Even When You're Sleeping

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A/N: This one shot was also written while listening to a song on repeat. They seem to be my inspiration lately. Let's hope that this one doesn't turn out as tragic as the last one. The song is 'Eyes Open' by Pickn' On Strings.


Kyoya was frozen. There was no real need to be frozen, but he was. Something was off, and the Carnivore didn't want to move until he had figured out just what the hell it was. Suddenly, as if called by the Skylark's thoughts, a mist began to appear. "Hello Skylark-kun. What has you so stiff?" And Kyoya immediately pinpointed what had all his senses on high alert. Something was off with the Pineapple. In his head, a chibi Kyoya started panicking. But only in his head, no one would get him to panic O over something he didn't know about on the outside. "What did you do Pineapple?" The former prefect half snarled. Mukuro's face didn't show the usual smug smirk. "Have you seen Tsunayoshi?" Kyoya was perplexed. Had he seen the Small Animal? No. the last time he had seen him, the Small Animal was almost bouncing off the walls from excitement about something, and that was two days ago. "Hn. Why would I tell you?" The former prefect asked.

Mukuro sighed. That was as good as a 'No' as he was going to get from the infuriating Skylark. "No reason other than the fact that you are the last guardian that I have asked, and to receive a negative from." Kyoya stiffened. What had happened to the Small Animal?

In a split second decision, Kyoya asked a question. "Where have you checked?" And like that, Mukuro had spilled.


Mentally crossing off the kitchen from the list of places that he could be, along with the Small Animal's office, bedroom, the many bathrooms, the numerous gardens, the roof, the sky around the mansion, Kyoya's room, Kyoya's office, Mukuro's room, Mukuro's office, CEDEF, Reborn's 'tutoring' room, the many training rooms, and about four hundred closets and cupboards. It had been five hours, and the brunet was not in one of his usual haunts. In fact, at this point Reborn had also joined in on the search. They had found nothing. Which only left a few places. And by a few, Kyoya meant a lot.

"Has anyone checked the forest? Dame-Tsuna's been getting to know that place more." Reborn's voice filtered through the ear piece they had been forced to wear. The words 'I have been forcing him to explore' conveniently ignored. Negatives came from everyone on the line, and Kyoya was forced to look with Mukuro since they knew the place the best. (They had been thrown out into the forest on numerous occasions due to their constant bickering.) Needless to say, they both grumbled. But they went out together, they could act civilly when it came to the wellbeing of Tsuna. They always did. But only for the brunet, and only when it was imperative that they do so.


They found the brunet tucked into a hollow made by roots under a tree, curled up and asleep. "We found Tsunayoshi. You can stop looking." Was Mukuro's take on the situation. Settling above the only entrance and getting ready for a nap was Kyoya's take on the situation. Mukuro soon followed suit, only sitting at the entrance after summoning up a couple blankets, one for him, and two for Tsuna. The one for him was directly under the illusionist, while the two he had summoned for Tsuna were wrapped around the small brunet, keeping him warm.


A/N: Ok, started off with the intention to make it 1869. You see how that went. It turned into light 182769. I don't know how. Also, I was going to continue it and such, but I actually like ending it right where it is. I really do.

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