Chapter Twenty Eight: Hagrid Did It?

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[a/n: just a short chapter because I have family coming round soon...

Who else heard about Tim and Helena? It's like my worst nightmare come true. They were my otp and now it's gone:((

Enjoy this chapter!!]

*Daisy's Point Of View*

After I left the Gryffindor Common room last night, I'm sure something happened. You know when you have a set of twins, they can feel each others emotions? Well that's what happened. I felt upset and shocked. Was Harry feeling the same?

I thought the diary might have helped in a way. This Tom Riddle person, Did he know more than he told me? Did Harry find out more? All these questions keep going around in my head.

Lessons started again today and I couldn't be more excited. The holidays weren't that much fun actually, they were quite boring. You'd expect me to be excited for Christmas but when you've only celebrated Christmas twice in your life, it just shows that my life was a mess before Hogwarts.

After lessons, I decided to hang around with my brother. I feel really distant from him. It's like we don't even talk that much any more.

We were walking in the courtyard when Harry finally told us something interesting, something that could finally help us find out who's behind the attacks.

"It was Hagrid. Hagrid opened the chamber of secrets fifty years ago."

"Woah, Hagrid's really that old?" I asked, shocked. I just received a smack on the arm.

"It can't be Hagrid. It just can't be." Hermione said in disbelief.

"Exactly, How could Hagrid be behind this? He's always talking about how rude us Slytherins are. To get into the chamber, you must be a parselmouth and I doubt Hagrid is one." I stated. "Anyway, All parselmouth's are sorted in Slytherins and I doubt he was a Slytherins anyway." I added.

"But you wasn't sorted into Slytherin, nor was Harry and look at you both. You're both parselmouth's." Hermione said.

"That's because we asked the hat to place us there. Remember? Harry asked the hat to not place him in Slytherin and so did I but now I am placed where the hats real decision was." I said.

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle. He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me." Ron muttered.

"The monster had killed somebody, Ron. What would any of us have done?" Harry said dramatically.

"Harry's right, Ron. If this is a repeat of History, who says it won't happen again? Someone will probably end up dying." I said a bit sadly.

"Look, Hagrid's our friend. Why don't we just go and ask him about it?"Hermione suggested.

"And end up like last year? 'I should not have told you that?' No way." I said.

"That'll be a cheerful visit! 'Hello Hagrid! Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?" Ron said throwing his hands up in confusion

"Mad and Hairy? You wouldn't be talking about me now, would you?" A voice sounded from behind us. Hagrid. Oh Merlins beard.

"No, of corse not." I lied.

"No!" The others shouted in panic. Wow they were really bad liars.

"W-what's that you've got, Hagrid?" Harry gestured to the green bottle in Hagrids hand.

"Oh, it's a- Flesh eating' Slug repellant. For the mandrakes, ya know. Now, according to Professor Sprout, they're still got a bit of growing up to do. But, once their acne's cleared up, well be able to chop them up and stew them, and then we'll get those people down at the hospital un-petrified. In the mean time, though, you four had best be looking after yourself. All right?" We nodded and he walked away from us. Neville came running towards us.

"Hello, Neville." Harry and I said at the same time. Not this again.

"Harry--I don't know who did it, but you better come! Come on!" They ll ran away but me.

"I'll be heading back to my common room." I whispered to myself. Ever since I've come to Hogwarts, I find being lonely horrible. But before Hogwarts, I could spend hours alone and I would be happy. Times have changed. Everything is slowly changing.

I went back to the Slytherin common room to find it empty. Everyone must be outside or in their dorms. I sat on the couch near the fire and read one of my books.

A little while later, the door opened, I expected to see a student but it was my father? He never came in the common room. "Daisy?" I looked up at him and smiled.

"Hi, Dad." I said and then looked at my book again. It was a potions book called 'Most Potent Potions' it had potions like polyjuice and Draught of Living death.

"What are you doing?" He walked over and sat on the sofa opposite me. His tone was different, it was softer.

"I'm reading a book." I said, still reading the book.

"I can see that, but you missed dinner? Is something the matter?" His tone wasn't nothing like his usual tone. It's hard to tell if that was even my dads voice.

"I did?" I asked in confusion. I must have lost track of time. "Nothing's the matter, I'm not hungry anyway." I replied, closing the book and putting it on the chair next to me. I looked up at my dad. "How comes your here anyway?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"I came looking for you. After I saw Potter and his gang and Malfoy and his gang, minus you, I thought that you'd be here. I wasn't sure if anything had happened so I came looking for you." his tone was kind. Like he actually cares.

"Oh, I was just thinking about things." I sighed. This is the part where I get millions of questions thrown at me.

"About?" He asked, concerned.

"How weird it feels to be around people. Before Hogwarts, I was used to being lonely but now I'm not and it just feels weird." I sighed.

"Forget about the past, you're safe now. They can't hurt you again." he said, seriously.

"It's not that easy, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, dad." I said, walking away before he could say anything else.

What if his love for me as his child was a mask like my adoptive parents? What if it was all just an act?

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