Fun School Day

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After lunch, Hugo and the Dunwiddie students retreated to Ms. Candoo's classroom for their last class of the day.

"I hope you had a nice lunch with RPA," Ms. Candoo smiled. "I hope you're ready for our last class of the day: gardening. We're going to plant vegetables in the school garden today. Are we ready to manage?"

"Can do, Ms. Candoo!" the students beamed.

Everyone got gloves and gardening tools, and they went outside. Hugo loved gardening, and he didn't mind getting dirty—but he didn't feel the urge to dig in the dirt. Jade saw Hugo just sitting around, doing nothing.

"Hugo, aren't you coming?" Jade asked.

"I think I'll just watch," Hugo shrugged.

"But you love digging in the dirt—Sofia said so," Jade told him.

"Jade, the thing is that I'm a little nervous about going on my first date with Sofia," Hugo admitted, putting on gloves. "We're used to having simple homework dates and playdates. This real date is really different."

"Yes, it is, but that doesn't mean you can't try it," Jade told him. "Just take it one step at a time. It's not like you and Sofia are going to a fancy restaurant for your date—you're only going to a musical."

"That's true," Hugo agreed.

"You can worry about it later—right now, you should be digging in the dirt with us," Jade said, handing him some gardening tools.

"You're right," Hugo nodded. "Okay, I'm ready to get stuck in the mud."

Hugo and the Dunwiddie students worked hard in the school garden. Hugo was really having fun digging in the dirt.

Later, Hugo and the Dunwiddie students went to the Royal Prep auditorium for the royal ball.

"Welcome to the School Swap Day royal ball," Fauna announced.

"We'll have dancing and a short presentation from each of our two School Swap students," Ms. Candoo chimed in.

"Before we begin, please take the time to talk to someone you don't know," Fauna said.

"Together you make up a kingdom," Fauna and Ms. Candoo chorused.

As the villagers and royals started talking, Sofia went up to Hugo, who was setting up for his short presentation. Hildegard and Clio were following behind her.

"Hugo, did you have a good time in Dunwiddie today?" Sofia asked.

Hugo turned around to face Sofia. His hands were clean, but his face and clothes were dirty from gardening. "Sure did," he smiled.

"Prince Hugo! What did they do to you at that school?" Hildegard gasped.

"They helped me see what school is like in a villager's point of view," Hugo replied.

"So we hear you and Sofia are going on a date," Hildegard declared.

"It's really none of your business, Hildegard—you already helped ruin our first attempt at starting this relationship," Hugo frowned.

Hugo and Ruby each gave a presentation about what they learned at each other's schools. It was fun hearing about what these students learned. Now that the presentation is out of the way, Sofia and Hugo can worry about planning their date.

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