𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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To say that Y/n was freaking out would be an understatement. As soon as Oikawa walked into the gym, she was dying.

Now don't get it wrong, Y/n had immaculate taste in men, especially ones that had good biceps, thighs, and/or ass. Therefore, Oikawa should not be on her to-do list but he was. There was just something about his flat ass and bad fashion taste that attracted Y/n.

"Ooo, Mr. Slim is here!" Yū whispered, excitedly. Yū always got excited when he saw someone that could serve and spike very well. If he had a type, it would probably be that. Kiyoko was the only exception but one time in their first year she slapped Yū, so guess that counts.

Tanaka, from down on the court, used the same name for Oikawa when he asked Kageyama about him. Kageyama answered back truthfully, going into some nice exposition of who Oikawa was.

The name Oikawa clicked into place once Tanaka used his one brain cell to think about it.

"That's one of the guys that Y/n wants to date!" Tanaka exclaimed very loudly, catching the attention of the Aoba Johsai boys and the twins up top.

Y/n's face was blazing red as if she was the red light on the streetlights. Luckily, no one but a few select people in that gym noticed her state, all reacting in different ways.

Kinoshita, who had noticed Y/n earlier, was laughing into the sleeve of his boyfriend's jacket hysterically. Narita, who was said boyfriend, was trying to calm Kinoshita down so the others wouldn't notice.

On the other side of the court, Yahaba was silently raging. He had heard about Y/n's list and felt very bothered knowing that he was no where near that list but his annoying upperclassman was.

Iwazumi frowned slightly but immediately smiled knowing that he was way higher on her list than possibly anyone in the room.

Oikawa, on the other hand, smiled brightly and gave a small wave in the twins direction, killing Y/n immediately with how cute it was.

Yū simply laughed at Y/n's dying state. She always made fun of him for simping over the aces of different teams and this was pay back.

"I'm going to die right here," Y/n said, dramatically. The Seijoh students stared at her, confused on who the small overdramatic child was.

"I call dibs on being Ushiwaka's sugar baby in your place," Yū said, too excited to be teasing.

After hearing his comment, Y/n sat up, recovering from her embarrassment quickly.

"Over my dead body, you brat," Y/n responded, glaring at Yū.


The practice match continued on and Karasuno was still in the lead. Yū was excited because this win was what Karasuno needed to improve their self esteem.

Y/n couldn't help but to glance at Oikawa in between watching Tanaka and Ennoshita. The glances were short and quick but she still looked. Her main focus had to be Tanaka though if she were to be honest.

Whenever Y/n could go to their games or practices, Tanaka insisted she look at him the whole time. For most of their first year, Tanaka quizzed Y/n on the entire match afterwards to make sure she was actually watching. He had stopped testing her but Y/n didn't stop watching him. It had become a habit at this point. Watching him was as natural as breathing was.

The habit stayed even when he wasn't playing volleyball. Y/n always found herself looking for Tanaka wherever she was, even if he wasn't there. Because of the habit, Y/n had learned some of Tanaka's habits. For example, when they're studying, Y/n noticed that Tanaka starts to play with whatever was in his hand, whether it was a pencil, an eraser, or even a cup of water.

It was the little things that Y/n picked up after watching. Yū had said that Y/n would be a great volleyball player with this habit she had if she applied it to everyone on the court. Y/n shot that comment down, saying how she was definitely not athletic at all.

A whistle blew, shaking Y/n out of her head. Yū pulled at her jacket's sleeve, trying to get her attention.

"Oikawa is coming in!" Yū whispered to her excitedly.

Y/n's eyes went wide as she looked over at Aoba Johsai's side of the court. Sure enough, the Kise Ryota of volleyball was standing at the edge of the court, waiting to be let in.

Y/n gripped on to Yū's arm as she got excited as well. Yū instantly grimaced at his sister's grip as it was much stronger than his own. Carrying a saxophone around wasn't an easy job most of the time.

"Let go of my arm, demon!" Yū hissed in pain as he tried to pry Y/n's hand off of his arm.

Y/n quickly took her hand off and gripped the railing in its place. "Sorry but I'm so excited to see his serves this year. They usually go like zoom and then bam, you know?"

Just as Y/n said, Oikawa's serve did go zooming but towards Tsukishima. Said boy seemed moderately ready to recieve the serve but was proved wrong when it hit off his forearms.

The ball bounced off of Tsukishima and set its course towards the railing where the twins were. Y/n instantly pushed Yū behind her despite the fact that he was the volleyball player. Luckily for both of them and anyone watching, the ball hit off the railings, saving Y/n's beautiful face from getting hit.

After watching the ball fly towards the railing, a few more members of the Karasuno volleyball team noticed the twins. While Y/n was making sure Yū was alright, Sugawara and Daichi made eye contact with each other, confirming that they weren't just seeing things.

Tanaka instantly smiled at the sight of his two friends and got more fired up then he already was. Ennoshita on the other hand rolled his eyes at the two idiots above. He should've known they were going to find a way to get to the gym.

The match continued, with a few monologues slipped into the already long game. Y/n had noticed this pattern with the team. They liked to solve problems on the court for some reason. Y/n wouldn't be surprised if Daichi asked out Sugawara in the middle of an official match.

The end of the game came quickly after Hinata's block and spike. From up above, Y/n could see the surprise in Oikawa's eyes when the ball landed right behind him on the court.

Y/n couldn't help but to be proud of her orange son. He still had a long way to go, even that was obvious to Y/n who was not a volleyball expert,  but she still believed that he was doing so well.

For this being his first practice match ever, he exceeded her expectations and also Yū's. Though, Yū's opinion meant nothing because he liked almost everyone.

Karasuno's win came to a surprise to both twins since Karasuno had two big holes in their team that needed to be fixed. Though Y/n believed in her boys, she chalked this win up to pure dumb luck. Even without Oikawa, Aoba Johsai was a strong school and definitely would've won this match if it hadn't been for whatever anime logic was going on.

Karasuno's team had finished packing up and said their thanks to the other team again before leaving. Once they filed out, Y/n and Yū raced down the stairs as quickly and gracefully as they could. They wanted Iwazumi's phone number so bad and they would beat up Yahaba for it.

As the other Aoba Johsai boys put away the net, Yahaba met the twins beside the gym doors.

"I can't believe you guys won," Yahaba said, still salty from losing a mere minutes ago.

"Try not sucking next time," Yū stated, happily putting Iwazumi's number into his contacts.

Y/n hit Yū softly with her hand. "You know he can't stop, Kyotani-kun wouldn't like that!"

Yahaba's face went a furious red and he was about to strangle Y/n when he was picked up by his collar.

"Why don't you go help Watari with folding up the net," Iwazumi said, holding the second year above the ground.

Without receiving an answer, Iwazumi let Yahaba down. The twins watched as he stomped over to the quiet libero and angrily helped.

"You two know not to get him riled up like that," Iwazumi said, scratching the back of his neck.

Y/n and Yū had heard what he said but were too busy watching his bicep flex as it went behind his neck.

"I wouldn't of said anything if I knew it wasn't true," Y/n stated, subconsciously checking Iwazumi out while he looked around.

Yū nodded rapidly, agreeing with his sister. "We all can see the way he looks at Kyotani-kun! It's very obvious!"

Iwazumi smiled slightly and reached out towards the twins with his beautiful hands. "That's true but don't bring up his complicated love life after you guys win," He said, ruffling their hair.

The twins sadly said their goodbyes to Iwazumi before zooming across the school grounds.

Y/n had texted Saeko, since the older girl liked her more than any of the boys, a few minutes after the match was over. All the twins could do now was wait for her to pull up.

As they were sitting on the concrete, Yū heard many footsteps come their way. He put a hand to Y/n's mouth, interrupting her rant about how Hagakure was definitely the UA traitor. She glared at him before he motioned for her to listen to the area around.

The footsteps stopped and talking took its place. The twins' eyes widened when they heard Tanaka and Hinata.

The conversation between the Karasuno team and Oikawa continued and Y/n started zoning out of the talk. She was honestly sick of all the talking these boys have done all day. Her social battery had run out despite not even talking back to them.

Y/n zoned back in only because she heard her name. Any conversation with her own name in it was something worth listening to.

"Before you leave, do you happen to have the phone number of Y/n-chan? She changed her number and I haven't been able to contact her," Oikawa said.

Y/n rolled her eyes at his obvious lie. Oikawa was one of the first people she gave her new number to. She knew he was just trying to get the protective boys on the team riled up and it seemed to be working.

"Do you wanna rumble pretty boy?!" Tanaka exclaimed, rolling up the sleeves of his jacket.

Yū was also about to throw hands with Oikawa but Y/n pulled him back down. She didn't need Yū to expose their spot to the team around the corner.

"I was just asking a simple question, angry boy," Oikawa said, laughing slightly at whatever expression Tanaka made.

"Calm down Tanaka," Daichi's beautiful voice sounded.

{Ngl Daichi's Dub voice is really beautiful}

Oikawa started laughing and walked away, his laughter getting quieter and quieter.

The sound of someone shoving someone off met the twins' ears. "You should've let me at him, Daichi," Tanaka said, the anger in his voice was evident.

Ennoshita's sigh echoed around the area. "Do you think Y/n would like it if you got kicked off the team for fighting?" He asked, receiving no answer from the raging boy.

"Y/n's got a harem and we all know they're off limits!" Kinoshita exclaimed, clapping his hands.

Y/n once again rolled her eyes. At this rate, she was going to be able to see her brain. Yū chuckled at Kinoshita's comment and almost choked at Hinata's next question.

"What's a harem?"


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