Chapter 4- The Prince's Rise

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 a/n Yes, I am aware this is not mythologicaly correct in terms of relationships, but it is how it fits in this AU.

  "It's loud." Next to him, his little sister laughed. She was only a bit younger.
  "Duh! The entire kingdom is out there for your corination!"
  It was the day Will would be crowned the official prince. He had been the third born, but his older brothers had died a few years ago. Now, he was 18 and having dreams of how he'd rule as king when his dad, Apollo, stepped down or died.
  "Will!" His mother came into the room, brightening the mood and the room a bit more as she gave him a tight hug. "Are you ready? Why do I even say that, you're not even in your robe!"
  His mother fussed over him, forcing him down in a chair so she could fix his rats nest of hair.
  "Mom!" Kayla, his slightly younger sister, was snickering.
  "Do not complain nor struggle young man. I could get Hermes in here to hold you down if I had to!"
  Hermes was his father's boyfriend. Will's mother may be the Queen, but everyone knew Apollo didn't keep to one lover and had multiple. Will's mother and Hermes were just his favorite. The whole kingdom understood and those who didn't thought it was rebellion against the old King, Apollo's dad- King Zeus. (Who Will and everyone else knew was a hypocritical homophobic asshole.)

  Will was ready. His golden robe wrapped gently around him and his blond hair set perfectly, ready for crowning of the corranation to happen in but minutes. He was ready. His father had prepared him for this day since the death of his older brothers but years ago. He was educated on the matters of the kingdom from trade between the small cities to the deep forest separating his home and the darker domain. He was ready for this.

  He wasn't ready for the pain. It was unexpected. As soon as the crown touched his hair, a burning pain sparked. He screamed.


  A scream sounded, bouncing between the trees, souning like an echo. Intruiged, he headed toward it.

  He wondered what that was. It sounded like pain, but what could cause such pain? Nico looked at his hands, not noticing the thining of the trees. Could he stop this person's pain?


   A boy wearing a crown appeared at the edge of town. The stones in his crown held golden jewels. His horse was dark, black as an abyss seemed when filled with the shadows. No one knew his name.

Except one.
And he knew his name.


  "Will!" A dark haired boy smiled at him. His smile lit up the room like his mother's always did. "You're awake!"
"Of course I am N----!"
"Ah yes, you're always up at the crack of dawn." Will noticed the boy held a golden jeweled crown atop his head.
  "Will, are you feeling well? You seem confused."
  "I'm fine N---." Will hugged him, happy the boy finally relaxed in his arms.
  Will flinched suddenly from a sudden shock of pain, but he tried to take the other's mind off of it.

  "Nico, I love you."


  Will was still in pain when his vision ended. He gasped, seeing the boy enter his field of sight on a horse. "Nico." He pointed.

  The crowd was worried about their throne's heir. They turned in the direction of where he pointed.

  "Will, are you ok sweetie?" His mother whispered to him.


  The boy was there. The one he'd seen in the vision. He- Nico- was there.


  There was the boy he'd seen. He had a crown on his head and seemed to be periodically flinching.

He was hurting.

He had to fix it.

But how?

And... what the hell was his name?

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