[SNSD][YulSic][Short-fic]Te Amo

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001| Shower

Yuri entered the apartment whistling happily as she just finished her schedule for the day. She saw Taeyeon and Hyoyeon in the kitchen cooking, Yoona, Tiffany, and Sooyoung in the living room.

"Where are Jessica and Seohyun?" asked Yuri

Yuri leapt back as Seohyun popped out of her room and in front of her.

"Unnie, I'm here and Jessica is taking a shower" smiled Seohyun

"You should stop doing that" said Yuri

Seohyun giggled and nodded her head.

"You should freshen up, were having dinner in half an hour" shouted Taeyeon, from the kitchen

Yuri made her way towards her room and grabbed her toilet belongings and walked to the bathroom. She knocked on the door, and said,

"Jessica could you hurry up, I want to take a shower before dinner"

"Okay, I'll be out soon" replied Jessica

As Yuri was going to walk back to her room, she heard Jessica call her name.

"Yuri, could you get my body lotion from my room the one that's imported from the States" shouted Jessica, through the shower

Yuri sighed and made her way towards Jessica's room. She entered the room and her eyes straight away caught a baby pink bottle that was placed on Jessica's desk. Yuri picked it up and headed back to the bathroom, and knocked on the door.

"Jessica I've got it" said Yuri

"Okay, place it by the sink" shouted Jessica

Yuri slowly opened the door and entered the bathroom. She placed the bottle on the sink and was about to leave, but stood still once her eyes caught sight of Jessica's body outline; through the fuzzy shower glass. She gulped as her eyes still lingered on the figure in front of her. She wasn't aware that noise of water dripping slow down before coming to a halt. Suddenly the shower door opened and in front of her stood a naked Jessica soaked wet.

Jessica screamed as she saw Yuri in front of her. Yuri did not budge nor looked away; it was only when she felt a slap on her face that she came back to her conscious. She ran out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"What happened?" said Taeyeon

"Is everything okay?" said Tiffany

"Why was Jessica screaming?" said Sooyoung

"Yuri why is your face red?" said Yoona

Her members surrounded her asking questions, worried at the sudden scream they heard.

"PERVERT!" shouted Jessica, through the bathroom door

"Why is she calling you that, unnie?" asked Seohyun

Yuri's face flushed as her members stared at her waiting for an answer.

"She has a great body" grinned Yuri, shyly

002| Jung Taste

"Krystal! How could you!"

"Sorry Jessica, but it was too tempting!"

"That's not an excuse!"

"She is hot"


"Hey eyes lured me in"


"Fine! She was wearing her undergarment!" shouted Krystal in defeat, as she was cornered by her sister


Few hours ago, she had entered Yuri's dressing room only to find her in the process of changing; wearing only her undergarments. It was then she realized what her sister, Jessica, liked in Yuri.

Krystal must admit, she was tempted to pounce at Yuri at that precise moment.

"Hey Krys, is anything -"

Before Yuri could have finished her sentence, Krystal jumped on top of Yuri; kissing her. Little did she know that her sister was in the same room as them.


"I tried to control myself"

"Well you should have tried harder!"

"I'm sorry"

"That's not enough"

"Jessica, calm down" said Yuri, as she wrapped her arms around Jessica from behind

"No, she needs to be taught a lesson"

"I said I'm sorry"

"Jessica, come on, she's your little sister. Krystal why don't you go outside for a moment while I talk to your sister" said Yuri

Krystal didn't need to be asked twice as she ran out of the room, scared that her sister might catch her.

"Why are you letting her go easily" said Jessica, as she turned around to face Yuri

Yuri smiled and kissed her softly on the lips, she pulled away and grinned.

"What can I say?You, Jung sisters, have the same taste"

003| Choices

Yuri stood in front of the person she loved dearly, with tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Jessica it doesn't have to be this way"

"No Yuri, we cant risk it"

"Were not risking anything"

"Were risking our career"

"I don't care about it! I only care about you, I only need you?Nothing else" cried Yuri

She tried to prove to Jessica that nothing else mattered except them, except their love.

"I cant risk it?"


"I cant?"

"Don't you love me?"


The words wouldn't come out of her throat; even though she wanted to scream it to the world, she couldn't admit it to the person she loved.

"Jessica?Do you love?"


"Did you ever love me?"


Yuri gritted her teeth to hold in the pain that was throbbing in her heart. She laughed bitterly as she realized that her lover choose her career rather than her.

"I'm sorry if I were ever a distraction to you Jessica?Goodbye"

She watched as Yuri walked away as the rain poured heavily underneath them.

"I love you Kwon Yuri?" whispered Jessica, as a tear slid down her cheek

004| Nightmares

Dreams?She hated them.

When people always wanted to live their dreams, she would gladly accept reality; which she views it much better than dreams.

She hated closing her eyes and let her mind drift to sleep. She hated when her body got exhausted and she couldn't keep her eyelids open any longer. She just hated sleeping.

Because every night she would wake up covered in sweat, breathing heavily as her heart pounded hardly against her chest. She would try to catch her breath as she clutches on the bed sheet.

She would feel her bed shift as she felt someone crawl into bed next to her. She felt her hot breath against her ear, whispering,

"Ssh?It's okay, Yuri"

She felt her lips kiss her earlobe and make their way down to her neck, leaving trails of hot kisses down the way.

Yuri closed her eyes and laid her body back down. She could feel her icy fingertips caressing her face; removing the heat that was running through her body. She would feel her body snuggle close to her and her hand over her waist. Yuri could hear her softly sing a lullaby in her ear while caressing her waist.

After all it was the only way to stop her loved one from getting nightmares.

005| Slip

Yoona fidgeted as she tried to sum up her courage to face Yuri, and ask her a specific request. She stared at the Black Pearl, who was reading a magazine, and walked towards her.


"Hey Yoona"

"Could I ask you for a favor?"

"Sure" smiled Yuri, as placed the magazine aside

"I?I?This is embarrassing"

"It's okay Yoona, I'm here to help you"

"I?I?I was wondering if you?you could teach me?how to kiss"

Yuri stared at her surprised at the sudden favor.

"Yoona I think you already know how to kiss. You've already kissed the main leads from your drama series"

"Not in that way?I meant?How?How to kiss?A girl"

Yuri nearly chocked on the water she was drinking.

"A girl?"

"Yes?A girl"

"May I ask is their anyone in particular?"



"Ssh?Someone might hear you!"

"Would you care to explain?"

"I?I?I like her" stuttered Yoona, as she blushed

"And you want to kiss her?"

"Not just kiss her! I want to be?Her first kiss?I want it?Special"

Yuri sighed, why did she have to go through this trouble? Why couldn't her leader, Taeyeon, deal with these things.

"Well, since it's only a little kiss I doubt Jessica would mind"

Yuri slowly leaned in and placed her lips gently on Yoona; she made sure it was just a small peck, not a deep passionate kiss.


Yuri quickly pulled away from Yoona only to find her girlfriend standing a few feet away from her; fuming mad.


"Jessica I can explain"

"Unnie its all my fault"

"Yoona stay out of this!"

"But unnie it's my fault, I asked her"

She approached the Black Pearl who was sitting nervously on the couch.

"Is this some kind of revenge?"

"Revenge? Revenge for what?"

"Revenge for when I kissed Tiffany"


"Oh?Never mind" smiled Jessica, nervously as she realized what she has slipped out

006| 4 Minutes

"SNSD! You have 4 minutes till your on" shouted the PD

"Yuri?We have?4 minutes?" mumbled Jessica, through the kisses

"It's enough time" said Yuri, as she pressed her body against Jessica

Jessica was about to reply back, but a small moan escaped her mouth instead. Yuri's lips made her way down to Jessica's neck, as her hands started to go underneath Jessica's shirt.



"Yah! Jessica hurry up! Were going to be up in 4 minutes," shouted Tiffany, through the bathroom door.

"I'll be out in a minute" strained Jessica

She tried to control her voice as Yuri was pleasing her with both her lips and fingers. Jessica bit her lower lips to prevent a moan from escaping her mouth.



"What's taking Jessica so long?" said Tiffany

"Where is Yuri?" questioned Sooyoung

"Where are those two? Were going to start filming in a few seconds" said Taeyeon, angrily

"Oh, there they are" pointed Seohyun, at two figures

Jessica's shirt was crumbled and her hair was a mess, while Yuri's make up was smudged and also her hair was out of place.

"What happened to you two?" asked Taeyeon

"Didn't you two get your hair and make-up done first?" said Hyoyeon

"Yeah?I had a problem in the bathroom" said Jessica

"What problem?" said Taeyeon

"I fell"

"What about you Yuri?"

"I fell with her" smirked Yuri

007| Tell Me

"Tell me"


"Tell me"

"Your being childish"

"Come on tell me"

"God! Stop it! Taeyeon look at her"

"Yuri stop bothering her"

"I just want to know"

Jessica entered her room and slammed the door behind her; a minute later she heard the door open. She cursed under her breath as she realized this situation wasn't going to end soon.

"Jessica?Tell me"

She could hear her husky voice whisper softly against her ears, sending tingles down her spine. She closed her eyes as the dark skinned girl placed soft kisses on her neck. She turned around to face the taller girl who was grinning.

"Tell me"

"Yuri it's enough"

Suddenly she felt the taller girl lips on hers; gently sucking on her lower lip. She couldn't resist and kissed her back. The small kiss turning into a passionate one involving tongues. Once the pulled apart they leaned their foreheads against each other.

"Tell me?Who is better"

Yuri leaned towards the shorter girl and kissed her neck, gently biting her soft spots; which earned her a moan.

"Tell me?Is Tiffany better than me"

She whispered in the shorter girls ear before nibbling back to her neck.


008| Revenge

She burst through the door clutching angrily on a newspaper, and made her way towards the Black Pearl who was sitting peacefully, watching television.

"What is this" she threw the newspaper on the table

"A newspaper?"

"Don't act smart on me Kwon Yuri!"

Yuri sighed and opened the paper and saw the first page covered with pictures of her and Victoria getting intimate with each other.

"What do you think your doing with her!"

"We were just hanging out"

"Holding hands, hugging her waist, and kissing her cheek is called hanging out!"

"You're just over reacting" Yuri simply stated

Jessica huffed in frustration, took out her phone, and dialed a number.

"Hello Krystal?I want you to set me up with Amber," said Jessica as she left

"WHAT!" shouted Yuri, following behind her

"Excuse me, if you're allowed to 'hangout' with Victoria then I'm allowed to 'hangout' with Amber"


"Yes?Today afternoon would be great, thank you Krystal"

Jessica closed the phone and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She then faced Yuri who had a panic look on her face.


"Spit it out Kwon"

"Ionlywantedtomakeyoujealous" blurted Yuri

"I knew it!" smirked Jessica

"Then why are you acting like this?"

"I just wanted you to admit it"

"So this Amber date is a joke, right?"

"No, I'm still going out with her"


"You had your fun with Victoria now it's my turn" smirked Jessica

009| Dark

She loved the dark?It was a place filled with mystery.

Lies?Secrets?Forbidden Love

It was all hidden in the dark, and that's why she loved it. It was a place where she could just be who she is, without anyone on her back.

She loved it because it was a place where her secret was being locked from others. It was a place where she thought she could finally be free.

She felt her back hit the bed softly as the tall girl unbuttoned her shirt and remove it. She could feel the cold air glide against her skin, but it was soon occupied by warm kisses from the tall girl.

This is what she loved from the dark. It was a place where they two could be together without questions or judgment?Without anyone, but themselves.

She was soon laying on the bed with only her undergarments as the tall girl hovered over her, staring at her body.

"Jessica?You are so?Beautiful?"

Even if it was dark, she could still see the tall girl reaction?She knew she took her breath away. She wrapped her hands around the tall girl neck and brought her down for a kiss.

She could feel her hands caressing her thighs, and she let out a moan of satisfaction.


"I love you?"

That's why she loved the dark?Because it was only their love that existed in such a place.


010| Broken

Broken?That's how she felt.

The person she loved the most has broken her heart. She first shattered it to pieces then stepped on it.

The person she loved played her like a puppet with strings attached.

She couldn't do anything nor could she confront her about it. She admits that she has lost in this game called love.

She could only watch her make out with a certain eye smile member of theirs. She could only hear the moans that echo's from their room. She could only listen when she gushes about kissing the main lead of the play. She could only smile when she breaks off their date since she was so 'busy' with her schedule.

Whenever they kissed, it lost its spark.

Whenever they made love, it lost its passion.

There relationship was no longer hanging on a thread instead it was gone. As much as she tried to fix it, it was too late.

Until one day she finally had the courage to stand up by herself.

She walked to her room and saw her laying on the bed reading a book.

"We have to end this?"

She looked up from her book and removed her spectacles. She stood up and approached her.

"What are you saying?"

"I said we have to end this?End our relationship"

"Why? Did I do anything wrong? Are you mad at me?"

She wanted to scream, she wanted to yell at her and make her realize what she has done.

"Listen I just want it to end?Our relationship is over"

She turned her back and walked away, but she suddenly felt a pair of arm encircle around her waist. She felt wet tears drip on her back.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry?I love you?Don't leave me"

As much as she wanted to hold her in her arms and wipe those tears away, she couldn't; she held herself together.


"No?You're not worthy of this pain"

She then pushed her away, and continued to walk further away from her. As soon as she was far enough, she allowed the tears to slide down her cheeks.

011| Turn Me On

Even though they were in a dressing room that was filled with nine hasty girls she stood out the most. Her dark skin reflecting underneath the light as she started to unbutton her shirt.

She was suppose to change to her next performance, but she froze once she saw her undressing.

That perfect toned body, which she longed to touch, those luscious lips, which she longed to kiss, and those dazzling eyes, which she longed to drown in.

She watched as she started to remove her shirt slowly and drop it carelessly on the floor. Then she would slowly unbutton her jeans and pull it off her as it dropped to her ankle.

She couldn't help but stare at that beautiful figure that stood a few feet away from her.

"Yah, Jessica! Hurry up and get dress, we only have a few minutes" shouted Taeyeon

She snapped out of her thoughts and realized they were about to head to stage again; she hurriedly changed her clothes and followed her members.

She took her position on stage and waited until they were signaled to start performing.

Suddenly she felt a hot air blowing in her ear.

"Did I turn you on?" purred Yuri, huskily before walking over to her stage position.

Jessica continued to flinch and gulped in surprise.

Hell yeah!

012| Abuse

She would come back home every night limping; her body covered with blood and bruises. She would slowly creep inside making sure not to wake up anyone in the process.

Her first stop was the bathroom, to wash away all the blood and dirt that covered her body. Once she was done her next stop would be the kitchen to nurse her wounds.

She would grit her teeth in pain, to stop herself from screaming, as she would apply some ice on the wounds.

"How many time do I have to tell you ice wouldn't help" said a voice

She turned around and saw her standing at the entrance of the kitchen.


Jessica ignored her call and approached her holding the first aid kit in her hands. She opened it and took out a cream and applied it on Yuri's wounds.

"What's the reason this time?" said Jessica, softly

"I don't think there is a reason this time"

"How long will he keep doing this to you?"

"I?I don't know"

"You have to stop him"

"I cant?He's my father Jessica?He can do whatever he wants to me"

"But he's killing you"

"Ssh?It's okay"

Once she saw the tears forming in Jessica's eyes, she hugged her.

"I love you Yuri"

"I love you too Jessica"

And before she knew it Jessica's lips was on her; lightly sucking on her bottom cut lip.

Even though she was injured, Jessica's touches were light as feathers. She was so delicate that Yuri couldn't feel anything but pure bliss.

With just a few kisses and some tender words whispered to her ears, Yuri's pain was gone. Even though there were bruises all over her, still her heart has never felt more relieved


013| Prank











Yuri basically ran around the house in circles trying to avoid a mad Jessica who is raising hell because of a stupid prank she caused. Yuri thought it would be funny to fill her bed with bags of cucumber; now she regrets doing that.



Yuri was now cornered as Jessica approached her fuming mad.


As Jessica was to attack, Yuri grabbed her and placed her lips on Jessica. She could feel Jessica stiffen, but then relax and kiss back. She took it to the next step by slipping her tongue in Jessica's mouth.

"Well that shut her off" munched Sooyoung, as she passed by

Jessica broke the kiss and pushed Yuri away; Yuri could only grin as a reply.


014| Sick

She hated being sick, she considered it as one of her weakness. She would feel her body drain the energy away, and she could feel the pain form all around her body.

The nine of them were sitting as guests in a variety show, and all she could do was fake a smile towards the camera.

She could feel the sweat forming on her forehead, and she could feel her head spin in circles. Her body radiated so much heat that for a second she thought she could catch on fire.

She clenched her fist trying to hold the pain in; she was taught how to cover up well; and that's what she did.

She didn't talk as much as she did but she would join in from time to time; not to make it obvious. She would laugh along with them and participated to dance a part of their song.

Even though she acted normal, deep down inside her body was screaming in pain.

Finally it was commercial break, and she headed back to the dressing room with the rest of the girls. She sat on the couch and closed her eyes.

Suddenly she felt a damp feeling on her forehead. She opened her eyes and saw her holding a towel and wiping off the sweat from her forehead.


"Ssh?Don't talk"

She watched as Jessica slowly slid the towel to her cheek and onto her neck.

"Break over girls, time to shoot" said the PD

One by one the girls slowly started to leave the dressing room. Yuri groaned in pain as she tried to stand up. With the help of Jessica she got back up on her feet.

Suddenly she felt a cold pair of hands cup her face, and then a pair of lips on hers.

It was cold and refreshing something, which her body needed.

"Stay strong?After were done I'll take you to the doctors"

Yuri couldn't help but smile at her. She changed her mind, she actually like being sick, since it allowed her more time to spend with Jessica

015| Resist

Yuri sat on the table the was located directly across the dance floor. Here eyes were targeted on a specific orange/brownish hair girl.

The way she swayed her hips to the beat, and the way she giggled with her friends around her. It was a turn on which Yuri couldn't resist.

She was perfect.

Her honey thighs, which Yuri wanted to stroke.

Her dazzling red dress, which Yuri wanted to rip.

Her tempting lips, which Yuri wanted to kiss.

Her fiery eyes, which Yuri wanted to burn in.

She bit her bottle lip as a smirk formed on her face; she couldn't stop thinking about the nights they spent together.

She stood up and adjusted her leather jacket.

"Yuuuree I'm talking to you" pouted Tiffany, who was clearly all over Yuri

She ignored the call and made her way to the dance floor. She grabbed hold of the girls wrist and leaned close to her.

"We have to leave" whispered Yuri, in her ear


"Just get your things"

The girl walked towards the table and grabbed her small handbag and followed Yuri out of the club.

Once they were out, Yuri held the girls hand and walked to the parking lot towards Yuri's car. Before the girl could enter the car she was pinned between it and Yuri.

"Jessica?Stop doing this to me"


"Because I cant resist you"

Yuri then smashed her lips against Jessica.


016| Tease

Yuri was frustrated, she was getting the dance steps wrong and mess up the lyrics of the song.

Her mind was occupied, and she hated that she wasn't focusing on what she was doing.

She kicked the bench in anger.

"Yuri its okay, you just need to practice more"

She huffed; she didn't need to practice more, she needed to get her minds off things.

She looked up only to find Jessica practicing her dance steps in front of the mirror.

Slowly swaying her hips as she forms an S-Line. Her short skirt revealing those thighs, which she wanted to touch so badly.

She got up and walked towards Jessica. She held her arm and turned her around.

"Yuri, are you okay?"


"What's wrong?"

"Stop being a tease!" hissed Yuri

017| Buttons

Two figures stumbled inside the dark apartment, bodies pressed together.


She moaned out her name as the taller girl started placing kisses at her jaw line down to her collarbone.

Yuri tried to unbutton the shorter girls jacket but was struggling to do so; so eventually she ripped it off her. Buttons flying everywhere

"I didn't know? You were that aggresive" she muttered, in between kisses

"You?Make me?This way"

As Yuri was about to unbutton her shirt, she once again struggled to do so.

"Why do you?Have to have?So many?Buttons"

She then ripped off the shorter girl shirt, buttons flying everywhere, and tossed it on the floor.

She then hoisted the shorter girl up, as she wrapped her legs around the taller girl. She then leaded the girl to the bedroom, and on the bed.


Yuri breathed heavily as she laid her head on the shorter girls chest. She then gently kissed the shorter girls neck before collapsing next to her.

"Jessica?You should stop turning me on"

"I should tell you the same thing"

Jessica then snuggled close to Yuri and draped her arm over the taller girls waist.


"What was that?"

"I don't know, I heard it coming from outside"


018| Benefit

"You shouldn't be jealous"

"Why shouldn't I be?"

"Were just friends"

"You want me to believe that?!"

"Yeah, just like you and Tiffany"

"Friends don't show public affections to each other"

"Yes they do, you hug, hold hands, and -"


Yuri sighed at her jealous girlfriend who stood in front of her.

"Jessica you should know I love you and only you"

"What about your dear Sooyoung?"

"I told you she's just a friend"

"I don't see you treat your other friends like that"

"That's because Sooyoung is a different kind of friend"

"What makes her so different"

"Its an English saying, friends with benefit" grinned Yuri, saying the last part in her broken english



019| Sin

She was an impatient person and that was her weakness, she waited so long and couldn't hold on any longer. Lust was taking over love and she couldn't fight it.

She pushed the girl on the bed and climbed on top of her, roughly kissing her. Her tanned hands were already making their way up her shirt, and the girl below let out a satisfying moan.

It still wasn't enough for the dark skinned girl as she ripped the girls shirt and attacked her neck with her lips.

Stop it?You'll hurt her?Just wait a little more

Her heart tried to fight back this lust that was growing over her, but her mind had other plans. Even though she was kissing another woman her heart was with her.

Her hand slowly crept up the girl's thigh and heard another satisfying moan from her. She silenced her with a kiss and continued to pleasure the girl with every way that could satisfy her body and need.

Suddenly the door opened and a light beamed in. The tall girl flinched as her eyes squinted to adjust to the light through the dark room.

In front of the door stood her girlfriend with a hand over her mouth with tears sliding down her face. The dark skinned girl pulled away from the girl who laid naked on bed.


Her girlfriend was trembling and ran out of the room. The dark skinned girl knew whatever she did or said would not be enough for her to mend Jessica's broken heart.

After all she committed a sin?

020| Comparison

"Well she's actually taller than Jessica"

"What does that have to do with it?"

"If your going to kiss her you wouldn't have to bend low and get back pains"

"Your so immature"

"Hey, I'm just helping you"

"In what way exactly"

"I'm helping you choose between Jessica or Krystal. We should write a pro and con list for them"

"Sooyoung for the millionth time, NO!"


"Have you forgotten that Krystal is young as in illegally young"

"It's okay once she hits 18 ill keep the guests busy in her party while you occupy her"


"What? I'm just helping"

"Why do I have you as a friend?"

"I care about you Yuri and since you have a fascination with the Jung sisters I'm just helping you choose one"

"I only have a fascination on Jessica"

"Oh so you like the feisty one, but I always thought your type would be the pure and innocent ones"

"I cant believe I'm having this talk with you"

"What talk?"

Both Yuri and Sooyoung turned their head to the voice that was behind them. Yuri suddenly stood up shocked seeing Jessica in front of her

"Yuri what were you two talking about? It sounds interesting" said Jessica

"Oh nothing"

Jessica eyes Yuri carefully before giving an icy glare to Sooyoung; that scared her.

"Yuri is interested in your sister" blurted Sooyoung


"And she wants to make love to her on her 18th birthday" lied Sooyoung, before she ran out of the room

021| Fights

She slammed the door behind her and made her way to her closet. She removed her heels and earrings as she stared at her reflection.

She heard the door open and the sounds of heels clicking against the wooden floor. It was getting louder, and she knew that person was coming closer.

"When are you going to stop being jealous?" said the dark skinned girl as she leaned against the wall

She ignored her and removed the pins that lifted her hair as a bun.

"Are you going to be like this every time a girl approaches me" said the dark skinned girl

"Girls were all over you!" she finally snapped

"Well I didn't actually ask them to be" replied the tall girl

"If only we made our relationship official to the public then I wouldn't have to deal with this fights everyday!" shouted the shorter girl

"Oh, so now you're the one only dealing with the fights!"

"Are you too embarrassed about me? About our relationship? About us? Are you too scared what people might think of you? Tell me Yuri, tell me why are you always so distanced from me in front of the public!"

Her words hit Yuri as a bullet; of course she loved her, she loved her with all her heart. She would do anything just to see a smile on her girlfriends face. It's been four years now and still Yuri hadn't told anyone about their relationship. Yuri's mother was worried over her daughter and expressed her concerns that she will not be able to see her daughter walk down the aisle; for she thought that her daughter is a single workaholic.

All those years their relationship was hidden in the dark, because Yuri was comfortable that way.

Once the shorter girl didn't receive any reply from her, she simply brushed away the tears and walked past her, she was going to leave?For good.

"Don't?" said Yuri, as she held on to her

"I'm sorry Yuri?I can't continue like this"

Suddenly she felt the tall girls lips on her, and she felt weak. They were slowly moving towards the bed, removing their dresses on the way.

The laid on the bed, with the Yuri hovering on top, staring deeply into one another.

Yuri extended her hand to the small table that was next to the bed and picked up the phone. She dialed a number and her gaze not leaving the girl below her.

"Hello mom"

"Hello Yuri, I hope you've enjoyed the party that your father has thrown you"

"Mom, I met someone four years ago and I fell in love with her, now?Now?I'm going to ask her to marry me"

"What? Met who? Her? Is it a girl? Yuri is this a joke? What's going on"

"Mom?I just need yours and dads blessings?I love you?Bye"

Yuri hanged up the phone before she got an answer and looked at the girl below her who had tears in her eyes.

"This was actually not the way I had in mind?I planned everything out but you left the party angry. You didn't give me a -"

Yuri was cut off when she felt the shorter girls lips on her.

"Should I take that as a yes?" said Yuri, as she broke the kiss


"I would so give you the ring right now, but Jessica you look so hot right now" grinned Yuri

She crushed her lips on Jessica's as they made love.


022| Feisty

She may seem innocent and sweet from the outside, but once Tiffany is behind closed doors her hidden persona appears. The feisty and wild one.

What Yuri liked about Tiffany was that their sex location was not a problem. They could do it anywhere and anytime.

They've done minutes before an event, the bedroom, the bathroom, the dining table, the pool table, the beach, the practice room, the car, the garden, the bed, the movie theater, and so on that Yuri has lost count.

Yuri took out her headphones as she just finished recording her part of the song and was about to head out. Once she opened the door, she saw Tiffany standing in front of it with her lustful eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do it here?"

"Well the producers are taking a ten minute break till it's my turn, so why don't we?"

Tiffany bit her lip as she closed the door behind her and started to unbutton Yuri's shirt.

Next thing she knew was that she was on the floor and Tiffany was straddling her hips.

Tiffany lowered herself and crushed her lips against Yuri's flicking her tongue in. Yuri's hands made their way from Tiffany's waist to her honey thighs.

Yuri reversed their positions and now she was on top while Tiffany was below.

Yuri lowered her hand until she was right between Tiffany's honey thighs and pressed in. Tiffany's back arced as a small moan escaped her mouth.

"We have five minutes left" said Yuri, hoarsely

"I don't care just do me"

Yuri smirked at the girl below her as she quickened her pace. Their tongues entangled with one another as Tiffany's nails slid down her back, leaving a line of red mark.

"Four minutes"

Yuri loved counting down as she watched the girl below her squirm in pleasure.


Before Yuri could continue the countdown, Tiffany came before time. She let out a loud moan of satisfaction as she laid on the floor.

"Well you have an extra two minutes two clean up before the producers come" smirked Yuri

Tiffany sat up and held Yuri's fingers.

"Then let me clean up"

Yuri watched as Tiffany slowly slid her tongue against the two fingers that has just been between Tiffany's thighs. A second later she inserted both of them in her mouth, sucking on them.

If it weren't for the time, Yuri would already be on top of her again.

023| Flexible

Victoria was simple amazing. Not only was she talented in the music industry, she also has a special talent in bed.

Her flexibility allowed her to formulate many positions in many different ways. For Yuri it was always a pleasure.

Yuri watched from afar as Victoria danced in her skinny leather pants, swaying her hips seductively to the beat. Yuri restrained herself from walking up to her and ripping those pants off.

She waited patiently as Victoria had to finish her part of the MV, and once she was done Yuri and her headed out of the company.

Yuri entered the car and closed the door behind her, and Victoria did the same.

"Why are you in such a hurry today?" teased Victoria

"Cause I want to rip off your leather pants as soon as possible"

"We don't have to wait till we reach back to the apartment, we could do it here"

In the car, that was still located in the parking lot; Yuri was thankful that the car windows were tinted.

Yuri pulled Victoria to the back seat, as the Chinese girl straddled her waist.

"Rip it off me"

Yuri wasted no time as she pulled the pants apart and laid Victoria down on the seat. She lifted her right leg up and placed her around Yuri's waist pulling her closer while Yuri placed hungrily kisses all over body.

Victoria used her left leg and placed it on the ceiling on the roof, holding her body stable as Yuri entered her.

Once Yuri started a steady rhythm, she looked down at the Chinese girl who had her eyes closed and her lips parted. Yuri lowered down and nibbled on her lower lip before tugging it.

Suddenly Victoria's back arched and she came; calling Yuri's name out loud. Yuri removed her fingers and placed another kiss on Victoria's lips.

If she wasn't flexible enough they wouldn't be able to enjoy as much as they did in the car.

Victoria reversed their position and now she was on top. She then lowered her lips to Yuri's ears, and whispered seductively.

"You like it when I do the splits, don't you?"

024| Experimental

Jessica was always the type to try new things, she was always the experimental type; and Yuri loved that about her girlfriend.

Yuri closed her eyes as her back leaned against the wall, while her girlfriend straddled her hips.

Jessica leaned her forehead against Yuri as both of them were panting heavily as they just finished pleasuring each other. Yuri knew even though they did it once or twice it still wasn't enough for them.

Jessica kissed Yuri slowly as both of them still tried to catch their breath, and then she moved to her neck.

"I've decided"

Yuri opened her eyes as she looked at her girlfriend who was nibbling her neck.

"What have you decided?"

"That Vanilla is my favorite flavor"

Yuri couldn't help but smirk. She knew this was one of Jessica's experimental methods.


"Yeah" said Jessica, as she continued to nibble on Yuri's shoulder

"You said that about chocolate two days ago"

"This is different"

"In what way?"

"You tell me"

With that said Jessica picked up the vanilla ice cream that was placed next to them on the floor. It was already half melted as Jessica dipped her fingers in it. She then placed her fingers on Yuri's lips smudging the ice cream all over her lips.

Yuri didn't bother to lick it away after all it was her girlfriends role to do so. And Yuri was right; Jessica leaned forward and flicked her tongue against Yuri's lips, licking away the Vanilla liquid.

"How does it taste?" asked Jessica

"I don't know, I think I still prefer chocolate"

"Let me prove you otherwise"

Jessica picked up the ice-cream container and poured the ice cream, which has now turned into liquid, onto Yuri's body.

Yuri closed her eyes and hissed as the cold liquid came in contact with her body. Suddenly she felt kisses and tongue flicking against her body giving her heat.

Yuri opened her eyes and couldn't help but groan at the sight of her girlfriend licking the Vanilla ice cream off her body.

Jessica was right; she preferred Vanilla rather than chocolate.


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