It's A Date

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"Thanks for the lift." Reyna smiles before striding into the building. I wave as she leaves then look around, wondering what to do with the rest of the day. I hate weekends, because I never have anything to do. Eventually, I decide to visit my sister, Hazel, in her café.

I pull my helmet on and turn my motorbike on again, and I'm just about to set off when I hear a scream from behind me.

Concerned, I turn around, pulling my helmet off again. I see a tall blonde man rush blindly in my direction, tripping over and barrelling into a woman as he does. She yells in outrage and he shouts back an apology, still running, then his eyes land on me and he speeds up.

I don't like the way he's looking at me, but before I can react, he's right in front of me, speaking rapidly, eyes wide.
"Whoa, whoa, slow down! What's going on?" I ask the stranger.
"No time!" He says, clumsily clambering onto the back of my motorbike. "Go!"
"What're you doing? Get off!" I yell.
"Please! Go!" He yells. "I'll pay you back! I promise!"

Two policemen on foot round the corner, and their eyes land on us.
"Fuck." I mutter, pulling on my helmet. If they figure out I have a record (just some vandalism and speeding), I doubt they'll listen to my excuses about not knowing this guy.

I start driving, the boy behind me is still spilling out apologies.
"Hold onto me." I instruct him. He doesn't even have a helmet; he's going to die. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I sigh. "Hold on properly." I snap. "Arms around my chest." He reluctantly puts his arms around my waist, and I continue to drive.

It doesn't take long to reach my sister's, as I know the way there by heart. I stop, then turn to the boy behind me, pulling my helmet off.
"What the hell?" I glare at him. He quickly gets off my motorbike, looking down in shame. His hair- which is quite long, but not as long as mine- is a tangled mess from the journey. His face is streaked with something... I look closer and make out colourful patterns painted on his cheeks... Pride flags. Transgender and pansexual.

"I... I'm so sorry." He says. "I just needed to get away.."
"Why? What did you do to piss them off?"
"I slapped a policeman." He mumbles.
"I got into a fight with dole
asshole at the parade and he got involved. I didn't realise he was a policeman until I hit him."

"Parade?" I question, looking at his cheeks.
"Pride." He looks at me tentatively.
"Oh." I didn't realise there was a pride parade occurring. That could have been a good way to spend my day. I hardly think I can go back now though...

"Thank you." He digs into his pocket and pulls out a bit of change, then hands it to me sheepishly. "I'm sorry, this is all I have at the moment... I could do you a favour! I don't know what, but..." He runs a hand though his messy hair awkwardly.
"It's fine." I sigh. "I was about to head here anyway."
"Oh. Well, take it anyway."
"It's fine."
"Please? I'll feel better that way." He pleads. I sigh and take the change reluctantly.

"Uh... if you don't mind me asking, why did you drive off with me? I mean, why didn't you just refuse?"
"You didn't give me much time." I laugh slightly. He looks down, and a twinge of guilt makes me continue, "Also, I don't want another run in the the police. I have a record, so they don't like me very much, and I would rather run than have to deal with them accusing me of stuff I haven't done."

"You have a record?" He looks wary.
"Just a bit of graffiti, a few years ago."
"Oh, okay." He seems to relax slightly now he knows I'm not a murderer.

"Hey, uh... Wanna come in?" I gesture to the shop. For some reason, I want to get to know him better. I'd like to think I'm deep enough to not develop a crush so quickly, based purely on looks, but who am I kidding? He's cute!

"I'd love to, but I don't have any money." He tells me, slightly joking.
"Well maybe you shouldn't have given it all to me." I laugh, then add "It's fine. My sister owns it, she gives me free stuff all the time."
"Oh, okay then." He agrees with a nervous chuckle. "As long as it's okay with her."
"It will be." I assure him.

I park the motorbike, hoping the police won't come by and recognise it, then go inside, him following me. The place, simply named "Hazel's", is quaint and comforting, all soft shades of brown, pink and gold. It smells of
freshly baked bread, and the only sound is quiet chattering from the few customers who are dotted around the small area. As far as I can tell, today is one of the quietest it's been in a long time.

I wander towards the counter, which Frank is stationed at, as I  realise that I don't even know the blonde's name.
"Hey, what's your name?" I ask.
"Oh! It's Will. Will Solace."
"Nico di Angelo." I reply with a smile. He smiles back, and my heart speeds up. I would glare at it if I could see it.

"Sit there." I gesture to my favourite table by the window, then think better of it and direct him to a table in the back corner, just in case the police have followed us.

I walk past the counter- Frank knows me, obviously- and into the back room, where Hazel is stacking disposable cups, flour in her hair and across her nose. The smell of baked goods is even stronger in here.
"Hey, Hazel." I smile. She looks up and grins.
"Hi, Nico! I just finished making some cookies, would you like one?"
"Yeah. Two, please." God, I love this place.

Hazel's eyes light up.
"You're here with someone?"
"Is it a date?" She grins.
"Not exactly." I quickly explain what happened. Hazel laughs, shaking her head.
"Why do you always attract weird people?" She asks good-naturedly.
"I ask myself the same thing every day."

Hazel goes into another back room for a moment, then comes back with two warm cookies.
"Well, good luck." She says cheerily.
"Getting him to go on a second date with you."
"This isn't a date!"
"You didn't deny wanting to date him, though." She remarks, turning away from me to focus on the cups again.
"I just- I don't- Hazel!" I splutter helplessly. She laughs.
"You're bright red. Don't even try to argue with me."

I mutter half an objection and quickly leave, hoping she was lying about my blushing despite being acutely aware of how my cheeks are burning.

My cheeks still on fire, I slip into the seat opposite Will next to the window and smile nervously at him. Now that Hazel has called it a date, I can't help but feel like maybe it is one, which means K'm acting the way I always do on dates; awkward and clumsy.

Will smiles at me, and butterflies seem to explode in my stomach as he starts to talk excitedly about the parade, and what lead up to the chase that lead him to me. He's so engaged, I feel like I could listen to him talk about anything.

Okay, so maybe it's a date.

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