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*Trigger warning*

"Alright, Alright, G lay off." Sans said, pushing G away. You stood up and all three seemed to stare at you. "What?" You said, and Sans looked at you and whispered, "What happened to you girlie?" You looked down at yourself and realized your sleeves were still rolled up from hacking at the chain, exposing your bruises and cuts. "Oh, um." You said, biting your lip, Trying to come up with a good excuse.

"Uh, my cat would always scratch me.....yeah."

You said, rolling your sleeves back down, But a boney hand caught yours and pulled you up and started hauling you across the room.

"What-"Your protests were interupted by G's suprisingly soft voice as he pulled you along, "You're coming with me, girlie." He said, looking back once at you as he lead you through a hallway. And you could have sworn you saw sadness in those orbs of his.

The hallway was suprisingly decorative, pictures or random bones strewn about almost everywhere you looked. But one picture that hung caught your eye, and you tugged on G's hand and he looked back at you, to see you gazing adoringly at a picture of baby Papyrus. The frame was golden, just like Papy's heart, you thought.

And in engraved letters on the bottom was, The Great Papyrus. But when your eyes finally gazed at the picture, you let out a squeal that made Sans head poke out from your room and give you a confused look.

Papyrus and Sans ultimatley came stumbling out of your 'room' to see what you were squealing about. Sans immediatley burst out laughing when he saw, and had to lean on the wall for support cause he couldn't stop laughing.

"So smol."

You whispered, touching the photo while Papyrus blushed and protested, saying he had never been that small and that it was a fake. G grabbed a hold of you again, muttering about how he didn't have time for this.

You two came across a large wooden door and he shoved you through it, and you expected a torture chamber or some shit like that but he pulled you inside and you suddenly noticed that it was just a kitchen, with plain white cabinets and tables.

G sat on the nearest stool and propped his foot up on the table, and gestured for you to sit down. You sat down hesitantly, and G glared at you from across the table. You matched his stance and glared, "Alright, G you wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?" You said, exaggerating his name. To your suprise, he grinned. "Alright, but not until you explain why you look like you just escaped from a torture chamber." He said, sitting up and setting his elbows on the table.

You grinned, "How bout' 21 questions, Cap?" You said, "You ask me a question, then I ask you, deal?" You said, as G let out a small hmm and then nodded slowly.

G spoke first: "Who are you running from?"

"Abusive boyfriend."

He sat still for a second, an emotion you couldn't put your finger on swirling in his orbs, "My turn.....why do you care?" You asked, and G sat even stiller, if possible. "Because if you're gonna be staying here, then you're part of this family." He said, and you gaped at him. They barely knew you, but were willing to accept you so easily? Your thoughts were interupted when G said, "Where was your family in this situation?" He asked, gazing at you.

You wrung your hands and looked down at the table. "Uh, they're uh, they don't really- they're not uh." You stuttered, you always did when you were nervous. "They're dead." G said, looking at you as if trying to crack your code.

You laid your chin in your palm and met G's gaze, "Dead as can be." You replied. "How?" He said, and you knew what he was refering to. "Fire. Killed my mom and dad. I was an only child." You said, no emotion ever crossing your face.

He cocked his head at you and said, "Well, now you have two siblings."

You sat staring at him for a few seconds before you noticed that you were crying, and you raised a hand to the wetness dripping from your eyes.

"Why me?" You said, as he stared at your tears. "I don't know." He replied. You stared into his orbs and he stared back.

"Are you just my guardian now?" You said, as you stared at the table. You suddenly felt your head lifted, and you were staring into those yellow beads again. and saw that he had lifted your chin.

When did he get so close? "Yeah, I guess I am." He said quietly. You let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding and he stepped back and leaned against the wall. "Care to explain those cuts?" He asked softly and you wondered what happened to the Bad-Boy G. The sneering and hateful G.

"Care to explain why you're being so nice to me?" You replied.

He stiffened and looked down at the floor.

"It's a mad, mad, world out there girlie, and your kind just makes it madder." He said, stepping towards you. "But........," He trailed off, He looked up at you and you blinked as he just smiled slightly and turned away from you and just as it seemed he was about to walk out the kitchen door, he stopped and spoke.

"Some people deserve a little kindness.....Opal."

He said your name as if you were a great war, full of despair and sadness but at the same time full of respect and victory.

He spoke once more before leaving the kitchen.

"Opal....what a strange name."

He paused," Strange name for a strange girl." He then retreated out the door. And you stared at the empty space where he used to be for a long time before you got up.

A strange girl and a bipolar skeleton.

What a mad pair.

//Hey! Author here, as before I'm just gonna say that these chapters are under heavy editing as they are pretty bad///

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