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"Oh, hey you're already up?" He said groggily trying to convince me

"Yeah. Couldn't sleep. Come on we have lots to do get ready" I said getting up and grabbing a pair of his jeans and a shirt from his open bag, and throwing it at his chest.

"Okay okay but give me a second to wake up" god he was lying a lot which was odd because he was horrible at lying.

He came out of the bathroom in the clothes I threw at him and we left the hotel. We walked around, going to museums and stuff for a while but it was getting late and we were hungry. We walked to Da Pippo and ordered. We both didn't know any German- or any language accept English for that matter- so we both ordered pasta.

"Wait What did you want to tell me yesterday?"


"Uhm yesterday when we got in from the plane you said you wanted to tell me something and you looked really nervous. So what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh it's not important" he looked away nervously and avoided eye contact.

"Ok?" It was a bit weird seeing as Peter has told me everything about every little detail that's happened to him since we became friends. After diner we walked out of the restaurant and stood there for a moment before we started walking.

"Oh god Germany's cold at night"

I said shuttering and rubbing my hands up and down my arms. I didn't mean anything by my comment but before I knew Peter put his black zip up sweater around my shoulders and put his arm around me. I looked up at him before saying

"Oh Peter I didn't mean-"

He interrupted me by saying "I know don't worry about it" and placed his head on my shoulder as we walked.

Yeah ok, I'll admit I really like Peter. When he wrapped his sweater around me I felt so many butterflies in my stomach I was internally SREAMINGGGGGG!

We got back to the hotel and we sat down on my bed talking about everything we saw that day. Germany was awesome.

"I can't believe we only have 6 days until Mr. Stark comes"

"I know, kind of sucks. Oh!" My hand slapped to my mouth "That reminds me!!"


I ran over to the dresser on my side of the room and grabbed the Spider-Man keychain and candy I bought at the gift shop for Peter. "Here." I handed him the candy first, I Wasn't sure if I wanted to give him the Spiderman keychain. Today was so perfect I didn't know if I wanted to ruin it in case we fought. I put the keychain back in the dresser drawer.

"What's this?"

"Just a little present. I thought that because my dad packed your stuff and you didn't get to bring your stuff that- well actually I don't know, I just thought you would like it. I uh got it from the gift shop this morning."

"So that's what you got." He said under his breath flipping over the chocolate and opening it

"You followed me, didn't you" all I needed was for him to admit it.

"Wha uh noooo what are you talking about?"

"I saw you watching me talk to Loki dude, do you not trust me or something?"

"You were literally sneaking out at like 4am to meet a evil god who's killed millions of people for fun! I trust you I was just worried Adeline!"

"Loki isn't evil! He just needs my help with the multiverses"

"What about the multiverses?"

"Well I have to go back in time and not let Steve take the Scepter. In another multiverse you and I are- NOT IMPORTANT" I interrupted myself "Sorry"

"What's wrong? Are we dead or something?" I looked up from my lap and locked eyes with him.

"Oh Peter I'm so sorry, but now don't you understand why I need to help him?" I reached over and hugged him tightly he held me for a a long time while I cried. We ended up falling asleep like this.

We woke up still snuggling to Loki standing in the center of the room. We both jumped at the same time

"Jesus Christ Loki what are you doing"

"Not important. So... how long have you two been kicking boots?"

"Kicking boots? Wha- OMG LOKI NO WHAT WHY WOULD YOU EVEN- NO GOD WERE JUST FRIENDS WHAT OMG" Peter started laughing "ITS NOT FUNNY" I shoved a pillow in my face.

"Ok you two keep denying that you're in love"

"We're not Loki."

"Oh yeah? Then why were you two cuddling?"

"Well I-"

"Enough about you. We have to start building the nano thingy now. I may have done something that sped up the phase of which Captain takes my Scepter. Which in turn means... everyone in this room is going to die a lot faster than we originally did."

I got dressed and ran to the other side of the room opened up a door and walked through.

I grabbed the case Peters suit was in, that I knew he had opened. I walked back to where everyone else was and put in on his bed.

"Ok. Put it on. Just in case something goes wrong" I look over at Loki and he returns a disgusted look. "What?"

"Is that really necessary?"

"Dude you have literally faked your own death hundreds of times."

"Well I'd never do it again"

"Sure sure. Put on the suit Peter"

"Oh whatever"

I turned towards the god, "Loki. Why didn't you wake us earlier?!" Loki never told me what was happening when it was relevant. Now I know why a lot of people hated him. It also might be because he killed millions of people for no reason.

"I wanted to see how long you two would be smiling in your sleep for. It was a long time." He winked at Peter who was still lying on the bed. Peter rolled his eyes in response.

"Yeah yeah just get out so we can change"

"Oh sure 'change'" he winked again this time wiggling his eyebrows along with it. He can be such a creep sometimes.

I walked to my suitcase grabbing some clothes, and put them on my bed before walking over and giving Peter a hug.

"Sorry this is taking up our free time in Germany, but you know, I want to keep you alive."

"Well why wouldn't you? I'm awesome" I laughed. I could here the vibrations of his voice-box from where I put my head on his chest.

"Ok let's get ready to help Loki"

"You can change first I'll wait out here."

"K" I walked into the green tiled bathroom and changed. I heard my phone buzz when I walked out of the small room. I picked it up. Great it's my dad.

"Hey kid"

I put him on speaker so Peter could hear him too.

"Hey dad what's up"

"I'm sorry Adeline. I really am"

"Oh god what"

"My flight got delayed"

"By how long?"

"Another 2 weeks. I'm sorry I wanted to be there for you earlier"

"It's ok dad me and Peter are having lots of fun on our own. Don't worry about us"

"Define fun"


"Ok ok."

"Byeeee see you in 2 weeks"

"Bye kid"

He hung up before I could.

"Alright so I guess helping Loki won't take up all our free time after all" We exchanged smiles before leaving when Peter finished getting his suit on.

We walked out of the hotel to find Loki leaning against the wall disguised as a tourist.

"Really Loki? I mean I get the disguise and all but did you really have to wear a Hawaiian shirt?"

"I thought it added to the effect." He looked down then back at me in disbelief that I didn't like his shirt. He was such a softie I don't know why he didn't want anyone else to know that.

We got to his secret layer thing in the back of an ally.

"This isn't creepy at all" I said sarcastically

"What are you talking about Adeline? This is totally creepy! I feel like I'm about to get murdered!"

"Peter I was being sarcastic"

"Oh right. Sorry"

"Alright love birds we get it. Now can we save our future selves from dying?" I rolled my eyes

"Whatever lets go Peter" Peter followed me down the long twisting staircase until we got to a pitch black room. Loki's sudden loud clap echoed through the room and startled Peter and I.

"This" the god said, "Is your new workshop. Go ahead take in all its glory."

"Right...glory" I looked around at the small room that had much less than I did in mine back home. "Loki, this.. workshop doesn't have a lot of the things that I need"

His face dropped and he rubbed his chin "Yes I didn't think so" he paused before continuing "I'll get all the things you need just, just uh text me the list"

"Ok I will, I'm sorry Loki." He nodded and I turned back towards the the stairs where Peter was waiting patently. We headed back up the obnoxious spiral, while Loki stayed back and made a call

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