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As soon as Nico stepped through the door, his boyfriend as in front of him, arms folded, unimpressed look on his face.
"Where were you?" Will asked.
"I just went out." Nico pushed past him.
"For hours!" Will follows him persistently. "What were you doing?"

Nico turned to face his boyfriend, and looked him right in the eye.
"I got a tattoo."

"I knew you'd overreact..." Nico sighed.
"I'm not overreacting! Nico, you just put ink under your skin! You can't get it removed, what if you regret it one day?" He asked hysterically.

"I won't regret it." Nico said confidently.
"But what if you do?"
"I won't." Nico kissed his boyfriend, leaving him speechless. Nico was rarely the one to start the kisses. "I know I won't."


By nighttime, Will has calmed down. He was okay with its Nico getting a tattoo. In fact, he was curious to see what it was.

"Can I see it?" He asked Nico as they got changed for bed.
"Why not?"
"It can't be uncovered until tomorrow." He told him. Will pouted.

"Where is it?" He asked.
"My chest."
"Where on your chest?"
"Above my heart." Nico said, smiling. He lay down beside Will and closed his eyes, and his breathing soon became even.

However, Will couldn't sleep. He had to see that tattoo. He waited a while, then took the hem of Nico's shirt and started to lift it.
"Stop it."

Will almost screamed when Nico spoke.
"I thought you were asleep!" He gasped. Nico hadn't opened his eyes, but he smiled slightly.
"You can't see it yet."
"Please, just one little look!"
"Fine." Will huffed.

He tried again an hour later. It had almost lifted up to where it needed to be when Nico put his hand on Will's, opening his eyes and glaring at his boyfriend, who groaned. "I just want to see it!"
"Not until tomorrow!" Nico chided.

"Do you promise you'll show me tomorrow?" Will asked.
"Yes." Nico nodded. "I swear on the river Styx."


Will glanced at he clock and smiled triumphantly. Still grinning, he rolled over and shook Nico awake.
"Mmuh..." Nico pushed him away.
"Wake up, Neeks." Will said softly.

"What... Why?" He looked around, then noticed that it was still dark. "What time is it?"
"It's a minute past midnight." Will smirked.
"Why did you wake me up?" Nico complained.
"It's the next day, you have to show me your tattoo!"

"Seriously? It the middle of the night, Will." He groaned.
"Tough. You swore it in the river Styx."
"Show me it!"

"Yes!" Will tackled Nico, and they fell out of the bed. Will managed to pin Nico down and grinned, pulling off his shirt. There were bandaged wrapped around it, which Will started to unwrap.
"Will, you're tickling me!" Nico tried to squirm away, but he couldn't. Will finished untying the bandages and he looked down at Nico's tattoo, then smiled.

It was a sunshine with angel wings, with the words you are my sunshine below it.
"Do you like it?" Nico asked quietly. Will nodded and kissed Nico, smiling against his lips.
"I love it... But I love you more."

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