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I walked beside Peter, dragging our suitcases along behind us. Happy was standing next to the stairs of our private plane looking very upset. Dad was already at home, he left yesterday to fix a bug in F.R.I.D.A.Y.

Peter was talking about a Star Wars episode we watched last night and explaining his favorite action scene. I normally love to listen to him talk about his interests but today was different. I zoned out half-way through his rant. I don't know whats been happening with me lately but I've been zoning out a lot. I feel like somethings coming. Something big. I just haven't figured out what it is yet.

"I don't know, what did you think about that part Jane?" Peters voice slowly became louder as I snapped back into reality (he had started calling me by my middle name, Jane, when he heard Okoye doing it)

"What? Oh uh yeah I loved that part!"

"You zoned out again didn't you" his voice was flat and a little disappointed

"I'm sorry Peter, I didn't mean too"

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean too" he said, smiling at me.

We got to the plane, stood up our suitcases beside the stairs, walked inside the plane and sat down across from each other. Happy followed soon after, stopping briefly to give me a strange glance before sitting down at the back of the plane.

"What was that about?" I muttered under my breathe, looking back at him over my shoulder.

"What?" Peter said quietly so Happy wouldn't hear

"I don't know... he gave me a weird look when he was walking by" I turned slowly to look back at Peter

"Huh..." He said, puzzled for a second before his eyes widened "do you think he knows about us?!" Peter whisper-yelled

I looked back and forth between the two a few times before putting my head back on my head-rest "I think he knows, Peter what do we do?!"

"I don't know! Maybe we should act like we hate each other to throw him off?"

"Yeah.. that might just work. Great idea Peter" I smiled and kissed him quickly, sitting back in my seat and looking across the isle to see Happy looking down at us very angrily.

"Hey Happy what's uh going on"

"So Tony was right..."

"Right about what Hap?" I said nervously knowing what dad was right about. So much for mine and Peters plan...

"You two are cafoodleing"

"What are you talking about Happy-"

"You two are dating." he put a little to much emphasis on the last word

"No- I don't think you know what your talking about"

"I just saw you" he pointed at me then turned towards Peter "kiss him"

"Well Shit."

"Language young lady!"

"Happy you are not Captain America" He looked at me furiously "Happy please don't tell my dad"

"Okay. Okay, I'll let you two off the hook this time and this time only. But only because you said please"

"Thank you Happy"

"On one condition."

"What's that?"

"You two have to break up. Today. Before we land."

Peter looked over at me. "Okay. Peter and I will break up."

"Good" Happy said, turning and walking back to his seat

"What?!" Peter said, leaning towards me "I don't want to break up!"

"Don't worry Peter I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"We can just pretend to break up but still date in secret"

"Like those romantic comedy movies you told me to watch?"

"Yes" I laughed "like the romantic comedies. Wait I didn't know you actually watched them"

"Well yeah, you asked me too, so of course I did!"

"I just never knew you actually watched them"

"They actually weren't as bad as I thought they would be"

"Oh yeah? Which one was you favorite?"

"Oh definitely 27 dresses" he said 100% seriously

"Is 27 dresses really your favorite?"

"Yes! Why...? What's so funny about that?"

"Nothing, it's just that's a sentence I never thought I'd hear you say" Peter nodded

- 1:32 -

When we landed I had to wake Happy up- let's just say he wasn't happy.

Happy brought our suit cases along behind Peter and I and loaded them into the car.

We got into a car that drove to Peters apartment, I waved goodbye to Peter as he got out of the car, closing the door behind him. We got to Stark tower shortly afterwards. I walked into the kitchen, expecting that my dad was in his workshop.

"Hey kid, how was the flight?"

My dads sudden question startled me, making me drop the box of cookies I had grabbed from the cupboard, spilling them on the floor. "Oh hi dad I didn't see you there. The uh flight was fine I guess" I picked up the broken pieces quickly and stood back up

"Did anything, I dunno, interesting happen?"

Shit. He knows doesn't he. "How do you mean?"

"I was talking to Happy, just after you landed, and he told me something really... interesting"

"Oh yeah? What did he tell you?"

"He told me that you and Peter were acting really weird on the plane"

"Whaaatttt nooooo we were not acting weird"

"He said you guys were hardly talking and looked like you two had a falling out in Germany. Is that true? Did you and Peter get into a fight?"

Oh thank god. He doesn't know. "Oh, right, that. Yeah Peter and I had a huge fight..."

"I'm sorry to hear that Adeline. But I must say, I'm a little relieved."


"When I came to Germany I could've sworn you two were dating" he took a long and annoyingly loud sip of his coffee

"Me dating Peter? Nooooo neverrrr. Gross. I mean really? I could never!" He furrowed his brow and leaned back in his chair. I am not playing this off well at all. "I mean you told me not to, right? When have I ever done something you told me not too?!"

"Everyday of your life."

"Well would I date Peter? NO!!!! He's annoying and plus you know he's ugly? Anyways the point is I'd never in a million billion years would date Peter I hate him."

"Alright alright, that was... convincing? Whatever. I trust you kid."

Not wanting him to ask anymore questions, I ran to my room and called Peter.

He picked up surprisingly fast

"Hey so I told my dad that your annoying and I hate you. Also I told him I think your ugly- which I don't! But you know, to throw him off the scent. So if he questions that we're dating basically say the same things about me"


"Anyways. What are you up to?"

"Not much. Just hangin' around"

"Do you mean that as 'just hanging around' like you're not really doing anything or 'just hanging around' like you're in your suit and literally hanging"

"Why don't you see for yourself?"


"Look out your window"

"Okay?" I walked across my room, to my balcony and opened the glass doors. Surely enough there was Peter, in his suit, standing on my balcony, his phone in his hand. He hung up the phone and took off his mask.

I hugged him, my arms wrapping around his neck. His arms wrapped low around my waist.

Little low there buddy. You're playing a dangerous game Peter Parker.

We both let go at the same time and we sat down on my bed.

He looked down at his lap and said, "Oh uh I brought a change of clothes- do you mind?" he pointed towards my bathroom.

"Not at all!" I smiled

He smiled back "Thanks" and walked into the bathroom, turning on the lights and closing the door.

I waited for the click of the door closing and quietly ran over to my dresser, spraying on more perfume. I smelled like a plane. Gross. I tiptoed back over and laid down on my bed looking up at the ceiling. Peter came out in a blue sweater over a red plaid shirt, and some black jeans. I turned my head and sat up. He was holding his suit in his hand.

"Oh here." I walked over and took his suit, placing it on an empty shelf in my closet. "So my dad wont find it, and so it'll be safe" I shut the door and sat back down on my bed. Peter drifted off towards my many bookshelves. I've always loved reading, and started collecting books when I was 13. I had quite the wide collection.

"Are these all yours?" he ran his fingers across a row of books

I walked towards him "Yeah, I started collecting them when I was 13."

"You have a lot of books"

"I know, I've read every one"

"Really?" He turned to me

"Yup. Some of them more than once."

"Which ones?"

"Uhh" My eyes danced along the shelves. "This one I've read 3 times" I pulled out Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix "It's my favorite one in the series- obviously, since I've read it 3 times" I blushed

"I love that one too! It's 100% the best in the series" He looked over at me.

"We have a lot more in common than I thought"

"Yeah we do!"

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