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*A few months later*

My dad was having a meeting with the rest of the Avengers and a few others in the dining room. He told me to stay in my room, but as always, I didn't listen. I walked downstairs about 30 minutes into their meeting. When I walked in everyone fell silent mid-sentence and turned to look at me.


"You're supposed to be in your room Adeline."

"It's fine let her stay. She should hear this." Said Natasha Romanoff.

"Okay fine" my dad agreed reluctantly.

"So what are we looking at?" I asked. There was a hologram sitting into the middle of the table. Holograms seemed to be a common theme in this family.

"We're tracking Thanos." Steve stated.

"Thanos? I thought Thanos was dead?" I looked around at all the different faces in the room. They had fought Thanos before and when they came back they had said he was dead and they won. Looks like they were wrong.

"So did we" Steve looked back down at the projection.

"We've fought him before back when he only had 2 of the infinity stones, but now he has 4." Natasha said plainly.

"What? Are you serious? Which ones doesn't he have?" I asked.

"The only two left are the time stone and the soul stone." Natasha replied.

"Who has them?"

"I have the time stone." A man I hadn't met before stepped out from the wall and walked towards me. "Hi, I'm Dr. Stephen Strange." he held out his hand and I shook it. "Pleasure to meet you"

"Likewise." I replied.

"The soul stone is on Vormir." Natasha continued.

"So what's our plan?" Steve asked while still idly staring at the hologram.

"Kill Thanos." Carol responded.

"That sounds like a solid plan." Wanda said "Though, we should probably get the infinity stones from him first so he can't kill us all."

"Okay, so someone distract him and someone else grab the gauntlet of his hand." My dad finished.

"I think we should start by getting the Soul stone off of Vormir so we can insure it's safe. Then we can tackle the rest of them."

"Great idea Adeline" Steve said. Everyone else agreed

Happy cam in the front door and called out. "Tony! I'm back!"

"In here Happy!" my dad called back

Happy walked in with Peter who had his suit on.

"Hey Pete"

"Oh hey Adeline!" he took off his mask. "Hey everyone!" He said happily everyone said hi back to him.

"Did Happy fill you in on the plan?" dad asked

"Yeah" Peter's shoulders dropped.

"Alright. Everyone go suit up" everyone started to leave the room and came back a while later.

We all met up again outside, in front of the Benatar, a ship that was lent to us from The Guardians of the Galaxy.

We all got on the ship.

"I hope you don't think your coming." My dad said turning to me.

"Yes I am"

"No your not."

"I could help. And seeing as you've fought him before, I'm thinking your going to need all the help you can get"

"She's right Tony" Steve said

"Alright fine. Just don't die." Dad agreed

"I don't plan on it" I smiled at Peter.

We got on the ship and everyone stayed in the front. I went to the back to record a message in case things go sideways. I finished my message and walked back to everyone else and took a seat.

We arrived at Titan a few hours later.

We all got out of the ship. Everyone was in their full suits, and I had my Iron Man suit on.

"We should split up." Carol suggested.

"Nat and I will go get the Soul stone. Is that alright with everyone?" I looked at my dad.

"Someone else should go with you two. Just incase. Clint? Would you go with them?" My dad offered.

"Sure Tony."

"No. We can do this on our own."

"No you won't. You're just a kid."

"Dad. You can trust me! I'm not a little kid anymore, and it's time you see that."

"Fine I'll let you go." my dad reluctantly agreed

"The rest of us should figure out where he is." Rhodey commented.

I hugged my dad and told him I loved him. I didn't know if this would be the last time I would get to see him or not.

Better safe than sorry.

Nat and I started to leave, while everyone else started to find him.

When we got to Vormir I looked around. It was a small purple cliff.

Then a floating figure in a black cape came at us. Nat grabbed her batons from its holder on her back and I raised my hand ready to shoot.

The creature set itself down on the ground and took a step into the light. This thing wasn't a human, but wasn't an alien either. It was red and looked like a human with its face melted off.

"I am Red Skull, protector of the Soul stone... I assume you've come for the Soul stone?" He had a thick German accent.

"That's right." Nat said lowering her batons slightly.

"I too once tried to take the Soul stone." He turned his back to us.

"And?" I asked.

"I've been stuck here ever since."

"Why's that?" I asked.

He floated over closer to the edge of the cliff. And we followed him.

"A soul for a soul." he said avoiding my question.

"Meaning?" Natasha asked putting her batons back.

"It means one of us has to sacrifice themselves for the stone." I said looking off the cliff. Natasha took a few steps back but I didn't move.

"Who's going to do it?"

"That's the kicker" Red Skull's laugh faded into more of a silent cry.

I pressed the button on my suit and it folded back up into my ring.

"It shouldn't be too hard to decide." I said, walking over to Natasha and hugging her. "Thank you, for always being there for me Natasha. I've always appreciated it." I stood up and took a step back "Tell my dad and Peter I love them, and that I'm sorry." I turned and ran towards the edge and jumped.

At the last second Nat threw her grappling hook down and dived down to grab me.

"No. I won't let you do this. Peter needs you. Tony needs you. I need you." her voice cracked.

"Promise me you'll tell them for me." My eyes started to fill with tears. I didn't want to sacrifice myself, but I knew it was the only way we could win.

"No, I won't let you die. I'd never forgive myself." She was holding tightly on my wrist. I opened my hand to hopefully loosen her grasp. I knew if I didn't jump then she would have. And that's not the way I wanted to win. I didn't need her pity. I didn't want her pity. Before this my life had no purpose.

What if this was my purpose?

"I forgive you. Just make sure you tell them for me." I lifted up my foot and pushed myself off the cliff. The wind blew, making my hair curl up around my face just like when Loki pushed me off the building back in Germany. I heard Nat cry out my name, but there was nothing she could do. It was too late. I had already made my choice.

I thought about Peter. I hope he knows I loved him even though I never had the chance to tell him that for myself.

I hope she'll tell them for me.

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