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It had been 15 long years after the events that occurred. 15 peaceful years of no drama, and it was the happiest moments of Jasmine's life. The pack has begun to stop shifting, after finding the imprints and settling down. Now it was time for the next generation to become the new protectors of La Push. 

As Jasmine was lost in thought, she could hear her son and daughter begin to call for her.

"Mom, let's go see dad!" Rose shouted as she and Billy began to decent from the stairs. As Jasmine looked up, she could see her twins come downstairs in a rush, excited to see their father.  Rose was named after her nana who had passed away 10 years ago, and Billy was named after Jacob's dad. 

"Honey, we need to go to the shop, that's where dad is," Jasmine replied. With excitement, the twins began to pull Jasmine towards the front door, rushing to get into the car.

When Jasmine arrived at her store, she could see the vibrant plants everywhere and a couple of customers in the store. Surprisingly, the store had been doing very well and it was thriving. Jasmine was able to get the store a lot more attention after the incident, and the store was a smashing success. After Jacob had decided to stop shifting, he decided to help Jasmine out with the store as well. 

Jacob and Jasmine spent five years leading the pack, and those five years that the pack was under, had gone through good leadership. It was evident to the pack that Jasmine and Jacob were made for each other, they weren't harmoniously together. Then, after she had the twins, Jacob had decided to step down from leading. 

"Daddy!" Rose yelled out as she ran to her father. She crashed into his body, and he picked her up, settling her against his chest. 

"Now what is my flower princess doing here?" Jacob dramatically asked. That was when Billy also rushed in, and I followed behind him.

"Both of them annoyed me to bring them here, guess we know who the favorite parent is," Jasmine replied. She crossed her arms in mock anger, and it made the kids and the father laugh.

"Come on hon, don't be like that. You know I love you," Jacob replied. It made Jasmine smile that Jacob could still keep a smile on her face, and the butterflies were still there, even after all these years.

"I know, and I love you too," Jasmine replied. Jacob smiled back at her and they were in their own trance, which was broken by the kids shouting,

"Daddy! Let's go!" both twins shouted simultaneously. The trance was broken and the couple looked at their treasure, their kids. With that the family closed the store, and went back home, living their lives to the fullest.

In the end, all the events that occurred were worth it because Jasmine was able to gain the most precious life that she could ask for.

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