|Chapter 4|Thinking|

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(What do you think of the picture I drew!^^)


For a second, I thought I saw a sign of surprise on his face when I said that.

It went away almost immediately.

"Let's get you out of here." He said. I nodded and let him walk me to the ferries that would take me inside wall Rose.

End of  flashback


I blinked and looked at the captain. He still remembered that? That was almost 7 years ago. When it was his job to save my life.

I knew I looked pretty, back then anyway. But I'm not some child who believed in love at first sight. This was some sort of joke. It's gotta be.

"Are you going to say something (Y/N)?" He said grabbing my hand.

I pulled away."Levi, your my captain. It's not gonna work anyway. And, I never believed in fairy tales." I said, choking out the last words.

Why was I sad? This was for the best. Was it? I shook that thought out of my head and ran out of the office.

I turned around to look at him one last time. He was standing there. Mouth wide open. Looking at me in absolute shock.

I felt the tears start to form, so I ran for the head quarters door, to try getting some fresh air.

I passed Eren, Mikasa and Armin on the way out. They must of just got back from town.

They weren't fast enough to respond though, I was already out of ear-shot.

Then I passed Sasha.

"(Y/N)! What happened! Did the captain do something to you?! I swear I'll kick his short little butt!" She yelled after me.

I was outside. It was warm and sunny. But I ignored the beauty of the castle grounds and climbed one of the trees in the training forest.

It was tall, so I sat on one of the highest branches, out of sight unless you looked directly up.

I sat their and cried my heart out. What was wrong with me? I used to never cry.

My goal is to kill titans and save humanity! I can't be distracted by silly stuff like a kiss!

"(Y/N)! Where are you?" I heard Eren call. I saw him walk underneath the tree I was sitting on. With him was Sasha, Mikasa and Armin.

I stayed quite, but I wasn't enough. Mikasa looked up and pointed at me.

I looked away as I heard two of them climb up.

I looked down and saw Sasha and Armin waiting on the ground.

That means Eren and Mikasa were coming. I felt them sit next to me on the branch.

"(Y/N), what happened in that office?" Mikasa said softly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I started to cry even harder. Mikasa put her arms around me in a hug.

I took some deep breaths."I-I can't say. It was terrible." I coughed.

It was quiet for a minute."You can tell us anything (Y/N), were your friends." Eren said softly.

I looked at him and Mikasa. I must of looked like a mess because they had extremely worried looks on their faces.

"I-I'm ok now. Just give me a minute." I said quietly.

They looked at each other and nodded. They began to climb down and I sat there looking at the leaves sway in the breeze.

Eren's Perspective

"What's wrong with her? Is she hurt?" Sasha said as soon as our feet hit the floor.

"I don't know, she won't talk." I said.

Armin looked up at where (Y/N) was sitting.

"Maybe we should confront Captain Levi. This is our friend he hurt." He said.

"Nice plan Armin. Let's go." I nodded and began to jog back to the castle, the others behind me

We passed some people on the way to his office. We must of all looked pretty serious because we were asked a few times what happened.

"Mikasa, Sasha. Stay here and make sure no body interferes." I said. They both nodded and stayed at the top of the hallway.

Me and Armin continued to walk towards the office.

"What's that noise?" Armin asked. There was a weird noise coming from inside.

"Let's find out." I said calmly and knocked three times before opening the door.

"Captain Levi, what did you—" I started, but stoped halfway through.

I looked at Armin and he looked just as shocked as me.

I turned back, to see Captain Levi, the strongest man in the world, sitting by his desk. Crying.


"He was what?!" Sasha yelped, standing up from the table. It was later in the evening, around dinner time.

Everyone was starting to pile inside to eat."Keep it down! But yea, he was crying too." I whispered.

"Something really bad must of happened between them." Mikasa said quietly. We all nodded in agreement.

"What'cha guys talking about?" Asked Jean, who sat down next to Armin.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the others."Should we tell him?" I asked.

"I don't know, he's kind of a blabber mouth." Sasha said.

"Hey! I'm right here ya'know! And I swear I won't say anything!" He growled.

Mikasa nodded towards me and Sasha began to explain.

"So basically, (Y/N) was called to Captain Levi's office and she came out a while later crying. We followed her out into the training forest and she was up in a tree. We tried to talk to her, but she said it was too bad to talk about so we went to the captains office. And when Eren and Armin walked in they saw the captain crying. CRYING." She said, taking some deep breaths afterwards.

Jean looked at her in surprise. And then turned to me. I nodded, signaling the story was true.

"Wow, what are we gonna do about it." He said taking a bite of some bread.

I looked at him."I don't know. But we have to do something."

Your perspective

I climbed down from the tree and walked back to the castle for dinner. I was a little late, but no one cared.

As I walked inside, the only people who looked my way were the group that came looking for me and Jean.

They must of done something. I didn't really want to know, so I grabbed some food and sat at a table with some cadets I recently met.

I stretched my neck to see if Levi was sitting at the table with the higher ups.

He wasn't there.

"It's weird, Captain Levi is always telling us to be here on time, but meanwhile he can't be here himself." Said one of the guys.

I nodded, not really knowing what he said. I licked my lips. I could still taste the kiss.

Shoot! I have to get it out of my mind!

"Um, (Y/N), did you just slap yourself?" Said a girl.

"I guess I did, I'm a little weird. Sorry." I fake laughed.

The others laughed along, but I could tell they thought I was crazy.

What was I supposed to do?

Word Count: 1193

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