Soulmate AU- Singing

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When your soulmate sings, you sing he same song, no matter what.


I hate my soulmate.

Fate just had to pair me up with the most idiotic person that's ever existed.

It wouldn't be so bad of it wasn't for the stupid singing deal. Basically, whenever your soulmate sings, you sing. And he or she sings constantly.

But even that would be tolerable, if they were good songs. Unfortunately, the songs I end up singing are usually Taylor Swift, or other pop songs. I despise pop songs.

I get them back, though. I sing really loud screamo music in the middle of the night, or really dumb songs or Christmas carols whenever I'm not at school when they should be in class. They probably hate me as much as I hate them. Good.


"Nico, please be quiet. I'm trying to concentrate." My sister, Hazel complains. I try I tell her that I can't help it, but I can't get a word out between the fast rap music which is involuntarily spilling out of my mouth. I can't even tell what I'm saying!

She sighs and continues with her homework, while I try to do mine, which is hard when you're also singing really loudly. Whatever volume the other person sings at is the volume I have to sing at. I hate this soulmate thing.


The next day at school, I start singing in he middle of a math lesson. I groan and out my head down in the desk while the words keep coming. A few people start laughing, and I don't blame them. Who the hell sings country music?

Eventually, I can't stand it anymore. I get up and storm out of the room, still singing. It eventually stops, then I hear the school bell ring. I contemplate going back inside to my next lesson, then decide that it would be more entertaining to get revenge on my soulmate.

I step outside of school and start screaming Jesus Of Suburbia by Green Day, sitting down on a bench. The song is about nine minutes long, but when I get to I Don't Care, somebody barges outside and I abruptly stop.

The blonde boy with a murderous expression on his face stops and sighs.
"Finally!" He says, sounding exasperated.

I watch him with interest, and he notices me. "Sorry." He mumbles. "Idiot soulmate was screaming some sort of rock song when I was in History..."
"At least yours has good taste in music." I reply. "Mine was singing in maths." I say.

He sits beside me and smiles slightly.
"I'm going to wait here in case they start singing again." He decides.
"Okay." I nod.

"What were they singing?" I ask him.
"I don't even know." He laughs.
"Was it foreign?" I raise an eyebrow. Poor kid is going to have to travel to find his soulmate. At least mine speaks English.
"No, it was English." He tells me.

"Most of it was confusing, though." He says.
"How so?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Well, there were lines like 'the centre of the earth is the end of the world'... I think that's the what it was, anyway." I stare at him with shock. That was what I was singing...

"I guess I deserve it though." He shrugs. "I probably should have thought about what my soulmate would be doing before I started singing country music." My eyes grow wider. He sees my expression and blushes. "My friends dared me." He explains.

"I-I..." Is he my soulmate? I can't seem to articulate enough to ask him, so I start to sing instead. I sing the first song which comes to mind, Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy. He start singing along, then stares at me with a mix of shock and joy as I stop singing.

"Y-you're my soulmate?" He asks nervous just.
"I-I guess I am." I say, equally surprised. We stare at eachother for a moment, then he speaks.

"Do you have any idea how many times I've gotten yelled at for screaming songs at 3 in the morning?" He asks angrily.
"It's your own fault for singing pop songs when I'm in school or at public events!" I retort.
"I once sang happy birthday at a funeral!" He accuses me.
"My parents made me sing it! It was my sister's birthday!" I defend myself.

He scowls at me for a few seconds, then bursts out laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask moodily.
"You! You look so cute when you're angry!"
"Hey, I am not cute!" I glare at him as he grins.

"You are."
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you are."
"No, I'm-" he grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me towards me, pressing his lips against mine.

When he pulls away, I'm blushing crazily and desperately trying to think of something witty to say.
"See?" He grins. "Adorable."

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