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Okay, I know thy it's nowhere near Halloween but I don't care. I had this idea and I want to write it.

This is written like Nico and Will aren't together. They have massive crushes on eachother, but refuse to acknowledge it. They are demigods, it's not an AU.

"Hurry up!" Hazel calls.
"Okay, just give me a second!" I reply. I check my outfit in the mirror and nod. I look good, I guess

I wanted to go as a zombie, but Piper convinced me otherwise. I accident my told her about my crush on Will, and she suggested I get his attention tonight. She decided in my costume. I dot telly like it, but I guess it will be okay.

I'm dressed as a nurse. I added lots of fake blood to make it scarier, but it isn't. I look ridiculous.

I walk into the main part of the Hades cabin and Hazel slaps a hand over her mouth. She's dressed as a zombie, and looks awesome.
"What are you wearing?" She laughs. I scowl at my outfit.

"Piper suggested it."
"Oh my gods, Nico. You look adorable!" She giggles. I turn bright red.
"Just... Don't mention it."
"You're wearing a skirt!"
"Please shut up." I sigh.

We walk to Bunker Nine, where the party is being held. I look around a glimpse everyone else's outfits.

Hazel is a zombie.
Frank is a panda.
Percy is a fish.
Annabeth is also a fish (she will probably make Percy dress as a dictionary next year).
Jason is superman.
Piper is Cupid (I have a sudden urge to punch her when I see that outfit).
Leo is Iron Man.
Will is... Oh gods.

Will is dressed as a pirate. How did he know I liked pirates? Piper saunters over, grinning.
"Why don't you go and talk to Will?" She says suggestively. I glare at her, bright red.

"Did you suggest he dressed as a pirate?" I hiss. Piper grins.
"Yep." She takes her toy bow and arrow and mines shooting me. I calmly take it from her hands and snap it in half, then hand her back the broken pieces.

"That wasn't very nice." She frowns. I walk away, blushing and angry.

I knew I shouldn't have told her. She knows thy I love pirates! Seeing Will dressed like that actually makes him look really attractive, and- oh gods.

Dressing like this won't just make him notice me. She planned this. She's trying to make us both seem attractive to eachother! I can't let Will see me like this.

I start to walk to the exit, then I bump into someone.
"Watch it!" They push me backwards and storm off. I else to the door again but once again I walk into someone and get pushed into the crowd.

I start to feel claustrophobic, and I'm on the verge of tears when somebody takes my hand and leads me outside.
"Thanks." I say breathlessly, before looking up at who helped me.

Then I freeze.

I feel my cheeks hey up as I stare at Will. He's much taller than me, and muscular. His outside is awesome. Ripped white shirt which shows off his muscles, a captain hat at an odd angle. He smiles and I realise he has stubble.

"What the hell are you wearing?" His voice is filled with amusement. I look down and blush.
"Uh... A friend suggested it." I say awkwardly. Will raises an eyebrow, then smirks.

"What are you wearing?" I ask.
"I'm not sure." He answers. "I think I'm a ship-wreck survivor or something..."
"How can you not know what you're dressed as?" I ask. Will shrugs.

I realise he still homing my hand, but neither of us make any attempt to move away. Will suddenly leans close to my ear, so that his hair ticked my face.
"You look good, by the way."

I blush bright red.
"You have got to be kidding me." I frown. I'm wearing a word little hat with a Red Cross on it, a short doctor's jacket, and a mini-skirt. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure this is a girls outfit. I somehow turn redder, and cover my face.

"You... You're not so bad yourself." I say quietly. I peek through my fingers to see Will beaming at me.
"Thanks!" He says. He moves forward so his face is inches from mine as my hand drop to my sides.

"Uh... Do you have stubble?" I frown.
"Yeah." He nods. "Piper said I should... Damn!"
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I mentioned Piper!" He slaps his forehead. "I wasn't supposed to do that..."

"It's okay, I asked her for advice too." I admit.
"You did?"
"Yeah." I nod.

"I..." Will rubs the back of his neck. "I'm wearing this because she said... She said it would get your attention." He says quietly.

I look again him with surprise.
"I'm wearing this because she said it would get your attention." I blush. Will grins.
"Yeah." I admit.

"It does." He says suddenly.
"It... It gets my attention." He murmurs. "In fact... It kind of turns me on." He turns as red as me.
"Uh... I like your outfit too." I say. "It makes you look..." I wave my arms randomly and he smiles slightly.

"Thanks, I guess." He says. I give him a small smile as he realises we're still holding hands.
"Uh..." He goes to pull his hand away but I don't let go. He looks at me with confusion and I pull him closer.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but Will seems as nervous as me, so maybe that's alright. Our eyes flutter closed as the space between our lips disappears, and I feel Will's arms slide around  my neck as I move closer to him.

When we pull away, we're both blushing:
"I've wanted to do that for a long time." Will admits, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Me too." I tell him, looking at he floor. I look up slightly and see hey he's looking at me, smiling warmly.

"I..." Before I can say anything else, he kisses me again. I hear squealing behind me and we both stop and turn to the noise.

Jason and Piper are stood side by side, watching us. Jason squeals again while Piper mimes shooting us with a new bow (where is she getting these?)

I glare at her and she stops, then winks at is and walks away, dragging Jason behind her.

"Um..." I look at my feet, embarrassed. I can't believe they just say that! They're going to tell their friends, and soon, everyone will know that Will and I like eachother!

I'm starting to get really worried when Will cups my face with his hands and pulls me forward, and our lips collide again.
"Who care if anyone sees us?" He whispers. I think might care, but then I feel Will pull me closer, and I decide that maybe, just maybe, it would be okay to like Will.

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