67."A sexy little thief"

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Colby is having the time of his life. He looks over to the passenger seat of his new *cough* stolen *cough* car, just checking his bag of cash.

His messy brown hair fell in his face as he throws his head back and lets out an almighty howl as he tears down the streets with his windows down feeling the wind on his face.

He took this car a few nights ago, and honestly Colby has no idea why he didn't think to get one before, it's literally the sweetest motor he's ever seen.

Drives like a dream, makes the most beautiful noises, and if Colby does say so himself, he rather likes it when pretty noises come from those he's riding.

As he passes yet another flickering street lamp, Colby makes the snap decision to turn down a dodgy, dim lit alley, so he can count his millions.

He knows he should be getting as far away from the hotel as possible, preferably to his crew, but this opportunity is too good to miss.

Counting his cash in a Audi R8, you don't get opportunities like this every day, even in Colby' line of work. Besides, he reckons he's still got roughly six hours before Mr Whatever-His-Name-Was even knows it's missing.

So he parks the car halfway down the alley, a brick wall either side of him and with no light from the city or the sky, Colby is glad he has a torch in his pocket.

He counts the bundles, quickly at first, just to check he's got all three million, then slower, making sure the bundles are full of real notes and not just paper.

He knows the tricks, it would be embarrassing if he got caught by them, Brennen and Aaron would probably throw him out the gang.

Suddenly a torch flashes, as if someone is making their way towards him.
Colby panics, hoping it's not a cop, but he doesn't have time to hide the bag, so he just zips it up and patiently waits for the stranger to walk past.

"Everything alright there, sir?" It's a cop, of course it is. He's got blonde hair shoved under a police cap, one hand in the belt loop of his trousers - next to his baton - and the other gripping the torch tightly, shining it in Colby's face.

Colby winces away from the light and forces himself not to look in to the policeman's eyes. For a conman, he's not very good at lying to a pretty face.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, yeah everything's fine, officer, thank you," he says nervously. Colby's fingers twitch on his lap, itching towards the steering wheel. It'd be absolutely awful if he got nicked, Brennen and Aaron would throw him out for sure.

The police officer frowns, one of those cute kitten frowns, and gazes over Colby's car, but makes no sign of moving. "Nice set of wheels you got here,"

Colby's heart beats loudly in his ears.

"Thank you," he squeaks, he's caught for sure, "I'm a sucker for a good motor,"

"What are you doing driving it at this hour? This is a pretty rough estate, if you aren't careful it'll get keyed," The copper says, Colby gulps, "Or worse, stolen,"

He knows he knows he knows.

Colby forces himself to laugh, "Good point, officer. I'll just be moving along now, good night."

He reaches for the ignition, but the policeman's stern voice stops him abruptly.

"Wait," he says, Colby's hands fall back to his lap. "Can I see your licence please, sir?"

"So polite," he mutters fondly, reaching into the glove compartment for the counterfeit DVLA documents. The police officer snatches them with a scowl and calls on his radio.

"Control this is officer 103FM116 over," he mutters into the radio.

"Sammy, mate! Thank god, I was getting so bored over here," the crackly voice comes from the radio. Colby sniggers, PC Sammy, has a nice ring to it. "Over,"

"Corey" PC Sammy whines into his lapel, "I'm with someone, don't embarrass me, over,"

"Shit sorry Sam - I mean, PC Golbach, over," Corey says.

Sam rolls his eyes sort of fondly, so Colby reasons they must be friends. Perfect. "Anyway I'm away from my car so I can't get the records up, need you to run a drivers licence for me, over,"

"Sure, what's the number?" Corey asks and Sam relays it off for him. Colby seriously hopes he gave the copper the right counterfeit papers, seeing as the ones Brennen used yesterday are in here as well, and they were registered all the way up in Ohio. That would be difficult to explain.

"Well, looks like you check out, Mr...Brock," Sam says with a bright smile, and hands the papers back. Shit shit shit, that's his real life actual drivers licence. "If you'd be so kind as to step out of the car,"

Hesitantly, Colby opens the car door as Sam steps back, eyeing him warily. He doesn't know what's going on, Colby hates not knowing. Something snaps against his wrist as he goes to get out the car and Colby sighs loudly when he looks down to see a metal handcuff tight around his wrist.

"What's all this?" he asks.

"Get out of the car, please," Sam says, ever so sweetly, you'd think he wasn't about to convict Colby.

"Now now, PC Sam, if you wanna suck my cock, you don't have to be shy about it," Colby says, his last line of defence is crude comments and sarcasm. Usually it gets him out of sticky situations, let's hope it pays off this time around.

Sam very clearly blushes, Colby can tell that much, but rolls his eyes and tugs sharply on the handcuffs, "Get out of the car, Mr Brock,"

"Babe if you want something to scream when you come, my name is Colby" He replies with a wink.

Sam tugs the handcuffs again and uses Colby's moment of weakness to pull him out of the car. Colby struggles as much as he can, twisting out of the copper's grip when he tries to clip the other handcuff over his wrist and Sam ends up slamming him against the bonnet of the car in an effort to still him, "Oi watch my car!"

"It's not your car though, is it, Mr Brock?" Sam says smugly. Colby was pretty sure he should be reading his rights right about now, but with PC Sam's cock pressed against his bum so firmly, he's not sure he cares all that much.

"This Audi R8 was stolen earlier this week, and I'll bet you a whole lot that that suspicious looking black bag in your front seat is filled with money,"

"Wait so I'm being arrested for being loaded? That's hardly fair!" Colby says, twisting his wrist so it falls out of Sam's grip yet again.

"No, you're being arrested for being a thief,"

Colby smirks, "A sexy thief, though,"

"Colby," Sam groans in dismay.

"That's the spirit officer," he grins, wiggling his bum on Sam's cock. It's starting to perk up in interest, Colby figures it's going to be an interesting night. PC Sam finally manages to get the other handcuff over Colby's wrist, who whistles and smirks tightly. "Into the kinky stuff, are we? It's okay baby, I go for whatever,"

Sam doesn't say anything for a while, and when Colby tries to look back at him, a firm hand is pushed in between his shoulder blades, effectively pinning him to the car. Little Colby rather likes it.

"Colby Brock I am arresting you on suspicion of theft, you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence-"

"Come on baby, don't be like that, we can work this out," Colby whines, pushing back further onto PC Sam's cock. Sam is quite obviously flustered by his movements and has to clear his throat noisily and shift his hips slightly so his erection is pushed between Colby's cheeks.

"But it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned something which you later rely on-"

"Hey, is that a baton in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" Colby giggles, grinding against PC Sam's cock.

"Something which you later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given as evidence," Sam finishes with an uneasy sigh. God, Colby wishes he could see Sam's face right now, probably all flushed pink from embarrassment and arousal, pupils probably blown wide, he reckons Sam is a lip biter too - bets they're bitten raw by now.

"If I say I want you to fuck me, hard, right now over this car, will that be given as evidence?" He asks cheekily, being shoved down against the bonnet after trying to get a glimpse of Sam's face.

Colby can slowly feel PC Sam's restraint getting weaker and weaker as he tempts him with his sinful body .

Colby can be quite a cock tease when he wants to be, more often than not it's why his boyfriends leave him, because he spends too much time on the foreplay and not enough on the actual sex, but he loves it.

He loves dicks and he loves making them hard with just his words and the smallest of friction, it's sort of his super power. So with that in mind, it surprises Colby it takes the cop as long as it does to literally say fuck it and undo his belt. He's not all that bothered when two barely slick fingers enter him simultaneously, however.

"Careful," he squeaks, jerking away when Sam starts thrusting his fingers in straight away, it sort of burns, but it's also sort of pleasurable. "That's a prized bum right there,"

Sam smacks him, hard. Colby can be sure to have a red hand print on his bum tomorrow, he's not sure how to feel about that. "Thought you wanted me to fuck you hard?"

"Doesn't mean I don't want you to use lube," He mutters with a roll of his eyes. "Don't fret officer, there's some in the glove compartment."

Sam doesn't even question why, just leans over the entire car bonnet and fishes the lube out of the glove compartment. Damn, he has really nice biceps.

Colby sighs when PC Sam's fingers are more slick when he enters him this time, and glide more smoothly through his already slightly stretched out hole. The thing with Sam, Colby finds out, is that he too seems to be a cock tease, and focuses very hard on not getting anywhere near Colby's prostate the entire time.

When he does eventually find it - Colby keens so hard and almost comes all over his car - he intentionally ignores it until he decides Colby is sufficiently opened up and pulls his fingers out completely.

He waits patiently for Sam to put his fingers back in - or even his cock - but when neither come, Colby frowns and successfully twists his upper body to look at Sam's face, frowning and contemplative. "Sam?"

Sam snaps his head up to Colby in shock, before biting down on his lip. "This is not right, we shouldn't be doing this."

"Come on, officer, live a little," Colby whines, impatient now that he's horny and no dicking has been done, "Look, you're about to come your conkers so you'll get relief, and I'll get to cross banging a copper off my bucket list, everybody wins,"

"I don't see how I win, considering you made me hard in the first place," Sam frowns, grip tightening on Colby's cuffed wrists.

"Oops," he shrugs haphazardly, "Didn't think you'd work that out. Please?"

Sam doesn't budge.

"Please? I'll beg you," Colby warns, knowing he can be an annoying little shit when he begs for something, "PC Sam please fuck me, fuck me with your big leaking cock, fill me up good and proper, so I go into my cell with a limp and a smug grin on my face and everyone'll be like what happened and I'll say PC Sam did."

"Shut up," Sam groans, rubbing his erection around Colby's crack.

"Not until you fuck me like you mean it," Colby grins triumphantly, "Not until you fill me up with you big, fat- oh,"

He pushes in hard and fast, and Jesus Christ, is he fucking big. Colby is slightly worried he's actually going to rip open, Sam's so big. Once he's in, Colby falls against the car with a sigh, resting his forehead against the cool metal and just lets Sam thrust in and out of him in quick procession.

Every time Sam pulls out, he pulls the handcuffs, leaving a sharp but sweet pain tingling all down Colby arms, and every time he pushes in, Sam pushes Colby's body further on to the bonnet of the car, creating a dull ache in his chest.

It's good. Well, it's the best fuck Colby has had since he was eighteen and spent forty eight hours in a cabin on an Isle , doing nothing but get fucked. But that's another story.

Sam is amazing in bed and Colby sort of wants to keep him forever.

It's clear that Sam doesn't whole heartedly agree with this as he groans out an undignified "close" not five minutes in. He goes faster and harder, chasing his orgasm, and it causes Colby's dick to rock against the smooth bonnet of the car.

He's getting close as well, but all he's capable of doing is breathing shallowly and letting himself get fucked.

When they come, it's almost in unison, Colby letting go just as Sam finishes up spilling inside him. The officer collapses on top of him, panting wildly, body going limp, and it's really uncomfortable, but Colby doesn't have the energy to tell him to move, so he lets them lie there, sweaty, worn out and covered in cum.

He's about to fall asleep, when PC Sam whispers, "Better get you to the station," and kisses him on the cheek.

Colby scoffs, "Sam, how amazing was that fuck?"

"The most amazing," Sam says cautiously, Colby can feel his caution as he pulls himself upright and zips up his trousers, before pulling up Colby's suit trousers as well. Quite considerate, to be honest, Colby probably would've left them round his ankles, if it were him.

"You do know that if I go to prison, it can't happen again," Colby says, "Because I'll be in prison,"

And honestly, Colby has no idea how he gets away with it, how he manages to convince an enforcer of the law to let him go, but he does, and minutes later the handcuffs are off, his wrists are sore and red from all the pulling, and he's facing harry with an earnest smile.

"Thanks," he says, "For letting me off,"

"Yeah yeah, here's my number," Sam grumbles, reluctantly writing it on the back of Colby's hand. He kisses the red marks on Colby's wrists softly, before pulling away entirely. "Leave the car and the money with me, I'll say they were abandoned,"

"I paid good money for that car!" Colby protests weakly, by the raised eyebrow Sam gives him, they both know that isn't true.

"Call me," PC Sam says, and gives Colby a kiss on the cheek, watching him walk away.

It's light out now, the sun starting to rise, the birds cheeping, cars bustling on the road again.

Colby yawns and shoves his hands in his pockets, trying to hide his limp as he waddles towards the bus stop. An old man and a businessman sit by his side, he's sure they can both smell the drying cum on him, and that makes him feel even more smug.

Colby pulls out his phone and texts Brennen and Aaron.

Lost the car and the money, he texts, but on the bright side, I banged a copper.

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