my wand, wanting to hex her but then I remembered they're all muggles, the lot of them.

We had eaten dinner in silence and Harry was made to clean up. I decided to help him because I'm a great sister. "Can I tempt you, Marge?" Vernon asked, holding up a bottle of brandy.

"Just a small one." Vernon started pouring some in her glass and he stopped. "A bit more." he poured a bit more in. "A bit more." he poured more and she smiled. "That's the boy." she cheered.

I really would love to use magic now, to hex Marge.

"Excellent nosh, Petunia. It's normally a fry-up for me, what with twelve dogs." petunia just smiled. Harry was smirking at her. "What are you smirking at? Where is it that you send him, Vernon?" She asked her brother.

Have I already said that I want to hex her right now?

"St. Brutus's. it's a first-rate institution for hopeless cases." he looked at both of us, glaring at us. He was making us lie. Oh...

"I see. And do they use the cane at St. Brutus's, boy?" She glared at Harry and he smiled.

"Oh, yes. I've been beaten loads of times." Harry said, sarcastically. There was no denying this boy wasn't my brother. I wanted to laugh, but it would ruin the act.

"Excellent. I won't have this namby-pamby wishy-washy nonsense about not hitting people who deserve it. Where do you go to school, Girl?" She looked at me.

"Oh I go to a boarding school, up in the north." I half lied. Well it wasn't really a lie at all. Hogwarts was a boarding school, up in the north. "My father teaches there, it's a great school." I smiled.

"Do you get well educated there?" I nodded.

"Oh yes, the educational program is great." I said sarcastically, looking at Harry. He smirked.

"Still. Mustn't blame yourself for how the boy turned out, Vernon. It all comes down to blood. Bad blood will out. What is it the boy's father did, Petunia?" She asked as if Harry wasn't in the room at all.

"Nothing, that is...he didn't work. He was-- Unemployed." Petunia said, agitated.

"Of course. And a drunk, I expect--" Harry started getting angry.

"That's a lie." Harry shouted. The lights started to flicker. Oh god, he isn't going to be able to control his magic.

"What did you say?" Her eyes narrowed.

"My dad wasn't a drunk." He said back, furious. Harry had his wand in his pocket and he went to grip onto it.

"Harry calm down." I whispered. "You'll use magic at this rate." I added. He nodded.

We both started at her and the glass that was in her hand shattered. "Oh my goodness! Marge!" Petunia squealed.

"Not to worry, Petunia. I have a very firm grip." we both stared at the glass in shock. Did Harry do that?

"I think it's time you went to bed." Vernon said, firmly.

"Quiet, Vernon. You- clean this up." she pointed to Harry and he did. "Actually, it's nothing to do with the father. It's all to do with the mother. You see it the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, then there's something wrong with the pup."

"Don't you dare say that about my mother." I said coldly, getting angry with her.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Harry shouted, throwing a tea towel on the floor.

Marge went to reply but she started getting fatter and blowing up like a balloon. This was mine and Harry's fault. Oh well. If you're going to use underage magic, you better use it well. I muttered a little curse and she started to fly out the window. I couldn't help but laugh. I took out my wand and used it to summon my luggage while Harry did it the muggle way. "Daisy, you used underage magic?" He was surprised.

"So, what's the matter with that? You did too.." I laughed and he looked shocked. We ran down the stairs with our suitcases. We had told Midnight and Hedwig to go to the leaky cauldron. "You bring her back! You bring her back and put her right!" Uncle Vernon shouts at us.

"No! She deserved what we did to her. And you... You keep away from me." he said to Vernon. We both took out wand out.

"You're not aloud to do magic out of school.

"Yeah? Try me." Harry mocked.

"They won't have you now. You've got nowhere to go." Vernon mocked.

"Oh, trust me. we do." I smiled.

"I don't care. Anywheres better than here."

We walk out the house and down the street, out of privet drive. It seemed like ages before we reached a road, which was pitch black. I pulled out my wand. "Lumos." We see a park and head towards it.

We plopped our trunks on the floor and just stood there. A minuet had passed until I saw the same black dog from the train station back in London? it started growling at us. It moved forwards and we moved backwards, tripping over our trunks.

Harry pulled his wand out and a massive flash of light blinded us. I fee honks came and a purple bus sped up to us. The knight bus. Harry looked amused. A man was reading from a card.

"Welcome to the knight bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this evening." He said in a bored tone. He looked up from his card and looked around for someone. He then looked down at us too. "What are you two doing down there?" He looked between both of us.

"We fell over." we both say at the same time.

"What you fall over for?" He looked at both of us as we got up.

"We didn't do it on purpose." Harry said.

He looked at us suspiciously and I laughed. "I know what you're thinking. No, were siblings." I laughed.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" He looked at me curiously. So did Harry.

"Magic." I laughed and snorted. They both shook their heads. Stan took our luggage and we headed on the bus.

"Take 'er away, Ern." Stan said to the bus driver. He was an old wizard with grey, matted hair and glasses that looked exactly like Professor Trelawney--the Hogwarts divination teacher--which I happened to take this year.

"Yeah, take it away, Ernie! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!" A shrunken head said. Creepy.

"What did you two say your names were, again?"

"We didn't." We both replied.

"Well, where about's you two heading?" He asked us in his usual, bored tone.

"The leaky caldron. That's in London." Harry said, looking at me.

"Do you 'ear that, Ern? The Leaky cauldron. That's in London." Stan said, he handed us both tickets and I sat on the nearest bed.

"The leaky cauldron! Heh- if you have the pea soup, make sure you eat it before it eats you! Ha ha ha ha!" The shrunken head starts laughing.

"But the muggle's? Won't they see us?" Harry questioned.

"Muggles? They don't see nuffin', do they?" Stan replied back.

"No, but if you stab them with a fork, they feel it! Ernie, old lady at twelve o'clock!" The bus came to a sudden halt and I grabbed on. Harry didn't and he fell into the window between the driver and the passengers. I laughed at him.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and a half, two, one and three quarters....yes!" We sped off again as the old lady moved out of the way. Stan had picked up a Daily prophet and started reading. On the front was Sirius black again.

"Who is that? That man?" Harry asked.

"Sirius black." I mumbled.

"Who is that? Who is- that is Sirius black, that is. Don't tell me you've never been hearing of a Sirius black?" Stan walked closer to us and said, "he's a murderer. Got himself locked up in Azkaban for it." Stan whispered.

"There's something you'll find out about Sirius soon Harry and when you do, you're not gonna like it..." I muttered.

"Do you know?"

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"How did he escape?" Harry asked Stan.

"Well, thats the question, isn't it? He's the first one that's done it. He was a big supporter Reckon you've heard of him?"

"Why don't you just say Voldemort?" I asked and Harry flinched. Oh...

"Don't say his name." Stan said, coldly. I muttered an apology and looked out the window.

"Ernie, two double deckers at twelve o'clock." Ernie started pulling some leavers and then the shrunken head started muttering about them getting closer. "Mind your heads." he said. The bus started getting thinner and we were pushed and squeezed. It was worse than apparating. "Why the long faces?" The head laughed again. We had gone back to our normal size and sped up a road. "Nearly there. Nearly there." They crashed into the back of a car and the alarm went of.

"The leaky cauldron." Stan said. Someone made their way onto the bus and I realized it was tom, the bartender.

"Mr potter, Miss last." He greeted us as we took our luggage off of the bus and into the pub. Someone had taken our luggage and we walked into the almost empty bar. "Room eleven." Tom said as we were lead into a room.

"Hedwig." Harry said. noticing his bird. She was perched next to another bird.

"Midnight." I squealed to my owl. He was getting quite big now. His feathers still had a blue tinge to them and he was beautiful.

"Smart birds you two have. They arrived here just five minuets before you two did."

"Eh-hem..." Someone cleared their throat. Oh crap, the Minister Of Magic.

"Minister?" I asked and he turned around.

"As minister for magic, it is my duty to inform you, Mr potter, Miss Snape, that earlier this evening your uncles sister was located a little south of Sheffield, circling a chimney stack. The accidental magic reversal department was dispatched immediately. She has been properly punctured and her memory modified. She will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever. I have contacted your father about the incident, Daisy. So that's it. No harm done. Pea soup?"

"Hold up, rewind minister. Did you say that you told my father?" My eyes went wide. No.

"Yes, he has been notified. As also one of those who used underage magic, miss Snape, I had no choice but to inform him as he is your legal guardian." Fudge spoke.

"He's going to kill me." I muttered.

"Um minister." Harry said, wanting to say something.

"Yes?" Fudge replied back.

"I don't understand." Harry sighed.


"We broke the law. Underage wizards aren't aloud to use magic at home--"

"Oh, come now, Harry. The ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts." Tom started laughing until Fudge glared at him. "On the other hand, you two running away like that, given the state of things, was very, very irresponsible."

"The state of things?" Harry questioned. I knew what he meant, obviously Harry was just having a 'dumb moment'

"We have a killer on the loose." Fudge said, looking out the window.

"Sirius black, you mean? But, what's he got to do with me?" Oh nothing Harry. Just the fact that he wants to kill you because he practically led Voldemort to our mother and your father.

"Oh, nothing, of course. You're both safe. And that what matters. And tomorrow, you'll both be on your way back to Hogwarts. Oh-and these are your new school books. I took the liberty of having them brought here for you both." he pointed to two piles of books. "Now, Tom will show you both to your rooms."

"Hedwig." Harry called to his bird and she followed, perching on his arm.

"Midnight." I called, holding out my arm. He came and flew into my shoulder. What an odd bird...

"Oh by the way Harry, Daisy. Whilst you're both here, it would be best if you both didn't ah....wander."

We were both given rooms, next to each other. I couldn't wait to see everyone tomorrow, but not looking forward to seeing my dad.

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