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The figure now a lot closer I can confirm that it is Peter Parker. He ran over to me sitting on the top of the play set.

"He-hey Lily uhm ar- are you ok?"

"Yes Parker, I'm just watching the sunset. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I- well I uhm was go-going for a walk"

"Well don't let me stop you, I'm about to leave anyway" I was lying. I saw a red hood sticking out of his bag and wanted to see Spider-Man in action.

After waiting for an about an hour I saw Peter walking back the way he came. Without looking away from the sunset I said
"How was your walk Parker?"

"Oh uh hi Lily I thought you would be gone by now" He said wrapping his hand around the back of his neck

"Not yet. So, did you see the mysterious Spider-Man?"

"Wha- What makes you think that?"

"Just the fact that your him" I said jumping of the play set and landing flat on my feet

"What? N- no no I'm- I'm not Spider-Man why why would you say that?" He looked around nervously

"Isn't that his- oh sorry your suit sticking out of your bag?"

"I- uh how long have you known?" I thought he would keep his charade going for longer. Guess not.

"From the start. And you look like you need an update. I can help you with that"

"What? What are you talking about?"
He said looking down at his bag that was now off his shoulder and in his left hand.

"My dad can help you with that, allow me to introduce myself. For real this time. My name isn't Lily. It's Y/N. Y/N Stark. And my dad, the infamous Tony Stark, wants you to be a Avenger he's got a few suits that he's been working on just for you. Do you want to come meet him tomorrow to pick your favorite suit?" I didn't want to reveal myself this early- I hadn't gotten much information yet- but he gave me the perfect opportunity. Plus, who knows if another would present itself?

"Mr. Stark i- is your dad?"

"The one and only" I gave him a shy smile, maybe this was too much too soon.

"And he wants me to be an Avenger?"

"Sure does"

"Seriously?!" He was surprised though I don't know where else this conversation could have gone.

"You up for it or not Parker"

"Ye- ye- yeah I mean I've always wanted to be an Avenger"

"Good. Hap will pick you up at 3 I'll be there too don't worry" I say as I turn and walk away


"Happy Hogan. My dads assistant"

"Wait at my house or school?"

"School. See you then Parker" If Hap picked him up at his house May would probably put the pieces together. Was he that dumb? I thought he went to some kind of a genius school? He was probably just flustered.

"See you then" He called after me

I didn't respond.

That night I got home and sat beside my dad in his workshop.

"How was your walk kid?"

"Good, thanks I uh saw Peter."

"What. I told you specifically not to"

" I was at the park watching the sunset when I saw him walking. I also saw his suit sticking out of his bag"


"So I told him who I really am."


"I told him you could help with an upgrade"

"I can but you shouldn't have told him"

"I know I know but it's to late. Me and Hap are gonna pick him up tomorrow I think this was a good idea" I didn't really think it was the best idea but it's too late now.

"I guess it was a good move. So he knows you know?"


"Alright ok everything's gonna be fine"
He said as he got up and kissed me on my forehead. "Maybe it was a good move"

"Told you dad"
I got up and went to my room. I was so tired I just went to bed.

The next day I got into the car with Happy at 10 AM. I pulled out my phone to text Peter.

Me: Hey Parker, I'm waiting for u at the bench get a hall pass and come out
Don't forget your things you won't be back today.

Peter Parker
Ok but I don't like skipping class
Seen at 10:14
Ok fine I'm walking out the doors now
Delivered at 10:20

I put my phone in my pocket when I saw Peter running out the door he was so excited I could tell by the expression on his face. I was happy that he was happy. But I still don't like him. I don't think.

Peter ran down the marble steps and all the way to the bench where I was sitting. As soon as he got to me I stood up and started to walk I am over to the car we're Happy was impatiently sitting ready to go. We hopped in the back and I knocked on the remote controlled black door separating myself and Peter from Happy. As soon as I did he started to drive. Peter looked out the darkly tinted windows then back at me. His face was glowing with excitement, his eyes widened I smiled at the thought of him being happy.

"So uh can I get a tour?"


"Stark tower?" Duh why didn't I put two and two together. Maybe I should start paying attention in class. Nah.

"Oh right, I don't think my dad would love that but I'll check with him when we get there" Peter didn't say anything but I could tell he was ecstatic.

I wondered what my dad would think of him. I think I like Peter- But no one needs to know that.

"We're here get out let's go"

"Ok Hap we get it" Peter got our first and I stayed back for a minute.

"So how long have you been in love with Peter?"

"Wha- I don't like Peter what makes you think that?"

"Have you seen the way you look at him? You're in love girlie."

"First of all I don't love Parker second don't say girlie. It's weird." I got out of the car quickly pushing my hair out of my face and pulling down my shirt.

Shit. Apparently my feelings aren't as hidden as I hoped, I hope my dad doesn't find out.

I ran up behind Peter who was almost at the front glass doors. "This is so cool Adeline" he said

"I'm glad you're not mad I lied to you"

"Nah I understand why, plus this is so cool! I'm dating a Stark!!!" his cheeks turned pink. Dating??!?? Wait. Did he think we were dating!?

"FRIENDS! Friends with a Stark I mean" he laughed awkwardly

"I can't believe I'm friends with a Parker" I said brushing off his last comment I could tell he was embarrassed.

"Ah Peter Parker" my dad said leaning against the frame of the front foyer

"Ew dad that was creepy" he rolled his eyes in disappointment.

"Uh hi Mr. Stark sir"

"Come on in kid I'll show you your upgrade"

Peter, my dad and I walked down the stairs to his workshop. I kept looking over at Peter who was in awe as he looked around at everything in my house. All the things I had seen every day of my boring life Peter seemed to be amazed by. I've never even really noticed all the things that he had silently pointed out while we were walking. I saw my house in a new way. Ew I sound like a bad 2014 romcom movie, what's happening to me? I used to be such a badass.

Dad and Peter walked into the workshop "I'll leave you two to it. I will be in my room if you need me. Oh uh Peter come up after your done down here"

"Ok!" I lightly hit my hand on the door frame before running up stairs to my room. I flopped on my bed and started watching the news.

"Ok nothing good let's watch something interesting" I changed the channel to SNL.

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