Chapter Thirty Two: Lupin and Dementors.

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[a/n: Happy new year to all my readers! I hope 2015 will be a great year for everyone.

Also, I'm almost at 10k reads. I want to try and get 10k before 15th January, my birthday.

Have a great day everyone.]


*Daisy's Point Of View*

I woke up to a train passing outside. Today was the first day of my third year.  I didn't get out of bed, I really didn't want to.

"Daisy, open the door." somebody shouted from outside. Harry.

"Go away, Harry." I mumbled, pulling the covers over me more.

"We leave for Hogwarts in Twenty minuets." he shouted. I gasped.

"Thanks for the warning." I said while throwing on some clothes.  I quickly used magic to pack my stuff and I walked downstairs to the bar area.

"Daisy, finally you're up!"  Mrs Wesley said, brining me into a hug. "Do you have all your school things ready?" I nodded.

"Yeah, it's all upstairs." I spoke.

"Daisy, could I have a word with you, please?" Mr Wesley asked. I nodded and followed him to some sheltered table area. "I've told Harry the same but you need to know too. The ministry doesn't want me telling you both this, but you're both in danger."

"Danger? What do you mean?" I asked worried.

"What do you know about Sirius black?" He looked at me.

"That he was put into Azkaban for killing Muggles and that he's escaped... Also that he was the secret keeper for Mum and James." I spoke.

"You know more than I thought. Well Harry and You are the only two people that stand in the way of you-know-who returning to power. More Harry than you but still, you're also the only weapon against Harry. Black is a faithful servant to You-Know-Who and he wants to finish what he started."

"So you're saying that Sirius Black wants to kill me and Harry?" My eyes widened.

"You need to promise me, whatever happens, you don't go looking for black?" I nodded.

"Why would I? I wouldn't look for someone who wanted to kill me."

We left for Hogwarts in ministry cars. It was a tight squeeze with 9 people but we managed.

I was going to stick with the trio instead of sitting with the Slytherins. "We didn't mean to blow her up. We just- just lost control." Harry spoke and I laughed at the thought of what we did.

"Brilliant!" Ron laughed.

"Honestly, Ron, Daisy, it's not funny. You're both lucky you weren't expelled." Hermione said, looking I. Compartments to see if they were empty.

"We were lucky not to be arrested." Harry said.

"Yeah but worse, Fudge owled my dad about it all." I gulped at the thought.

"Oh... that's not good.." Hermione said and I nodded.

"I still think it was brilliant." Ron said.

We had reached a compartment with a man in. "Come on. Everywhere else is full." Hermione said, sliding the door open.

It was The man, Me and Harry sitting on one side of the compartment and then Ron and Hermione on the other side. "Who d'you think that is?" Ron asked us.

"Professor R. J. Lupin." Hermione said.

"You know everything. How is it she knows everything." Ron said dumbfounded.

"It's on his suitcase, Ronald." she shook her head.

"Oh." Ron Shut up after that.

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I said.

"Seems to be, why?" Hermione asked.

"I've got to tell you something." Harry closed the door and started to tell the other what Mr Weasley had said and then I said my part as well.

"Let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban to come after you two?"

"Yeah." we both said in unison.

"But they'll catch black, won't they? I mean- everyone's looking for him." Hermione asked.

"Sure... Except, no one's ever broke out of Azkaban before, and he's a murderous, raving lunatic." Ron said, stating his opinion on Black.

"Thanks, Ron." Harry said. I looked down and I swore a tear escaped my eye. I tried to hide it and I think no body noticed.

The train started slowing down and then stopped all together. "Why are we stopping?" I asked.

"We can't be there yet?" Hermione looked worried.

"What's going on?" Ron was looking out the window. It was quite hard to see outside because it had been raining.

"Maybe we've broken down?" Harry suggested. The lights flickered off and everyone started looking out their compartments.

"Ouch, Ron! That was my foot!" Hermione scolded him.

"There's something moving out there. I think...someone's coming aboard." Ron stuttered.

Everything went cold. Things started to freeze. It was hard to feel happy.  I knew what was happening.

The door opened and a black, hooded creature came in. A dementor. It started to make Harry go all weird.

I started going all light headed. There was a scream and I blacked out completely.

When I woke, the professor, Ron and Hermione were all standing near the door. Harry was out on the other seat. "What happened?" I asked, sitting up.

"You passed out. Are you alright?" The Professor asked.

"I'm fine. Did anyone scream?" I asked and they all looked at my oddly.

"Nobody screamed, Daisy." The Professor looked shocked for a second but went back to normal.

"Here, eat this, its Chocolate. You'll need it." he handed me a small bar of chocolate and I started eating it.

"Harry? Harry, are you all right?" I saw my brother finally wake up. Hermione handed him his glasses back.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"Eat this, it'll help. It's alright, it's chocolate." He looked at me and saw me eating too. I nodded at him and smiled.

"What was that thing...that came?" Harry stuttered, biting into his chocolate.

"It was a dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius black. If you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver. Eat. You'll feel better, both of you." Lupin left and Harry sat up.

"What happened to me?"  Harry asked, eating his chocolate.

"Well, you sort of went rigid. We though maybe you were having a fit or something." Ron looked at the both of us.

"And...did any of you three? You know...pass out?" He asked.

"Daisy did. But me and hermione didn't. It felt weird though. Like we'd never be cheerful again." Ron said.

"But someone was screaming. A woman? Was it you Daisy?" He looked at me.

"No, but I heard it too."

"Nobody was screaming." Hermione looked at us, worried.

The train finally reached Hogwarts and I still felt faint. The sorting had started and then the choir started singing.

Once they had finished, Dumbledore started saying some words about Professor Lupin being the new defence against the dark arts teacher.

"Potter...Potter! Is it true you fainted?" Draco said from next to me. He was looking at Harry. "I mean, you actually fainted?"

"Draco, stop. I fainted too." I spoke and he just looked at me and shut up. The feast had come and gone and we were all fed.

"Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the ministry of magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban, until such a time as Sirius black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now, whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities... A word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt, and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you. To give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But, you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times..." He swiped a candle at the side of his stand and the flame went out. "If only one remembers to turn on the light." he waved his hand and the candle lit again.

We were dismissed and me and Draco were walking down the corridor when I heard, "Daisy-Mae Snape. Where do you think you're going?" The cold voice of my father said from behind me. Draco sniggered and I tripped him up.

"I'm not a Slytherin for nothing Dray." I whispered and the looked at my dad. "I'm going to bed." I spoke to him in the same tone he used.

"Oh no you're not. Me and you need to have a little chat." Oh great. Draco looked at me and I walked with my dad back to his office. "Underage magic on a Muggle!" He shouted as soon as the door closed.

"I couldn't help it. It wasn't just me!" I shouted back.

"You could have been expelled! You could have been arrested!" He shouted back.

"But I wasn't though!" I shouted.

"Do not speak to me like that!" He looked at me angry.

"Whatever. Maybe you didn't hear about the train, I'm going to bed." What he did next was unexpected. He actually hit me. My eyes started to tear up and I ran out the room. He called my name but I ignored him.

I got to the entrance of the portrait to find that it had been changed to a snake portrait. I didn't know the password. Parseltongue. "I don't know the me in please." I hissed and the snake let me in. Thank god. I ran past everyone and went up to my dorm.

Why did he do that? I thought he was actually going to never hit me...I was wrong.

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