Chapter 8

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A/N: The rose Nico drew is the picture above.
Hope you guys like this chapter!
Dedicated to
Sorry it's a little delayed and I'm just really bad at ending chapters as well X(

*Nico's POV*

Will takes a good few minutes to answer my question. While I'm waiting, I openly gaze at him, taking in his appearance. He's wearing a pale yellow t-shirt which compliments his tanned skin and navy jeans which bring out his eyes. His hair is a blonde curly mess and his eyes are a sky blue. Not just a normal blue. I don't know much about him, I'll admit that, but I have bumped into him a couple of times and his look never changed.

Same ol' Will.

"Well how about Artemis? No one will choose her and she has those huntresses as well. She is Apollo's sister, and people won't really pick her because she's not classified as an 'Important Goddess'." Will explains, making air quotations with his fingers as he finishes his sentence.

Not gonna lie here, Will looks so cute right now and he's smart for a blonde. (AN: I'm a blonde so I'm not being offensive to other blondes.) However, I won't let him know that. I won't let him know that I think he's smart, perfect and, dare I say it, hot! No frickin' way!

"Um... Sure, why not?" I reply as calmly as I can. Will smiles, taking a note book from his school bag and ripping a page out. He smooths the page out on the desk and he quickly scribbles down something, handing it to me once he's finished.

"What's this?" I look at the page to see a line of different numbers written in neat black ink, one coming after the other. He's given me a number, his number.

"It's my phone number, text me. We can organise when and where we can begin the project."

I'm speechless. All I manage to mutter out is a quiet "alright." I pop the number into my back pocket just as the bell rings.

"Bye bye Neeks!" Will stands up, straping his stool noisily on the wooden floor in the process, and takes his note book off the desk.

"Don't call me that!" I protest, but Will simply grins at me, a genuine smile taking over his features.

"I'll walk you to your locker, if that's alright with you?" He rubs the back of his neck nervously, a habit I've noticed he has. I stand up from my seat, also scraping my stool on the floor, gather my things and turn, starting to walk towards the art room door, choosing to simply ignore my new project partner. Will, however, quickens his pace to walk beside me.

"I couldn't care less," I eventually respond, but inside I have skeleton-like butterflies in my tummy. Why would Will want to do all this for me? That's the question.

Will and I stayed in awkward silence as we walk to my locker. Our arms brush off each other a couple of times as we walk and we both blush at the sudden contact.

"Sorry for snapping at you. I'm not really use to people being... nice to me," I cut through the silence.

"Really? Well I'm going to change that!" Will exclaims confidently.

We continue to make our way to my locker in yet another silence, this one not as awkward as the last. As soon as we reach my locker, I turn to a smiling Will, trying my hardest not to mirror his expression and chance giving away my excitement at him just standing there in front of me.

"Well I better leave you to it then. Don't forget to text me. Bye for now Neeks!" Turning, Will flashes me one more smile over his shoulder and waves goodbye before disappearing in the mess of teenagers littering the main school hallway.

Sighing, I turn and enter my locker combination before swinging the metal door open and stuffing my current books in. However, I soon come to a sudden stand still as I stare blankly into space. Realisation soon hits me like a ton of bricks and an involuntary goofy smile takes over my face.

Will Solace gave me HIS NUMBER!

'Maybe I do have a chance with him' I begin to think. 'But then again maybe he's only being nice. Or perhaps it's a dare his friends put him up to?' that annoying voice in the back of my mind chants.

For those few seconds in consumed by my thoughts, I completely forget that I'll more than likely have to hurry if I want to get past a certain demon and make it to my bus unharmed. I look around to see if any on his gang members are around as I finish stuffing my locker and shut it tight. To my surprise however, no one is, which makes me on edge slightly.

'Maybe they're picking on someone else and forgot about you?' That nagging voice in my head tells. Bowing my head down as low as I can without looking deranged, I swing my backpack over my shoulder and begin to walk at a quickened speed towards the school's exit, just in case.

I manage to exit the school and walk towards the bus stop untouched. However, just as I think I've made it, I'm pulled aside and forced against the fencing which surrounds the school. I wince in pain as my back hits the hard metal and I close my eyes shut, hoping for this to be quick and painless.

Deciding it's probably not a good idea to close my eyes even before the attack has begun, I slowly open my kids to find that those icy blue demon eyes are staring right back at me.

'Oh great, time to be a punching bag!' And there's that annoying voice again.

"Well well well, going so soon? Tut tut tut tut," Octavian smiles wickedly.

"Let go of me you bastard!" I shoot back. I already know I can't get out of this. Why even try?

"Ooh I'm so scared! Shut it you queer shit!" He knees me in the stomach. Hard.

I topple over, the wind knocked out of me. Instead of crying or attempting to run away, I do the most smart ass thing known in idiotic history.

I smiled cruelly and reply with: "Octavian, being a full time bitch must be real hard for someone with a brain the size of yours."

I'm then punched in the side. Octavian just stands there as his 'buddies' begin beating me, smiling cruelly with his arms crossed over his chest. I fall to the ground and curl up into a ball, my hands covering the top of my head.

"Your a piece of shit you retarded little fuck!"

"Your useless!"

"It should have been you that died in the car crash!"

And they keep coming.

I know all of those comments are true. I don't need someone reminding me constantly. I deserve this.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I squeeze them shut. Eventually they stop kicking and punching me. Octavian hovers over me, his features frozen into a sinister expression, murderous even.

"You know what? You don't even deserve to live!" He spits on me and kicks me in the face. My vision begins to blacken around the edges and the last thing I see are Octavian's pair of worn black combats.


Slowly, my eyes begin to open. Where am I? I look around, taking in my surroundings. I'm in a... bush?

That cunt put me in a bush?!

I stand up, wincing and hissing in the process, and step out of the thorny shrub. I grab my bag that's lying in the dirt at my feet and look around. All the buses are gone. Great, looks like I'm walking home.

I start towards home. Fishing in my pockets, I find my earphones and begin to untangle them. I pop them in, connecting it to my phone, and click on a random song before switching my phone of and shoving it back in my pocket. Panic! At The Disco's 'This Is Gospel' begins blasting from the buds, drowning out the outside world. I quickly pull my hood over my head and bow my head low.

I soon find that my limbs are aching and I can taste blood in my mouth. I feel like shit in all honesty.

I arrive at my house a good 20 minutes later. I stumble up the path towards my house and up the porch steps. Bending down, I retrieve the spare key from under the welcome mat. As I push open the door I notice that no one seems to be home. Persephone is out at her mothers house, Hazel out with her friends and Father is at work. Nothing new there.

After I dump my bag on the floor, I head to the the bathroom first. I turn on the light and inspect the damage done to my face in the mirror. I have a slit lip and busted nose and perhaps maybe a broken rib? Bruises seem to cover every inch of my body but they can be easily covered. However, I have one nasty bruise on my stomach and every time I touch, feel or stretch it, it hurts like hell! And that's saying a lot coming from me!

I quickly clean my wounds and bandage them up. Knowing Hazel, she will questions about my injuries. I'll just tell her that I fell of the bleachers or something like that. She'll believe it.

Octavian will probably leave the beating for tomorrow but that doesn't mean he won't do something else. That's always the case. It's the norm.

Once I wash all the blood off my face, I go to my room. I collapse on my bed in exhaustion spreading my limbs out in every way possible. God this is such a long week. It's only Wednesday and I give up already.

I let my eyes flutter shut. The bruise on my stomach really sore. Perhaps I did bust a rib?

I pull out my phone from my jeans, unlock it and go into my music app. I Scroll down until I select a song to start with. My music is everything to me. I don't play an instrument but I can write lyrics. Meeting my demons to create something pure depressing. I also don't have a gifted voice either. It's so off key that I'm sure the cats on the street could meow more in tune than I can sing.

I connect my phone to my speakers and lie back on the bed. Drifting off to sleep.

After a little while I'm rudely interrupted and jolted awake from my nap when my phone starts to ring. Who the hell is calling me at... 8:15PM?

Hazel was home at six and turned my music off like she always does because it's too loud and sometimes disturbs the neighbours as well as my own family. Well fuck them! My music is the only thing keeping me sane!

I groggily scoop up my phone in my hand and look at the caller ID. Unknown number. I answer it anyway.

"Hello? Who's this?" I ask letting the person on the other end know how pissed off I am to be interrupted from my sleep.

"Hey Nico! It's me, Will!" I roll my eyes at his upbeat tone of voice. "Wow, someone sounds annoyed." He states. Wait, back up. I thought Will gave me his number? How on Earth did he get my number?!

"Solace. How. On. Earth. Did you get my number?" I ignore his comment about me being pissed because it's obvious I freaking was when I was, for once, was peacefully sleeping.

"I bumped into your sister, Hazel, and her friends earlier and simply asked for it so I knew who it was when you decided to call me. After a while, I got bored and called you instead," Solace says like it's obvious. Wait. Hazel gave MY number away to a guy she most likely doesn't know?! What even?!

"Well I was happily sleeping for once and because of your boredom, you disturbed it! Why are you calling me again, remind me please?" I sit up from my lying position on the bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with my free hand.

"Well I was hoping we could meet up tomorrow to work on the project? If that's ok with you?" His voice sounds unsure, nervous even. Is Will Solace actually nervous?

That's new.

"Fine, but do we have to start early?" I'm kind of hoping he won't ask to come to my place because... my room's very personal and all. I can't have him here, I just can't. He'll be too nosy. Plus, Persephone has this book club on Wednesdays and the house is usually swarmed with old woman, chatting and bickering and I usually lock myself in my room.

"We can't meet at my house," I quickly add before Will has a chance to respond. "My Step-Mother has this stupid book club in the house on Wednesdays." I hear a strained sigh from the other end of the line.

"Well, you could come to mine of you want to I suppose. I have to babysit though. I doubt we'll be, eh, interrupted much. Oh! That's if you want to come over still?"

"Ummm, yeah, I mean sure. Look, Will, it's getting pretty late and I'm kinda tired. I need as much sleep as possible so I'll see you tomorrow then," I say, attempting to end our chat because it's... 11:45! Ok, maybe it's not as late as I thought it was...

"Of course, goodnight Neeks!" I let a low growl slip from my lips in response. I don't bother to correct the nickname I supposedly hate (but secretly adore). 

I hang up not a second later, finally falling back on my bed, my head hitting the memory foam pillow. An exasperated sigh escapes my lips. Look what Will's doing to me. I allow myself to think of him and tomorrow's events as I slowly fall back into sleep.

That night, I relive the same nightmare that repeats in my mind each night, the once that seems to be stuck in my mind, playing like a broken record.

I was so close to a nightmare free sleep! Curse you Solace!

A/n: Heads up, I'm also writing another Solangelo FanFiction, hopefully it'll be a good one. It's different from this one.

My new Solangelo FanFiction is called Passing Days and it's also a AU. It's about one of our smol beans having cancer and the other has a very hard life that gets better once the two love birds meet.

Comment if you'd like to see happen as well. Oh, and the other one I was going to post isn't happening, sorry.

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