𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Ennoshita had heard the news from Kinoshita, who out of the six second years lived for any kind of gossip. It was 1 am on Saturday, less than two weeks ago, when Kinoshita had woken him up to tell him that Tanaka had broken up with Kiyoko. It shocked Ennoshita out of whatever sleep he could've gotten for the rest of the morning.

It wasn't that dramatic, but it was surprising that Tanaka would go through all that trouble of trying to get Kiyoko to like him just to ruin it as soon as he dated her for like a month.

It was currently Wednesday, a very exhausting day so far if Ennoshita could say himself. It got worse when he saw Tanaka and Y/n standing together outside the classroom, talking as if she had forgiven him.

Y/n was laughing at something Tanaka had said, her head tilted back as a hand raised to her mouth to cover her laughter. The smile Tanaka gave her was blinding and made Ennoshita sick to the stomach.

Whenever he got this feeling, Ennoshita was reminding of the Hanahaki disease, the one with the flowers. It was the only thing he could think of whenever he glanced over at the couple, their hands just gently brushing each other. He knew they weren't in a relationship, at least, for all he knew, they could've been.

Ennoshita didn't like how close they were. He had heard all about how the two of them started talking again from Tanaka, who liked to brag about every so often for no reason whatsoever. The whole thing annoyed Ennoshita, though he was great friends with Tanaka, he couldn't help but be jealous of the rapidly forming relationship between his two friends.

Ennoshita was happy that the whole thing had brought Y/n back to their practices whenever she could spare time. It was refreshing to have someone praise him in a club where it seemed only the most talented got words of encouragement. Ennoshita had fallen back into the shadows when Y/n was gone but was brought out once again by her sunshine.


"Ready for lunch?" He asked, placing his lunch next to her own on top her table. They had been eating lunch together again after their talk with one another and Ennoshita couldn't help but to feel smug by the fact that he had her for lunch.

"Yessir, just lemme finish this sentence and I'll be ready!" Y/n exclaimed, scribbling whatever words appeared along her train of thought.

Ennoshita rested his head on his hand and watched her rush to finish her assignment. He was waiting for her to finish so they could eat together.

Competition season was slowly approaching for both the volleyball team and the concert band. It was getting harder to see one another due to conflicting practicing times.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked, resting her chopsticks down on top of the yellow napkin she had on her desk. "Do I have food on my face?"

She did in fact have pieces of rice stuck to the skin by her lips, but Ennoshita was focused on burning every feature of her face into his memory like he had done times before. Every moment spent with her was ingrained into his brain hidden away in a separate file specifically for her.

"You do have some rice on your face, you know," Ennoshita said, reaching over with his own napkin to wipe her face. Her skin was warm, as any alive person's skin was. His fingers brushed over her lips, feeling how soft and plush they were. He wanted to kiss her badly, but he moved on from her lips and rested his hand on her cheek.

"Thank you," Y/n said, grabbing his hand with her own, clasping their hands together. Ennoshita flushed pink, letting her hold his hand though he was embarrassed by the situation. He hoped, wished, that she felt more than just platonic love for him. It would've made his life so much easier.

Ennoshita let her hold his hand for a little while longer. It was hard to eat his rice, but if he complained about it, she would just end up feeding him like many times before.

"So Tanaka asked me out earlier," She said, using her free hand to stuff her sandwich into her mouth. She said it so casually that the words didn't fully register in his brain until he choked on his food.

"What do you mean he asked you out? Like on a date?" Ennoshita asked. He shouldn't even be surprised that Tanaka did. With the hours that Y/n spent with the bald boy, Ennoshita would have expected it sooner.

Y/n rolled her eyes at his shock, probably thinking it was sarcastic because Ennoshita was always sarcastic whenever she had gossiped about their classmates. "Yes, like a date. What else could he have meant?"

Ennoshita frowned and tilted his head to the side, pretending to be thinking. "Murder you?" He said in response to her question.

"Ha ha," Y/n laughed sarcastically, "You're so funny Chikara! What a comedian!" She stuck out ger tongue at his lame attempt of a joke.

Ennoshita refused to be made fun of so he continued on with the joke. "Imagine him taking you to some isolated cliff at the edge of town or something like that. You two are sitting on the hood of his sister's van that he borrowed and he says something about stargazing before throwing you off the cliff."

Y/n pouted and took her hand out of Ennoshita's grasp so she could cross her arms over her chest. "Now I'm so excited to ever go out on a date with a boy to a secluded spot," She said, copying his sarcastic voice from earlier. "Getting murdered has always been in my bucket list."

Ennoshita groaned and lent back in his chair. At this moment he wished Tanaka was a vampire or something so he could tell her not to date him. He shook his head, getting rid of that thought. If Tanaka was a vampire that would make Y/n even more attracted to him because she's weird like that.

Y/n's face became downcast as the silence between them continued. "Do you not want me to go out with him? Because I won't if you have a specific reason why.'

Ennoshita's heart dropped as he saw tears collect in her eyes. He was being selfish, he knew that he was. It was natural for him to want to keep Y/n safe but was it because Tanaka was a bad person or because Ennoshita wanted to continue his fantasy of him being with Y/n? He needed to remove himself from his own wants and think about what would be better from the person he considered his best friend.

Ennoshita shook his head. "I think you should go. You've wanted this for a while now right? If you don't do it now, when will you do it?" He said, despite each word hitting him in the stomach.

He had to realize that in this reality, this universe, she would never be his. Maybe if he had done something different, he'd be the one going on a date with her, but that was in the past. Ennoshita had to let go of his crush and continue to aide her through life but as a friend.

Y/n's eye brighten and she leaped across the table to bring Ennoshita into a hug. She was being pretty dramatic if you were to ask him but he didn't mind. He held her tightly, copying her squeezing grip she had around his shoulders.

Ennoshita chuckled and pulled away from her. "Your skirt's pulled up. You might want to sit down before you flash your panda underwear to the boys in the back of the room."

Y/n's eyes widened and she pulled down the bottom of her skirt, hoping that she hadn't flashed the creeps in the back. She sat down with a squeak and Ennoshita could tell she was embarrassed.

As he picked up his utensil to eat, Y/n leaned over slightly so she was closer to his ear. "How did you know what underwear I was wearing?"

Ennoshita bit back a laugh and looked her directly in the eyes. "I didn't."


"Y/n!" Hinata exclaimed the moment she stepped into the gym. He instant ran over and gave her a hug, yapping about the match about Nekoma. Y/n stood there, her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she listened intently about what he had to say.

The other volleyball players watched as the two talked, all itching for their own chance to talk to Y/n, who hadn't been around for a few months now.

"So do you have a crush on this Kenma guy?" Y/n whispered, hoping not to alert any of the other boys.

Hinata went stiff in her arms and shook his head aggressively, trying to shoot down her theory. "No, no! It's nothing like that! I still think I like Bakagyama!" He replied back, his words muffled because he had stuffed his face into her chest.

Y/n sighed at his actions and combed her finger through his spiky hair, giving him time to become less flustered because of their conversation. She broke her gaze away from his fluffy orange hair and made eye contact with Tanaka, who was glaring at the ginger boy.

Y/n knew Tanaka was somewhat possessive, if that wasn't obvious due to his Kiyoko obsession. They weren't even dating yet, their first date lined up for the upcoming weekend, and he was already glaring at every boy that talked to her. She knew she'd have to have a conversation with him later about this. Though Hinata currently had his face shoved into her boobs, she was only allowing it because of how gay and innocent the poor angel baby was.

"You good hun?" Y/n asked, pushing Hinata away from her body. She needed to make sure he was emotionally ready to leave her comfort before he had to deal with the physical demand that Volleyball presented.

"Thank you, Y/n!" Hinata exclaimed, running off towards Kageyama, who had been waiting to set for the tiny wing spiker.

Y/n made her way through the gym and to her safe little group of second years. She approached her brother and flopped on to his back, leaning all her weight on his tinier frame.

"What did you eat for lunch? A whole elephant?" Yū asked, hunching over to hold up her body with his own.

"Mom packed me some new chocolates she was trying out for the shop so I ate them all."

Mad at the fact that Y/n got yummy chocolate and he didn't, Yū let her slide off his back, relishing in the sound of her flopping on to the floor.

"Sweet, cold death," She muttered, staring up into the rafters off the gym. The second year boys left her there and continued on with their conversation, paying no mind to overdramatic girl.

"Is she okay?" Yamaguchi whispered to Tsukishima, who ignored his question because he didn't care.

"Oi, female Nishinoya, get up or else we'll play volleyball on top of you!" Coach Ukai yelled out, wanting to start practice as fast as he can. He was being serious when he said they'd practice over her body and Y/n knew he was.

With a groan, Y/n started to roll off of the court, not bothering to stand up and walk off like a normal person. She made her way over to Kiyoko and a small blonde girl who was hiding behind her.

Y/n stood up, not wanting to scare the new child anymore than she already had.

"Hi there Kiyoko! Who's this cutie you've got behind ya?" Y/n asked, leaning towards Kiyoko, wanting to get a better look at the blonde.

The girl muttered out some incoherent words as her face flushed red. All Yachi could think about was how she was in the presence of two very cute girls. Maybe joining this club would be worth it.

"This is Yachi, she's a first year who I'm hoping will join the club so there's a manager here next year," Kiyoko said, smiling slightly as she talked about the blonde.

Y/n moved so she was peaking around Kiyoko's side and made eye contact again with the girl she now knew was Yachi.

"I'm Y/n Nishinoya! It's nice to meet you Yachi!" Y/n exclaimed, reaching out a hand so they could do a cool handshake.

Yachi took her hand and squeaked when Y/n brought it to her lips and gave her knuckles a little kiss. Y/n winked at the blushing female and smirked at Yachi's next words.

"Please marry me!"


I'm getting more tired by the day 😫

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