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"where should i bring jimin for our date?" jungkook asks seriously as he sits on the stool, leaning on the counter separating the kitchen and living room in yoongi's apartment. taehyung coughs, face in mild surprise, "you? have a date? with my soulmate? how much did you pay him" jungkook narrows his eyes and is so close to taking the stool beside him and throwing it to the other if not for yoongi's challenging stare.

"just bring him for a movie or something? jimin likes cliché, sappy romantic things like that since he's emotional and a soft little baby chick so i swear to god jeon jungkook if you hurt him i will-" yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose once they start bickering childishly again, taehyung sticking his tongue out at jungkook when yoongi asks them to stop.

"jungkook maybe you should think about it yourself? i mean you do want this to be special don't you? plan out everything so that it'll go smoothly. if i were you, i would bring him to places that will at least perk his interests. it'll show him that you're attentive to the things he likes" the black haired eyes suddenly lights up and he hops off his seat, "i got it! i got it! oh god yes the things he likes, ugh my mind. alright thanks hyungs, gotta go" jungkook waves a hand at them and leaves, yoongi gaping at him. "did he just-" but taehyung shushes him and pulls him down to the couch to cuddle again and all is good.

"hey guys! so for today's get ready with me, i'm going to go for a simple look since i'm going out on a date!" jimin gives a shy smile to the camera and settles himself in his seat in front of his mirror. the brown haired starts with his usual preparation for his face, toner, primer and then starts with his foundation, only adding a little so that his skin can still breathe. he makes small talks in between so that the video wouldn't be silent and starts applying his eyeshadow primer before taking a palette amongst the mess on his table. "since i'm going for a natural look today, i'm gonna be using the tarte toasted eyeshadow palette. i'm not going to add in too much colours so we'll just start off with latte in the middle- oh i fucking love this bitch" he laughs and continues applying it to his eye when the door beeps open, jungkook's voice being heard in the background.

"holy shit who are looking so pretty for?" jungkook breathes out, stopping in his tracks as he stares at the male in front of him. "did it hurt?" he didn't even let jimin answer his first question but jimin stops blending in his eyehadow and tilts his head in confusion, "what do you mean kook?" jungkook takes slow steps and stops just behind the camera, leaning against the side of jimin's table, crossing his arms and his lips looks so pouty and soft jimin wants to kiss it. "when you fell from heaven? did it hurt?" jungkook looks so serious, eyebrows furrowed together and fixing jimin a look but the said male can't stop the laughter bubbling up in his throat, head thrown back as giggles filled in the air.

"oh my god i. . .i wasn't expecting that kook ah. i probably look so ugly with one eye done and then laughing god" jimin scrunches his nose and playfully glares at the male before picking up his brush to continue his make up. "is the sky green? you're never ugly so i don't want to hear it coming out of your mouth again"

"for you. you asked me who i'm looking pretty for didn't you? i don't know anyone else by the name of jungkook who i'm going on a date with today except for you. and done! now i'll just put on some highlighter with my sun dipped glow kit from abh. remember, there's nothing as too much highlight babes eventhough i'm not putting as much as i usually do today. lastly. . ." jungkook feels captivated as he watches jimin put on his lip balm and spray his setting spray onto his face but remembers he has a date to go to and pads to his room, taking a shower before putting on his outfit he had chosen today, a black button down folded to his elbow with his usual ripped jeans. he spritzes some cologne on and styles his hair, bangs falling down his forehead before stepping out, feels like air is knocked out from his lungs when jimin steps out from his room as well, looking as ethereal as ever with a silk black long sleeve shirt and tight black fitting jeans that outlines his defined thighs. perhaps jungkook wants to drool.

"fuck jimin" he whispers and the male in front of him smiles cutely, lighting up a fire in jungkook's heart. "you're beautiful" he says as jimin walks up and stops in front of him, looking up at the younger. "and you're so fucking hot" jungkook blinks, not even getting to reply before jimin's walking off with laughters in the air, asking jungkook to hurry up.

jungkook opens the passenger seat's door of his sleek black jaguar for jimin, the other saying a soft 'thank you' before the door closes and he walks over to his side and enters. once the engine roars to life and jungkook starts driving, jimin turns to face the other, "so where are you taking me?" he looks so excited in his seat that jungkook reaches over and pinches one of his apple cheek, "you're so cute sweets, but i'm not telling you. you'll see when we get there" jimin pouts but doesn't argue, opting to look at jungkook's beautiful side profile when jungkook speaks up, "you're staring"

"what? i can't stare at my date?" a hand lands on his thigh and jungkook squeezes it a little, jimin biting his bottom lip as he looks at the hand on his thigh. if jungkook driving with one hand on steering wheel and the other is on his thigh isn't the hottest thing in the world, jimin's life's cancelled.

"oh my god! it's been so long since i went to one since the semester starts, i love it already" jimin gushes as he sees jungkook parking near to the art museum. "yeah? i'm glad. there's a new exhibition this week so i thought i'd bring you here since you love art" jimin gets out the car and bounces on his feet, face radiating with exhilaration. "lets go, lets go" jungkook chuckles fondly as he laces his hand with the brown haired before they enter the museum, jimin immediately becoming wide eyed as he looks around.

they took their time exploring the new exhibits placed there and cracks up jokes amongst themselves as jungkook tries to flirt with the other shamelessly. jimin is busy looking at a particular painting when suddenly jungkook's hand leaves him and he immediately misses the warmth and turns with a pout on his lips to see jungkook standing a few feets away from him. "kook? why are you there" his tone comes out whiny but jungkook just points to a sign placed on the wall of the museum. "it says to not touch the art here so" it takes a while for the words to register in the older's mind but when it does, his cheeks turns a pretty shade of scarlet as he closes the gap between them and punches jungkook softly on the chest, hiding his face in jungkook's neck the next moment. jungkook laughs and wraps his arm around jimin's waist as they continue walking around.

honestly watching the way jimin's face lights up, the way the simplest thing intrigues him, is much more interesting for the black haired. jimin is truly the softest and purest person he had met with a heart of gold. jungkook smiles when he feels jimin squeezing their locked hands softly.

when they reached the exit and stepped out, it was already evening and both of them had truly enjoyed their time but jungkook is not just done yet. "minie, lets have dinner outside yeah?" at the small nod, both male head back to jungkook's car and jungkook starts driving again, both of them talking along the way till they reach the restaurant jungkook had brought them.

"you cheesy idiot"

"you like it min, don't lie to yourself. now come on" extra is jungkook's middle name. so of course he has to book a reservation at one of seoul's most romantic restaurant, that and a seat by the huge glass window so that they can see the sunset at this timing. he even pulls jimin's chair out for him, ignoring the whining from the other as he hides his face in his hands.

"what do you want to eat baby? ah can i call you that too? i'm sorry if-"

"you can" jungkook looks up, surprised, but jimin just gives a shy smile, "i like it. . .when you call me that" the other gives him a wide smile and then they start to look through the menu, jimin relenting to just eat what jungkook picks for them. once their orders are taken, jimin opts to gaze outside the window beside him, mesmerised by the pink and orange that's mixing together, the sun slowly setting in front of him.

"minie? bubs. . ." jimin snaps from his daze and turn back to the other, giving a sheepish smile as jungkook takes one of his hand, "i think. . .the day went pretty well didn't it?"

jimin scoffs playfully, then giggles softly, "i love everything we did today, thank you for bringing me out"

"no thank you, for giving me the opportunity to go out with an angel" jimin huffs out and tries to let go of the grip on his hand but if anything, jungkook holds on tighter. they talk about mundane things as they waited and jimin finds it cute how jungkook likes to play wih his small fingers and draw invisble patterns on his hand. their food arrives eventually and they both start to eat after jungkook reluctantly let go of the other's hand, walking back hand in hand after dinner and already feeling spent when jungkook drives them back home.

both of them let out a content sigh once they step into their apartment, jungkook going to wrap his arms around jimin's waist from the back as they stumble into the living room. jimin twists around in his hold and looks up at him through his lashes.

"i really enjoyed today min. if you'll let me, i'd like to be with you for the remaining days after today" jimin snakes his arms around jungkook, pushing them closer together. "is this your way of asking me to be your boyfriend?"

"i think that's quite overdue already don't you think? but yes, yes i am. so will you be mine jimin?" it was overdue, jimin thinks. they way they act around each other, the touches and the hugs they give sometimes are way too intimate to be just friends. but now, hearing those words from jungkook makes his heart beat so fast and he's happy, so genuinely happy that he doesn't reply but just slots his lips over jungkook's, kissing him slow and unhurried, as if they have all the time in the world, and they do.

jungkook closes his eyes and smiles in the kiss, arms winding tighter around the other as he tilts his head to the side to deepen their kiss, hearing jimin's soft moans and mewls lighting a small fire in his stomach. they pull away when their lungs protest, foreheads sticking together as their breaths mingled together. jimin has his eyes close, lashes fanning out beautifully and his lips are bitten red, making jungkook wonder how he actually managed to get the male in his arms.

"perfect. you're perfect baby" jimin tilts his head up and they kiss again, lost in their own bubble, in their feelings for each other.

this is becoming my new favourite story to write but boo boo i have finals skkekdk i don't want to stop writing (':

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