A Nasty Plan for Revenge

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In the village, Ruby and Jade were with Lucinda the good little witch.

"Hi, Lucinda," Ruby sighed.

"Hey, guys, you're looking a little down in the dumps," Lucinda remarked. "What's wrong?"

"We just lost our best friend," Jade admitted.

"Sofia? What happened?" Lucinda asked.

"She found a new best friend: Prince Hugo of Albuquerque," Jade revealed.

Lucinda remembered Hugo, and she felt like she knew what was going on. "That co-captain prince of the Royal Redhawks?" she frowned. "The one that Ruby slammed in the head with the Dazzleball?"

Ruby was shocked that Lucinda still remembered her hitting Hugo in the head with the Dazzleball. "The very same," she replied sheepishly. "We heard him say that Sofia is his best friend."

"And his brother said they'll get married in the future," Jade added.

"You heard them say that?" Lucinda frowned. "Were you spying on them?"

Jade and Ruby realized that they had listened to the brothers' conversation without them know it.

"Yeah, we were spying," Jade admitted sheepishly.

"Ruby, Jade, I know you're upset that Sofia is playing with a prince, but that doesn't mean she's replacing you," Lucinda assured the duo. "You're just jealous, that's all."

"I guess," Ruby shrugged. She picked up a little bottle with green sparkles.

"No, Ruby, don't touch that!" Lucinda yelped, taking the bottle. "Those are Crazy Crystals."

"Crazy Crystals?" Ruby asked.

"They can be dangerous," Lucinda warned. "If you put these on any magical device, the magic will go haywire."

This gave Ruby and Jade a very nasty idea. They knew Hugo's and Sofia's ice-skates were enchanted...and they thought that if they put Crazy Crystals on Hugo's skates, the magic in the skates would go crazy. But since Lucinda wouldn't let them touch hers for safety reasons, they decided to sneak some away from Cedric the Sorcerer.

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